Ï The President of Turkmenistan meets with the State Minister of Saudi Arabia

The President of Turkmenistan meets with the State Minister of Saudi Arabia

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received State Minister, Member of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Emir Turki bin Mohamed bin Fahd Al Saud and Vice Chairman of the Saudi Fund of Development Khalid bin Sulaiman Al Khudairy.

Having expressed the gratitude for the opportunity of personal meeting, the guests conveyed cordial greetings of the King of Saudi Arabia Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud and Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman Al Saud, who addressed wishes of prosperity and wealth to Turkmen nation. At the same time, invariable interest of friendly country in strengthening and expansion of old, fruitful cooperation with Turkmenistan has been highlighted.

Having expressed the gratitude for good words, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov passed warm greetings and best wishes to the King and Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Having stated with delight constructive character of interstate relations based on mutual goodwill of the sides and built on the principles of respect and trust, the Head of the State noted the presence of significant potential for steadfast intensification of beneficial partnership.

Continuing the meeting, the sides exchanged the opinions on perspectives of cooperation. In this context, the importance of the agreements reached under the official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in May 2016, which are aimed at further dynamic development of Turkmen – Saudi cooperation and giving new impulse to it, has been highlighted.

Course to industrialization and digitization, large-scale reformation programmes and major projects implemented in our country provide favourable opportunities for diversification of productive contacts. Trade and economic sphere, transport and communication sector, textile production and number of other spheres are among current vectors of the partnership.

At the same time, the role of bilateral Intergovernmental Commission, which activity is to support practical realization of versatile potential of cooperation, stimulation of business relations and investment activity, has been mentioned.

Taking into account the fact that Turkmenistan and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia are the world energy powers, there are big opportunities for efficient cooperation in oil and gas sphere.

Taking initiative position in provision of global energy security, our country implements the strategy of formation of multi-optional system of taking energy carriers to international markets, steadily implementing important infrastructural projects. steadfast construction of transnational Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line, which has high interest among many foreign partners, can be brought as an example in this case.

Besides, great attention is paid to fundamental modernization of fuel and energy complex, opening of high technology facilities making competitive production, which also opens good perspective for cooperation.

Being a country with rich reserves of hydrocarbon resources, Turkmenistan is guided by the policy aimed at use of this hydrocarbons for the sake of the nation as well as at taking of the production to the world market, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. Special attention is paid to the requirement of natural protection and ecology.

Having noted that Turkmenistan relies on the latest achievements of scientific and technical progress in its economic policy attracting leading foreign companies and foreign investments, Turkmen leader offered the partners from Saudi Arabia to consider the opportunity to have joint projects in oil and gas sphere, chemical industry and agriculture. The appropriateness of regular business meetings and forums has also been highlighted.

At the same time, it was noted that fruitful cooperation in humanitarian and cultural sphere is an integral part of interstate dialog, which serves to the strengthening of friendship between two nations united by similarity of spiritual traditions. Special focus was made on the Days of Culture.

Turkmen leader and his guest exchanged mutual good wishes, having expressed the confidence in successful development of Turkmen – Saudi relations meeting the goals of common success.

In the end, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov invited the King and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia to visit Turkmenistan at any convenient time.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Turkmenistan Khalid bin Faysal Al Sehli has also taken part in the meeting.