Ï Honorary titles are conferred to the best workers of culture and arts

Honorary titles are conferred to the best workers of culture and arts

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Decree on awarding honorary titles to workers of culture and arts in honour of the 28th anniversary of Independence of Turkmenistan for their special contribution to the development of the national theatrical art and cinematography, music, journalism, for the great services to the state and people:

The honorary title “People’s Artist of Turkmenistan” is conferred to:

Artist of the Main Drama Theatre of Turkmenistan, Yakubova Tyllagozel Baylyyevna;

Teacher of the Department of Variety Arts of Maya Kuliyeva Turkmen National Conservatoire, Berdiyev Atadjan Beshimovich;

The honorary title “Eminent Culture Figure of Turkmenistan” is conferred to:

Art Director of the People’s Art Department of the Turkmen State Institute of Culture, Melkumyan Aram Simonovich;

Main Specialist of the Press Department of Non-daily Publishing and Planning Office of the Turkmen State Publishing Service, Saparkuliyev Hekim Tachkuliyevich;

The honorary title “Distinguished Artist of Turkmenistan” is conferred to:

Chief Executive of Mollanepes Student’s Theatre of Turkmenistan, Amangulyyev Tachmammet;

Artist of the State chorus of Turkmenistan of the Palace of Mukams of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan, Redjepov Nuryagdy Sapardurdyyevich;

Artist of the “Ahal öwüşgünleri” ethnographic folklore and dancing group of the Ahal Velayat Department of Culture, Yazmammedov Guvanch Kakadurdyyevich;

Nuryagdyyeva Gurbansoltan (posthumously, was an artist of M. Tachmyradov Turkmen State Philharmonia);

The honorary title “Distinguished bagshi of Turkmenistan” is conferred to:

Turkmen language and literature teacher of secondary school No. 28, Etrek Etrap, Balkan Velayat, Mededov Ahmenberdy;

The honorary title “Distinguished journalist of Turkmenistan” is conferred to:

Head of the Department of Journalism of Magtymguly Turkmen State University, Mammedov Agamyrat.