Ï Ashgabat hosted the session of Turkmen – Azeri Intergovernmental Commission

Ashgabat hosted the session of Turkmen – Azeri Intergovernmental Commission

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The capital hosted the fifth session of Intergovernmental Turkmen – Azeri Commission for economic cooperation, for participation in which representative delegation chaired by First Deputy of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Yagub Eyyubov has come to our country.

The agenda of the meeting with participation of heads and leading specialists of number of ministries and departments of two friendly countries included broad spectrum of subjects of implementation of interstate agreements as well as priority directions of partnerhsip’s development between Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.

Number of measures, which are to support the diversification of the partnership in trade and economic sphere, increment of trade volume, was outlined at the session. At the same time, the necessity of additional measures aimed at increment of export – import operations and expansion of variety of commodities and services and expansion of direct contacts between economic entities of both states has been mentioned.

Energy sector was named among key directions of cooperation. Having significant reserves of hydrocarbon resources and modern profile infrastructure, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan stand for diversification of the routes of supply of energy carriers to the world markets, which open wide perspectives for cooperation in this sphere.

Geographic location of two states on Caspian Sea makes favourable prepositions for efficient consolidation of efforts for formation of transcontinental transit and transport corridors.

In particular, the issues of development of motor ferry and railway ferry connection between seaports of two countries have been reviewed. The importance of international transport corridor Afghanistan –Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey (Lapis Lazuli) with entry to Europe has been highlighted.

Substantial exchange of the visions on intensification of the partnership inn agricultural sphere, industry and in private business has also been held.

At the same time, the importance of further improvement of traditional humanitarian dialog, stimulation of fruitful contacts in the spheres of education, science and culture as well as sports and tourism has been noted. The importance of cooperation in environmental protection sphere has also been highlighted.

Relative protocol has been signed by the outcomes of work of Intergovernmental Turkmen – Azeri Commission for economic cooperation.