Ï Priorities of activity of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan are discussed

Priorities of activity of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan are discussed

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Priorities of activity of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan are discussed
The Mekan Palace of the capital hosted regular VI Congress of Magtumguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the work of the forum.

The agenda of the Congress, which gathered representatives of youth organizations of all levels from the cities and regions of the country, included the report on accomplished work, discussion of priority objectives of the Youth Organization and number of organizational issues.

The agenda was brought up to the review of the delegates who adopted it unanimously.

After, Chairman of the Central Council of Magtumguly Youth organization of Turkmenistan S. Babayev made a report, which provided an analysis of the work carried out since the last Congress including for implementation of the State Programme of the State Youth Policy in Turkmenistan in 2015 – 2020.

It has been mentioned that major success of our state, its growing authority are related to far-seeing strategy of Turkmen leader, in implementation of which special place is given to younger generation of the country.

Issues of harmonic development of Turkmen youth are solved on the government level; wide opportunities for its education in the spirit of high patriotism, receiving of education, going in for sports and physical training are made. New work place are opened for young personnel with putting of big industrial facilities into operation.

The Law of the State Youth Affairs, which sets out its legal base, has been adopted by the initiative of the President, the Action Plan for implementation of the State Programme of the State Youth Policy of Turkmenistan in 2015 – 2020 have been adopted.

Information about the activity of the organization in different directions in 2016 – 2019 has been presented in the report.

It was mentioned that Turkmen youth makes deserving contribution to the work for popularization of home and foreign policy, protection of national spiritual values, formation of high spiritual and moral principles of future generations.

Magtumguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan, established in November 1991, unites 4,973 primary organizations and 909,765 members. Every year, more energetic and proactive representatives of growing generation are involved in the youth movement.

In this context, the role of the Organization in implementation of social and economic reforms has been highlighted. Special attention is paid to making of necessary conditions for comprehensive and harmonic development of young people, organization of free time of growing generation, assertion of high spiritual and moral principles, activation of work in popularization of sports and healthy life style and search for new talents.

At the same time, the importance of relative activities together with other public organizations, government authorities as well as high and secondary educational institutes, science and cultural establishments has been highlighted.

Annual contests and ceremonies like the award of the Youth Prize of Turkmenistan, Children Gulbaba Prize, contest of scientific works as well as Parlak ýyldyzy, Talyp joşguny, Berkarar döwletiň bagtyýar gerçekleri, Merdana nesil, Talyp gözeli, Iň eýjejik gyzjagaz, Bagtyýarlyk döwrüniň çeper keşbi, El hünäri – il gezer, Berkarar döwletiň zehinli ýaşlary, Ylham joşguny, Ezber gözeli and other artreviews, sport competitions and TV programs are among similar events…

For the period under review, representatives of the Youth Organization took part in international conferences, summits and forums, which were held in around 30 countries of the world. visits to foreign universities and educational institutes where Turkmen students study take place on regular base. The Memorandum of Understanding with the Youth Organization of Uzbekistan has been signed.

Compilation of legal acts “Youth and Law” has been issued, the Centre of Young Scientists under the Academy of Sciences and Magtumguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan and the Councils of young scientists in scientific and educational facilities have been opened in 2017 according to the plan of implementation of the State Programme of the State Youth Policy in 2015 – 2020. Website ýaşlar.gov.tm has been opened in 2016.

It was mentioned in the speeches of the heads of the capital and regional departments of the Youth Organization, Centre of Young Scientists, department of Turkmenbashy International Port and other participants of the forum that care of growing generation is an important direction of the state policy.

Spiritual, moral and physical education of the youth is under attention of the Head of the State. The country implements the youth policy, which provides political rights and freedoms to young citizens of Turkmenistan, makes favourable conditions for their active participation in economic, political and cultural life of the state and society.

Wide opportunities are given today for receiving education, doing science and art activity, provision of comprehensive legal and social status of young citizens, protection of their rights and freedoms, support of young families in the country these days. The importance of fruitful cooperation with competent international structures and youth organizations from foreign countries has been highlighted.

The objectives set by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to young citizens on new stage of development of the state, main directions of work in the context of national development strategy were reflected in the speeches of the participants of the Congress.

During the session of the VI Congress, the participants have elected new composition of the members of the Central Council of Magtumguly Youth Organization and its leaders. Ya. Ovezberdiyev was elected as the Chairman of the Central Council of the Organization while Ya. Keriyev as his deputy.

Speaking for the participants, Ya. Ovezberdiyev expressed the gratitude to the delegates for rendered trust, having assured that he would put all efforts for fulfilment of set objectives.

