Ï President of Turkmenistan underlines the role of the youth in implementation of reforms in the country

President of Turkmenistan underlines the role of the youth in implementation of reforms in the country

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The President of Turkmenistan addressed participants of VI Congress of Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan.

The President of Turkmenistan congratulated the newly-elected heads Chairman of the Central Council of Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan and wished them every success in their work.

The President of Turkmenistan also congratulated the forum participants on the forthcoming Day of Independence of Turkmenistan. “This holiday fills our hearts with pride for the remarkable achievements, strengthens our faith in the great future”, says the President of Turkmenistan.

According to the Turkmen leader, open for friendship and cooperation with the states all around the world, Turkmenistan in its historically short period has confirmed commitment to the democratic way of development, has strengthened its authority in the world and proved itself as a reliable partner and center of peacekeeping.

“The national economy dynamically develops, the country successfully integrates into the global economic space. Extensive work has been launched to improve the regions, build apartment houses, and introduce advanced technologies into industrial production.

“All these changes strengthen the foundations of independence and sovereignty of our state”, underlined the President of Turkmenistan.

“The country pursues the policy of broad international cooperation that meets not only national interests, but also the goals of the world community. Turkmenistan takes an active part in the implementation of major projects and programmes in the political, economic, cultural, scientific, educational, transport, communication and energy sectors that was vividly testified by the successful work of the First Caspian Forum”.

Addressing the forum participants, the President of Turkmenistan highly evaluates contribution of the youth to the achievements of the country activities, the successful implementation of national and state programmes, the democratization of the social and political life, and development of the national economy.