Ï Volumes of production of fruits and vegetables are exceeded this year

Volumes of production of fruits and vegetables are exceeded this year

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Volumes of production of fruits and vegetables are exceeded this year
Volumes of production of fruits and vegetables are exceeded this year
Volumes of production of fruits and vegetables are exceeded this year
Volumes of production of fruits and vegetables are exceeded this year
Volumes of production of fruits and vegetables are exceeded this year
Volumes of production of fruits and vegetables are exceeded this year
Rates of harvesting of vegetables, which has started in June, and their stocking by the facilities of the Government sector, velayat “Miwe” production associations, are increasing. It is worth mentioning that the most part of the crops is produced by representatives of private section of the country. Volumes and types of crops to be produced for provision of yearly requirements in fruits and vegetables are outlined in annual government plan for zoning of agricultural crops.

This document is made taking into account productivity of crops and features of soil and climate conditions of each region. It is a guideline for specialists of structural divisions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection. Planning of agricultural production comes together with the assessment of profitability of agricultural complex. Return of cotton to the list of the crops produced in Balkan Velayat is among the innovations in this sphere.

Etrap administrations make contracts with private tenants, farming associations as well as land lords based on long – term lease for production of planned volumes of vegetable and gourd for provision of the state order. at the request of velayat administration, the Ministry provides agricultural producers with seeding material, complex of chemical and technological services at beneficial terms. Local production is cultivated in eco-friendly conditions, without GMO – technologies and has an optimum ration between price and quality. Therefore, the consumers prefer fruits and vegetables produced in the country.

High yield of potato was received this year. All regions of the country, except Dashoguz Velayat, have picked the yield in the beginning of the summer. Dashoguz Velayat provided planned volume by September. The agrarians have exceeded planned volumes and the state received 127,019 tons of potato. Tomato is a crop of long fruiting. It is planned to produce 65,000 tons of tomato at production rates 250 centners from hectare. Ahal, Balkan and Mary Velayats fulfilled contractual obligations for production of tomato. Coastal region produced more cucumbers than other, having provided the fulfilment of contractual obligations by 114 percent. Vegetable producers of Bereket etrap are the leaders in the western region, having produced 136.5 percent of planned volume.

Farmers of Ahal and Murgab oases also fulfilled the plan for cucumber production, having delivered 927 and 1,100 tons of production to the government. Four regions except Dashoguz Velayat distinguished in onion harvest campaign. The volume of production was set at 78,500 tons level this year. As for today, the farmers of Ahal Velayat produced 15,300 tons of onion and Mary Velayat – 18,400 tons, having fulfilled the plan.

Collected volume of carrot and cabbage is more than half; the remaining part will be received in the last autumn months. It is planned to produce 21,250 tons of cabbage and 38,340 tons of carrot in the country.

The yield of cucurbitaceous crops will be 214,700 tons. At present time, Ahal and Mary Velayats have already fulfilled contractual obligations. Balkan Velayat is in the completion stage. Harvest of late melon and pumpkin will start in September so the results of cucurbitaceous crops harvest will be known by December. Grape starts ripening on the second half of July and picking of some varieties is continued up to the late autumn.

All fruit, vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops undergo microbiology analysis before sale. That is why the level of trust of consumers to local production is very high. Modern network of specialized storages provided with freezing equipment and automatic temperature and humidity system, packing lines was made for storage of the vegetables and fruits. The government sector increases own production of agricultural crops. Hothouse complex with annual output capacity of 1,500 tons of vegetable, which was built inKunyaurgench etrap and hothouse farm for cultivation of tomato in Akdepe etrap, Dashoguz Velayat are among the facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection built this year.