Ï Agzybirlik Tilismaty prepares to produce notebooks, tabs and monoblocks

Agzybirlik Tilismaty prepares to produce notebooks, tabs and monoblocks

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At the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on September 6, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov approved and signed the Law on Cyber Security, which is aimed at protection of sovereignty, interests of the country, prevention of threats to network security as well as provision of public order, legal rights and interests of organizations and citizens.

The currency of the Law, which was elaborated at the request of the Head of the State, defines the processes of digitization that is widely expanded in the country. new technologies and electronic services became an integral part of the life of society. intellectual systems are introduced in activity of the government authorities and all branches, which changes completely the organization and management of business activity.

In this regard, development of national standards and methods in information security including harmonization with international standards and technical regulations is one of priority objectives of further development of Turkmenistan.

Totally new branch for the country – the computer production, makes this objective to be very important in the context of establishment of ‘digital’ Turkmenistan and provision of requirements of the economy with own information technologies.

The beginning of this direction is related with opening of Agzybirlik Tilismaty company, which was founded by the Centre of Computer Technologies of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan together with Chinese Hengsheng Lianhua Investment Management Co. Ltd. and Tongfang Hongkong Limited for production of computers in our country.

Qualified specialists certified by the Tsinghua University, which in the first in the list of China national rating and among the top world educational rating. This is the facility, which specialists develop the most perspective directions of scientific studies, is the founder of Tongfang Hongkong Limited.

This year, Agzybirlik Tilismaty made 80,000 children learning computer according to the Resolution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The computers were presented to the first grade school students of the country on behalf of the Leader of the Nation. The software of computers is able to perform 198 various educational functions and has three languages – Turkmen, Russian and English.

All programmes are designed for initial school students and include basic subjects, which kids would learn in the first three years. Therefore, the development of the software was made together with specialists of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

This is just first contribution of the company to digitization of the process of school education. Broader directions of activities in this sphere, same like in many other fields, are ahead.

As of today, Agzybirlik Tilismaty, which is oriented to successful fulfilment of the state programme of development of electronic industry, plans and on sole of them already the works are carried out for manufacturing of test samples of notebooks, tablets, monoblocks, personal computers as well as sophisticated specialized programme complexes as servers. The first batch of personal computers under own brand name is planned to be produced by the end of this year.

Experimental batch will be approximately 3,000 computers. At the same time, annual production output of the facility is 500,000 computers! In other words, the requirements of Turkmenistan in computers of own make can be satisfied for six months.

Initially, Agzybirlik Tilismaty joint venture was aimed at the solution of the objectives set by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for import substitution. The second vector of re-export of new brand appears today. It means that computer under Turkmen brand name will be supplied to neighbouring countries as Agzybirlik Tilismaty is the only plant in Central Asia for production of computer equipment. In this regard, big market is opening in this sphere.

Joint venture also work closely with Microsoft, the largest transnational company for software development, and leading producer of electronic devices and computer components, the Intel. They have already given their recommendation to the clients in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan for procurement of computers from Turkmenistan.

Entering the market with such stiff competition will be supported by available price of Turkmen electronic equipment and high quality. As for today, this is the most attractive price for consumers in the market.

Therefore, new and promising facility solves two subjects at the same time, which were outlined in the state programmes for production of import substitutive goods in the country and increment of export volumes.

As it was said, Agzybirlik Tilismaty joint venture is planning to develop serial production of servers, which will allow offering integrated solutions for development of business, enhancement of efficiency and optimization of activity to the customers.

Digitization of the government trade network in Ashgabat will the first experience in this field. In other words, all 186 shops in the capital under the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs will start electronic trade. Joint venture plans to accomplish this task by the end of the year.

In other words, all shopping outlets will be united by digital system allowing making electronic monitoring of commodities in online mode, their arrival to warehouses, dispatch to shops, volumes of sale and remaining production.

Using this system, specialists will be able to receive information about the provision of all shopping outlets of trade network with type of commodities, timely renewing the stock in the shops, having arranged uninterrupted supply. Introduction of this technology will allow making electronic reporting on sale and payments to the suppliers, controlling and managing the market more efficiently.

Special website with information about each shop with its address, contact details, variety of goods including quality information, date and place of production, packing, expiry date, etc. will be opened for the comfort of consumers. Order of item with delivery, additional information in question – answer format would be available on the website. This system will give opportunity to study the demand in local market.

- We carry out this project together with Ashgabat City Telephone Network. After the capital, we plan to introduce electronic system in shopping network of the velayats, - the Director of Agzybirlik Tilismaty Azat Chorekliyev says. – While digitization of trade takes minimum two years, its modernization has to be carried out permanently as new technologies, services, requirements and proposals come every day.

Similar project is developed for the markets as well. For example, electronic trade format is mastered by Gulistan Market, which already has its own website, where list of goods, delivery and payment by card are available. There is an idea to make ‘smart’ market without salesmen…

Introduction of electronic trade system and new services for customers will increase the production of work of personnel of trade sphere and life quality of the citizens. In addition, available information about local goods, correct analytical data on sale will give impulse to the growth of competiveness of Turkmen manufacturers and export potential. Innovations in trade industry will also support the development of digital economy in the country.

Basically, there are two ways of digitization – economic and social. Already existing service for procurement of railway tickets can be brought as an example of the first wat. Automation of the processes in Turkmenhowayollary Agency based on the best world technologies adapted for local conditions is under process.

The main feature of organization of activity of Agzybirlik Tilismaty is not use other solution but to study it for adding better efficiency applicable to our environment. Projects for digitization in economic, financial and banking spheres of the country, transport area are built on this base. For example, electronic service for banking sphere, which is to start operating this year, is under final stage of development.

- This joint venture is quite successful for the start-up, - Director of the Centre of Computer Technologies of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations Hanmammet Mollakov comments. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov entrusted us to provide first grade school student with learning computers and this responsible request was fulfilled on time. The company has shown that it follows business plan and develops at the same time. Improvement of qualification of personnel – engineers and technicians, is arranged together with specialists of Tsinghua University. Regular consultations with other partners are also held regularly.

The first facility in Turkmenistan for manufacturing of computers put high standards for opening of similar plants. Probably, they will be opened, which completely matches with the requirements of modern age, as qualitative growth is possible only under competitive conditions. In the meantime, Agzybirlik Tilismaty will have to compete only with foreign players.

In addition to well-elaborated business strategy, social responsibility of this joint venture, which provides support to orphanages, war veterans, amateur and professional sports, is worth to be mentioned.

For example, the Centre of Computer Technologies was general sponsor of Turkmenistan Open Boxing Championship in 2017. Country bowling championship is held under the Agzybirlik Tilismaty Joint Venture these days. Based on the result, the candidates for national team for international and world tournament will be selected.

Returning to the beginning of the article, it is worth mentioning that the subject of cyber security is among strategic issues for joint venture, which plans to produce the safest computers. It means the development of own programmes and training of relative personnel.