Ï Private facilities for import substitutive production is under construction in the west of the country

Private facilities for import substitutive production is under construction in the west of the country

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Complex measures for development of small and medium facilities making import substitutive and export-oriented production are taken in Lebap Velayat. In the last few years, network of small facilities with hundreds of new work places operate in this section.

It is planned to build and put modern plant for production of canned food, new facilities for production of distribution boxes, aluminium window and door frames, polyethylene pipes as well as decorative bricks into production in Charjow etrap shortly under the implementation of the programme of social and economic development of Lebap Velayat in 2021 – 2025.

Small facilities for production of decorative ceramic bricks will be open in Gazachak, Khalach, Dyanew, Hojambaz and Sayat etraps. Two facility for production of 50,000 tons of construction materials per year will be built in Dovletly etrap. Construction of the most of these facilities has already been started.

The programme also covers an agrarian section. Construction of the plant for cleaning and processing of rice with output production capacity of 10,000 tons per year is in the final stage. Modern farm for 500 tons of poultry eat and more than 2 million eggs per year will be built in Koytendag etrap. The construction of modern mechanized livestock complexes in Khalach and Sayat etraps is ongoing.