Arrival of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Mekan Palace for the meeting with youth was a real surprize for the delegates. This fact is a bright evidence of great attention to younger generation of the country.

Everybody stood up to greet the Head of the State with great enthusiasm and loud applauses. Turkmen leader went up to the stage and addressed the greetings to the participants.

The President congratulated the participants on the beginning of work of the VI Congress of Magtumguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan as well as wished success in work to new members of the Central Committee of this organization.

The Head of the State highlighted that current forum is held on the threshold of the 28th anniversary of independence of the country. noting the importance of the country’s sovereignty, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that Turkmenistan confirmed its invariable commitment to democratic way of development, improved its authority in the world as powerful and prosperous state, recommended itself as reliable partner, guarantor of security and centre of peace-making for the short period.

The Head of the State noted that special attention is paid to dynamic development of national economy and successful integration of the country into global economic space.

Large-scale work for development of villages and settlements, construction of high-comfort residential estates, implementation of advanced technologies to the industry is expanded in the country. All these changes strengthen the foundations of independence, support the provision of stable social and economic development, steadfast improvement of wellbeing of the nation, - the President highlighted.

The Head of the State continued that our country pursues the policy of wide international cooperation, which meets not only national interests but also the goals of the world community. Taking into account the trends of the world development, we are the partners with competent international organizations.

Turkmenistan takes active part in implementation of major projects and programmes in political, economic, cultural, scientific and educational, transport, communication and energy spheres. This was indicated by successful work of the first Caspian Economic Forum.

In his speech, the President gave high appraisal to activity of the youth, its contribution to the achievements of the country. It was noted that young Turkmenistan citizens successfully work in government and local administration authorities, in management structures, different branches of national economy. The youth, who dedicated their life to sports, show samples of high skills, by thus, improving the authority of the country.

The Head of the State named spiritual, moral, physical and cultural development of younger generation, its education in the spirit of patriotism, humanity and hard work as one of integral conditions of the country’s prosperity. The most favourable condition are made for the youth would be able to receive good education, for their participation in social life of the country and for formation of healthy life style.

Speaking of the importance of the reforms in the country, Turkmen leader highlighted that this work is aimed at the formation of high morale, inspiration, intellectual curiosity and desire to study as science and education make the base of humankind development, outline the future of any states and fortune of the nation.

Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued that following this we take care of further development of our independent country, upbringing of educated, qualified generation of young people.

We build new high and secondary schools, kindergartens, health and entertainment centres provided with modern computers, training and technical equipment, interactive and multimedia technologies. Wide implementation of digital systems is aimed at the enrichment of the content of education and improvement of its quality to the world level, development of online education in the country.

Physical culture and sports have a big role in harmonic development of the society. Sport is an excellent way for formation of the people’s character, their commitment, restraint, fortitude and courage.

Big modern sport facilities, stadiums provided with latest equipment, sport schools and grounds, equestrian complexes have been built all around Turkmenistan.

Modern sport infrastructure of the country includes sport complexes in Avaza National tourist zone, the Olympic village in Ashgabat, which has no analogues in the region, the Golf club in the capital.

Therefore, Turkmenistan has achieved big success in the assertion of the principles of healthy life style, development of sports of highest achievements and the Olympic movement.

The sports has to be on high level in powerful country, Turkmen leader stated. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also expressed the confidence that Turkmen National team would have a success in Tokyo at the XXXII Summer Olympic Games and would hoist the State Flag of Turkmenistan high.

Our country, which declared human being as the highest value of the state and society, take great care of youth, - the Head of the State highlighted. Youth policy of Turkmenistan is pursued under national legislation and based on the principles of international law. The strategy of integrated reforms of the country sets new objectives for Magtumguly Youth Organizations of Turkmenistan.

The efforts of the Youth Organization have to be aimed at provision of legal and social protection of younger generation, popularization of national spiritual, moral and cultural values among the youth, making of conditions for further assertion of the principles of healthy life style, education of patriotism, civic responsibility, hard work, self-realization and proactivity, stimulation of professional growth and reveal of intellectual and creation potential of youth, - the Head of the State said.

Having focused on legal protection of young Turkmenistan citizens, the Head of the State noted number of benefits and opportunities given to them including the choice of education, language of study, speciality, support of private initiatives.

We welcome international contacts of the Youth Organization, which support the development of friendly and business relations with youth associations of other countries and international unions, exchange of practice. Number of our young countrymen studying in prestige foreign universities is always growing owing to such relations.

Speaking of the merits of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan, which was established on November 16, 1991, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted its role in education of physically developed and moral youth, hardworking and loyal to the Motherland generation.

