Ï The President of Turkmenistan sends greeting to the participants of VI Congress of the Youth Organization of the country

The President of Turkmenistan sends greeting to the participants of VI Congress of the Youth Organization of the country

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Let me extend my congratulations on VI Congress of Magtumguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan, which is one of the leading public associations! I am confident that this Congress will be one of important events in social and political life of the country, - the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

It is mentioned in the message that the country pays special attention to sustainable development and successful integration of national economy to the world economic space. Large-scale work is carried out for development of villages, settlements, etrap centres; comfortable residential estates, big industrial complexes are under construction.

Merit of representative of all generation, including the youth, in strengthening of the foundations of independence, stable social and economic development of Turkmen state, fundamental improvement of life level of the nation is great.

The youth works in the government offices, power and administration authorities, various spheres of the economy, in particular in science and educational sphere, culture, health protection, at major production facilities, by thus actively participating in the implementation of the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025. While being involved in entrepreneurship and social activity, young people take active part in modernization of the branches of national economy and development of digital technologies. The youth, who linked their life with sports, enhance sport prestige of our independent state, - the message highlights.

Magtumguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan has made a big contribution to grandiose achievements in political life, economics, culture and other spheres of life activity of our state. From its foundation, this organization carries out an efficient work for consolidation of the youth directing its energy and intellectual potential to the development of the country.

Our course dictates new objectives to Magtumguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan. It is necessary to educate respectful and careful attitude of the youth to historical and cultural heritage relying on national culture, traditions and customs. The efforts of organization have to be aimed at the provision of legal and social protection of younger generation, propaganda of spiritual and moral values and national traditions. Young people have to dedicate all their strength, skills, knowledge and experience to dynamic development and improvement of authority of the country in the world, - the message of the President highlights.