Ï President of Turkmenistan holds a conference meeting

President of Turkmenistan holds a conference meeting

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a videoconference meeting with the participation of Khyakims of Velayats and Ashgabat.

The meeting agenda focused on the aspects of the social and economic development of the country, the preparations for the forthcoming remarkable events as well as the progress in implementing the urban planning programme.

Ashgabat Khyakim Sh. Durdylyev reported on the preparations for the 28th anniversary of Independence of Turkmenistan. The Khyakim informed the President of Turkmenistan on the facilities to be put into operation in Ashgabat on occasion of the 30th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan.

The President of Turkmenistan instructed the relevant officials to take all necessary measures to celebrate the significant date on the high organizational level.

The President focused on the issues of renaming some facilities in the Turkmen capital, ordering to prepare proposals on the new name of the Nusaý Hotel, located in the center of Ashgabat.

According to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, it should be built a new high-class hotel complex in honour of Nisa, the capital of the Parthian state, which left an unfading mark in the world history. The best traditions of the national architecture should be reflected in the architectural look of the new hotel.

Ahal Velayat Khyakim, S. Berdimuhamedov reported on the situation in the region, and the measures being taken to increase the rates of seasonal agricultural works.

The Ahal Velayat Khyakim also reported on the completion of preparatory works for the cotton picking campaign.

Informing the President of Turkmenistan on the progress in construction of facilities in the velayat, the khyakim also reported on the preparations for the solemn celebration of the upcoming significant dates.

Commenting on the report, the President addressed a number of instructions on the organization of agricultural campaigns to the Ahal Velayat Khyakim.

Speaking about the upcoming Independence Day, the Turkmen leader emphasized the importance to hold the architectural premiers in the region at the high organizational level. ceremonies for the opening of facilities in the velayat it is necessary to hold high-level on a high level.

Balkan Velayat Khyakim, Y. Gylydjov reported on the situation in the region, including the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns, as well as the measures taken to further develop the industrial infrastructure and complete construction works on time.

Commenting on the report, the President of Turkmenistan instructed the Balkan Velayat Khyakim to take appropriate measures to efficiently use the material and technical equipment available in the agro-industrial complex in the region.

Dashoguz Velayat Khyakim, N. Nazarmyradov reported on the progress in implementing the winter crops sowing campaign and preparations for cotton harvesting campaign. Khyakim also informed about the implementation of the National Programme of Transformations in the velayat.

The President of Turkmenistan instructed the Dashoguz Velayat Khyakim to take effective measures to increase the paces of the sowing campaign, as well as to mobilize the available resources for the upcoming cotton harvesting campaign.

Underlining that the main priority of large-scale transformations is concern for the well-being of people, the Turkmen leader demanded to keep the issues on improvement of the social and living conditions of the population under the rigorous control.

Lebap Velayat Khyakim, T. Atahallyev reported on the situation in the region, the comprehensive measures taken to conduct agricultural campaigns at the high organizational level.

The Lebap Velayat Khyakim reported on the preparations for the festive events on occasion of the Independence Day.

The President of Turkmenistan emphasized the importance to take all necessary measures to ensure uninterrupted operation of agricultural equipment and also demanded to complete the wheat sowing campaign on time.

The President instructed the Lebap Velayat Khyakim to take the quality of construction work under rigorous control.

Mary Velayat Khyakim, D. Annaberdiev reported on the situation in the region, the paces of agricultural campaigns. It was also reported on the progress of construction works in the velayat. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined the importance to ensure uninterrupted work of agricultural equipment and high organizational level of agricultural campaigns. Summing up the videoconference meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished the participants success in their work.