Ï Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts

Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts

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Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts
Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts
Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts
Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts
Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts
Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts
Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts
Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts
Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts
Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts
Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts
Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts
Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts
Vitaly Didenko : monologues about arts
Vitaly Didenko is a painter, who feels the pulsations of time, knows how to bring the paradoxes of perception under control of the unity of harmony on canvas.

Though all creative personalities think outside of the box, the personal touch of Vitaly’s style is strongly pronounced, his picturesque language is eclectic and metaphorical.

Vitaliy was born in the family of graphic artist Nikolay Didenko. “A look from the inside out helped me to understand and experience more of how difficult everything is — my father had to give up the favorite thing to do and do something different to raise me and give me the opportunity to be free,” says Vitaly.

“My dad did it: from the first steps into the world of arts, I had the opportunity to experiment regardless of money or materials. I was absolutely free to express myself - often as a maximalist and a nihilist, but I always tried to look at life from different points of view and was eager to share what I see”.

Vitaly Didenko works in various genres. Up to now, he learns and tries something new for himself. For example, before entering the art school, he was fond of the printing technique on linoleum and metal. At the school, he studied art and design.

“In youth, I was inspired by the works of masters of modern Western art,” continues Vitaly. “I tried to imitate one or another author. When I was 15-20 years old, I was influenced by everything that seemed new and progressive to me. Today, I use the accumulated experience in experiments with by-gold and white metal in combination with various techniques. I have works from silicone, a flat sculpture from copper, bronze and steel. I use plastic, wood and fabric to create the textures I need.

“Abstractions about urbanization occupy an important part among my works. I like a city. The energetically strong pulsation of an urban environment, design trends and high technologies, contrasts and architectural eclecticism inspire me.

“Of course, the mental environment of my native land had a great influence on my evolvement: Turkmen decorative and applied arts, ornamental embodiment of life plots and legends, philosophical symbolism of carpet patterns. Nowadays, I travel a lot and work in different countries that allow me to compare and enrich my worldview with knowledge of the cultural values of other nations. Have I found myself? Have I achieved success? It's hard for me to say, but one thing I know for sure - out of a thousand works that I have created over the past 25 years, some deserve your attention ...”

We visited the workshop of Vitaly Didenko, and the first thing that caught our eyes was portraits. Here is Didenko Sr. A spectacular pose does not distract attention from the personal depth of the painter. The canvas literally breathes with the reverent love for the father, who recently passed away.

Here is a self-portrait. ‘Samurai bunch’ hairstyle, immersion into the inner world and closed pose emphasize the philosophical nature of the artist’s signature. The personal “I” here is conveyed through the prism of semantic subtexts. Therefore, this work is perceived as a metaphor for creative depth and artistic search.

Portraits of Vitaly Didenko fascinate with emotional layering, which characterizes him as a magnificent portrait painter. He also creates other unsurpassed works. For example, the works in the style of primitivism. One of them is the picture “Piano”, depicting an old musical instrument located in the center of a tondo - a round picture. The concertmaster in a bright red dress approaches the piano, her face is not visible. Perhaps the author wanted to emphasize the significance of Art.

The painting “Orchestra”. Numerous musicians and their instruments on the canvas are presented by the artist in an original perspective - from above. We can look into the essence of this musical community. The work “Parquet” is close to this picture in content and manner of performance, where couples dance to the music of the same orchestra, exhaling complacency and fun.

“Playground” sparkles with rainbow highlights. “Once, an international couple, an Indian and a Dutchman, approached me with a request to create a positive picture for their child,” said the artist. Vitaly united children from different countries in the plot. Each of them is busy with their children's business: someone rides a bicycle, someone plays with a cat, a Jewish boy plays a violin, an American boy plays the drum, and a Turkmen girl enjoys watermelon. The picture turned out to be kind and positive.

The canvas “In the rain” ... It has so much lyrics and romance, sophisticated stylistic accents! Perhaps many of Vitaly’s works fall under this definition. For example, a series of miniature paintings “Playing Snowballs”, created in a realistic genre. The small format that emphasized the richly decorated baguette is associated with the iconic works of classical painting.

According to Vitaliy, one winter evening, walking along the square, he slipped and fell down, and then a tree in a non-trivial perspective appeared before the artist’s eyes. A new stage began in his career. The fragments of black and white and color birches, pines and plane trees fit perfectly into interior design decisions.

We told a little about the creative potential of the great artist. Getting acquainted with the versatility of Vitaly Didenko’s talent, we will look forward to the continuation of his monologue and will read with interest his extraordinary messages composed of a mosaic of picturesque strokes.