Ï President of Turkmenistan addresses participants of the International energy exhibition and conference

President of Turkmenistan addresses participants of the International energy exhibition and conference

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“I congratulate you on opening of the International exhibition and scientific conference “The main principles of development of the energy industry of Turkmenistan”, says President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, addressing the forum participants.

“The energy industry is one of the leading sectors of the national economy. The fact that along with the efforts taken to strengthen the material and technical base of the electric power industry in frames of the state reforms, introduce new technologies into the industry, and train high-qualified specialists, huge funds are invested into the industry is of particular importance. Developing this important area, we create favorable conditions to modernize the industry and strengthen the economic potential of the state.

“Active introduction of advanced technologies and innovations into production, creation of conditions for further comprehensive development of the state rank among the main directions for the implementation of large-scale programmes and projects to modernize the regions of the country.

“Today, when energy consumption increases all around the world, a number of states express their interest in cooperation with Turkmenistan in the field of electric power that vividly testifies to the growing authority of our country on the world market and the enormous importance of the energy industry in the development of the national economy. Along with the major project on the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline, the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan power line is also laid. The implementation of this project is of great importance not only for the participating countries, but also for the region.

“Foreign companies and businessmen interested in developing fruitful cooperation in the energy sector take part in the work of the international exhibition and scientific conference. I am firmly convinced that the exhibition and scientific conference will be of great importance for sharing experience between our specialists and foreign partners, developing promising mutually beneficial cooperation, and discussing the projects of mutual interest”, said the President of Turkmenistan in his address.