Ï Popularization of historical heritage is discussed at the conference in the Museum of Visual Arts

Popularization of historical heritage is discussed at the conference in the Museum of Visual Arts

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The Museum of Visual Arts hosted the conference dedicated to the role of mass media in popularization of historical and cultural monuments of Turkmenistan. Exhibition of archaeological discoveries has been opened under the forum.

Heads of the state historical and cultural reserves, representatives of scientific and research institutes, participants of numerous archaeological expeditions, students of universities, personnel of mass media took part in the event.

The goal of the meeting is to activate the activity of mass media for popularization of historical and cultural heritage of the country. The speakers highlighted that relations between tangible and spiritual culture of Turkmens was reflected in the State Programme of archaeological studies of historical and cultural monuments located in our country along legendary routes.

The document was developed by the Academy of Sciences together with National department for Protection, Study and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan.

At present time, relative works are carried out at Amul settlement, Dayahatyn caravansary, Big Gyzgala, Abdullahana, Dandanakan strongholds and other facilities according to this Programme.

Foreign specialists express great interest in unique historical monuments. Joint expeditions of Turkmen specialists and archaeologists from Russian Federation, Italy, France, USA, Great Britain, Poland and other countries are organized regularly to the monuments.

Historical and cultural monuments of our country are not just priceless in the aspect of national heritage and tourist potential but also play an important role in aesthetical education of younger generation.

Reports on restoration works at historical monuments were presented at the forum. Presentation of new projects took place and the places of archaeological excavations were illustrated.

It was highlighted that Turkmenistan, which is the heart of the Silk Road, has rich history. Cultural heritage, many objects of which have entered the world treasury, was formed for thousands of years. Study of the country of Margush, the Kingdom of the Bronze Age, indicates that crafts were developed on the territory of the country since old times and developed civilization was formed. The work on the territory between ancient Amul and Merv, which is a part of caravan route connecting Europe and Asia, was activated.

Large-scale activity is carried out for protection of historical and cultural heritage. 1,397 historical evidences, united into 8 historical reserves, are included in the state register. The work for inclusion of other 30 places as well as searches for unknown monuments are continued.

In the end of the conference, the participants expressed unanimous opinion about the necessity of study and popularization of civilization phenomenon of the Silk Road, place and role of Turkmenistan in operation of this legendary route that had a great importance in development of economic, diplomatic, scientific and cultural relations between the nations of Europe and Asia.