Ï Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views

Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views

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Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views
Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views
Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views
Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views
Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views
Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views
Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views
Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views
Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views
Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views
Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views
Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views
Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views
Four Artists: Four Non-trivial World Views
The Union of Artists has organized a joint exhibition at the capital’s Expo Center that brings together the work of four Turkmen artists, who are celebrating their 70th birthday this year.

The lapping of waves on paintings by Yolmamed Annaev from Balkan velayat serves as a poetic prologue to the exposition. The marine painter presents the Caspian Sea in a variety of ways: calm and stormy, with white-capped waves rolling onto the shore and the endless expanse of blue sea water going beyond the horizon. His painting ‘Silence’ evokes a sense of peace and tranquility: the calm morning sea and a sailing vessel waiting for fishermen. Next in line is the painter’s work ‘By the Sea’, which is charged with emotions. It depicts children happily splashing around in the sea near the rocks.

- I have really enjoyed talking to my professional peers as we rarely get the opportunity to see each other. I am delighted to see the paintings executed in a diverse range of styles and have the chance to immerse myself in an easy-going, friendly atmosphere, said the Balkan velayat-based painter (who is turning 70 on August 10) sharing his impressions of the exhibition.

Works by other three artists are on view on the Expo Center’s second floor. The focal point of the joint exhibition is paintings by Valentin Kudryashov with his distinct monumentality and bright color palette. Taking a look at his landscape paintings, strikingly reminiscent of scenes from fantasy movies, you cannot help but wonder whether they feature landscapes of our native land. Yes! Add to that the artist’s broad vision, unusual angles and contextual associations that enhance the viewer’s perception.

- I am pleased with my pupil, said People’s Artist of Turkmenistan, Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, sculptor Klychmurad Yarmamedov. – Even as a student, he began to shift away from existing standards to more innovative solutions. Back then, he developed a real passion for monumentality that can be seen now in many dominant elements of his paintings.

Together with well-known landscape paintings by Kudryashov, such as ‘The Health Footpath’, ‘Parthian Expanses’, on display is his new work – ‘Parthian Landscape’. Executed in the same intense and vibrant colors, the picture features the very same blooming wild leeks and large burdock leaves, as well as Valentin Kudryashov’s constant companion for painting en plein air (“in the open air”) - the ginger cat, frequently depicted in his works.

The painter’s ‘A Solar Eclipse’ is based on stories about how people in the East reacted to the astronomical phenomenon – it was common practice for them to shout loudly and bang cooking utensils making loud noises to save the Sun. Today, the people portrayed in the painting – a family with several generations living together, and their livestock look comical.

The painting ‘A Mulberry Tree’, communicating strong emotions, shows boys and girls treating themselves to tasty fruits from this incredibly valuable tree. The children’s faces seen through the thick foliage resemble big mulberries.

Despite its laconic style, the still-life painting ‘Kyarizchi’ (in the past, a person in charge of a kyariz, an underground water-collecting tunnel) is deeply philosophical. The painting seemingly features nothing of note - a rope, a peculiar kind of hoe (ketmen) used for digging, tools, and simple utensils for preparing meals outdoors ... However, these items and distinctive landscape elements provide a revealing insight into the history of this ancient craft.

Among the works by Kakageldy Seyitmuhammedov, an alumnus of V. I. Surikov Moscow State Art Institute, ‘A Horse Race’ is particularly eye-catching. The painting captures the mood and emotional intensity of the event.

- I have been keen on drawing and horses since childhood, Kakageldy Seyitmuhammedov told the journalists who encircled him. – The painting combines my two passions.

Works by Mary-based Meretgeldy Akmamedov, the forth painter, celebrating his 70th birthday, portray an array of women painted in warm ochre hues. The paintings with ornamental motifs that accentuate the unique national dress allow viewers to admire the diligence and skills of Turkmen women. They also reveal the depth of feelings and moods shown in the eyes, gestures and posture...

The four accomplished artists boast their mature signature styles of painting and are full of creative ideas that broaden our cultural horizons and enhance our aesthetic appreciation.