Having stated that Magtumguly Youth Organization fulfilled its objectives for consolidation of youth for all these years, the Head of State set new objectives to this pubic association.

It includes wide involvement of young people to modern changes in the country, education and respectful and careful attitude to our historical and cultural heritage, stimulation of commitment in realization of creative initiatives and rights, active participation in social life.

In this context, the Head of the State outlined key vectors of further work of the organization for provision of the access to scientific and educational resources of the Internet, development of scientific, methodological, informational and visual manuals, scientific and research methods, labour occupancy of people who graduated from high and secondary special schools of the country and overseas.

For this purpose, it is necessary to prepare proposals for opening of new facilities, organize classes of professional training, improvement of qualification, to develop the measures of reward for young specialists working in remote areas. Support of young families, improvement of the level of ecological culture of youth, finding of new talents through various art contest, provision of educational facilities with profile specialists for young people with limited capabilities are in the same rank. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that support of private initiative, organization of short commercial course for youth interested in entrepreneurship, promotion of scientific activity and participation of youth in international contests, conferences, exhibitions and festivals, in joint scientific projects are among programme measures.

Special Programme of adoption of the youth in Turkmenistan to labour market and improvement of provision of youth with work has been adopted for protection of social and labour rights of youth, labour occupancy and opening of new work places. The President noted that education is a firm foundation of harmonic development of the society and the state. Formation of morally healthy new generation with wide world outlook, specialists knowing new generation technologies is the main goal of all changes. Therefore, it is necessary to continue training of high qualification specialists for further prosperity of independent state.

Advising the youth, the Head of the State noted that we live in an excellent time; the state makes all conditions for youth to grow healthy, to live happily and to receive necessary education. Studying and getting profession, working enthusiastically, you have to increase the authority and glory of the Motherland!

Having highlighted the science and its importance in stable development of any state and society as well as formation of the world outlook of people, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity of further work for bringing of national scientific sphere to the world level, active implementation of its achievements to practice.

We pay great attention to strengthening and modernization of equipment and facility base of scientific and research departments, high educational institutes, carry out big work aimed at training of specialists of high qualification, stimulation of interest of youth to scientific studies, the Head of the state said.

We are proud of success of young scientists and students at international scientific and educational contests. Institutes of the Academy of Sciences, Centre of Technologies, profile scientific and research institutes and universities of the country, Centre of Young Scientists under the Academy of Sciences and Central Council of Magtumguly Youth Organization give wide opportunities for training of qualified specialists.

Continuing the subject, the President of Turkmenistan noted that at present time, the centres of nano technologies and technologies, smart cities, know-hows and digital technologies lead to the change of human society and this technological influence of time grows in our society every day. New generation, which is able to operate developed technologies, is formed up in the result. Following this, Oguzkhan Engineering and Technology University and the Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology have been opened in 2016 and this year respectively.

The head of the State highlighted that it is necessary to render support to younger generation in mastering of modern professions, improvement of knowledge, practical skills, mastering of digital technologies, study of new scientific ideas, advanced studies and technological practice. Scientific achievements of youth open new opportunities for social and economic progress.

Spiritual and modern education and involvement of youth in sports and healthy life style were outlined among key directions of activity of the organization.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity of protection and enhancement of spiritual values of Turkmen nation including its original culture, national family traditions. Resting on gained experience in social work, the Youth Organization has to carry out an active work in this direction.

Let the honesty, hardworking and patriotism be the main values of young people’s life, Turkmen leader said, having expressed the confidence that youth of the country would work selfless for prosperity of the state.

Our youth has to improve the authority of the country in the world with its achievements in study, scientific and social sphere, in professional field and sports, - Head of the Stat Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

Having congratulated again the participants with coming celebration – the Independence Day, and on the opening of the VI Congress of Magtumguly Youth Organization, the President of Turkmenistan wished good health, happy and wealthy life, peaceful sky, success in work for further prosperity of independent and neutral Motherland to all participants.

The participants and guests of the Forum have listened the speech of the President of Turkmenistan with great enthusiasm. On behalf of the participants, the Chairman of the Central Council of the Youth Organization expressed deep gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for time in his tight work schedule for the meeting with representatives of youth of the country, having highlighted that all advices would be accepted as a guidelines.

Having said warm goodbye to the participants, the President of Turkmenistan left the Mekan Palace

Delegates of the VI Congress have unanimously adopted the resolution following from the objectives set out by the Head of the State for the Youth Organization on new stage.

The participants of youth forum looked around the expositions of the exhibition demonstrating success and achievements of modern Turkmenistan and rich cultural heritage of Turkmen nation.