Ï President of Turkmenistan congratulates construction workers, power engineers and public utilities workers on their professional holiday

President of Turkmenistan congratulates construction workers, power engineers and public utilities workers on their professional holiday

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“I congratulate you on the Day of Workers of Construction, Power Engineering and Communal Services celebrated for the first time in the country” said President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in his address.

“Specialists tin Turkmenistan have gained profound experience in developing construction projects, monitoring their implementation, ensuring the timely commissioning of facilities, and using local construction materials.

“Turkmen specialists developed the projects for construction of Ashgabat City, the new administrative center of Ahal velayat and a village in the Balkan velayat, in the vicinity of the Altyn Asyr Lake. They also developed projects of new villages laid in all regions of the country.

“All these projects were presented at the exhibition organized in frames of the First Caspian Economic Forum and were highly evaluated by the guests. This means that the Turkmen builders have succeeded in this area”.

According to the President of Turkmenistan, the energy sector is one of the leading ones in the national economy. In frames of reform, carried out in this area, new power plants were put into operation, new transmission lines were laid in the country in a short time. In order to increase the export of electricity, hundreds of kilometers of high-voltage power lines were extended to neighboring states. All these works have been carried out due to the tireless work of the Turkmen power engineers.

“To ensure reliable and uninterrupted power supply in modern villages, new industries, power engineers offer new projects on production of electricity.

“The main goal of the Institute of Solar Energy of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan is to achieve a strong connection between science and production, increase the efficiency of work in this direction. The proposals of specialists of the Scientific and Production Center of Renewable Energy Sources on the possibilities of using various energy sources testify to the positive results of our initiatives to combine science and production.

“The government attaches great importance to strengthening the material and technical base of the electric power industry, providing it with highly qualified specialists, and introducing advanced technologies.

“In order to strengthen stability, peace and friendly relations in the region, successfully integrate into the global economic space, we strive to provide not only our citizens with energy resources, but also make them available to foreign consumers. This is one of the main directions of our energy policy”, said the President of Turkmenistan in his address.

“We still have a lot to do, to develop new directions for the further development of the electricity sector, use all available resources to improve the social standard of living of the people and strengthen the economy.

“It is also important to satisfy the demand of the country in housing and communal services. Workers in this field, which over the years of independence has significantly strengthened their material and technical base and replenished the staff with qualified specialists, work in accordance with the present requirements.

“The state will continue strengthening the material and technical base of this industry, using the best world experience”, emphasized the President of Turkmenistan.