Ï The importance of Caspian strategy is reflected in the UN documents

The importance of Caspian strategy is reflected in the UN documents

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The adoption the Presidency Declaration on the outcomes of First Caspian Economic Forum, which was held in Avaza National tourist zone on August 11 – 12, as a document of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly and its release in official languages of this international organization was another evidence of the recognition of the appropriateness of international initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and growing international authority of our country.

Therefore, historical importance of the final document of the first CEF and conceptual proposals of the President of Turkmenistan reflected in this document, who considers Caspian issues in the context of global modern objectives like protection of peace of the planet, environment protection, provision of economic, energy and food security, efficient combating of common threats has been highlighted.

The first Caspian Economic Forum, which was organized by the initiative of Turkmen leader, was a major ground for discussion of overdue and important for many countries issues, which solution requires weighted and coordinated approach, detailed comparison of positions taking into account geopolitical and geo economic potential of the region. Turkmenistan has demonstrated again that willingness for real cooperation in specific and strategic directions both with Caspian states as well as the countries of other regions.

It is worth reminding that 2019 CEF has attracted representatives of around 60 countries – both neighbouring the states of the Caspian five as well as remoted geographically but having their economic interests in the region.

High level of the first Caspian Economic Forum was reflected by the fact that Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Novruz Mamedov, First Vice-president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Eshaq Jahangiri, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin, Head of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev as well as Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov and Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria Boyko Borisov have come to Avaza National tourist zone to participate in the meeting.

President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov has also took part in the ceremonial session as honoured guest.

The Forum has gathered together the delegations of different world countries, heads and representatives of competent international organizations including the United nations and its main structures, Commonwealth of Independent States, Shanghai Cooperation organization, Economic Cooperation Organization, International Federation of Freight Forwarding Associations, International Transport Union and other as well as large financial and banking structures. The heads of diplomatic missions accredited in our country were among the participants as well.

Rich programme of the Forum included numerous events like working sessions and talks, intergovernmental sessions and ministerial, business council meetings, expert consultations, thematic conferences and seminars, other profile activities. Caspian Exhibition of Innovative Technologies and International Motor Exhibition Türkmen sährasy-2019, which were attended by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, guests and participants of the meeting, were the brightest and largest events.

57 international documents related to cooperation in such sphere as information technologies, investment cooperation, trade, economic and financial field, diplomacy, transport, power energy, light industry, agriculture and water management, sport and other areas have been signed during the CEF>

The Forum and reached agreements, which were reflected in the final document, became an incentive for further development of the dialog and filling this dialog with specific and practical content.

It is obvious that humanitarian component of Caspian project was an important argument and the basis for the above-mentioned decision of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly. Being a state with the status of permanent neutrality, Turkmenistan remains committed to its pace-making role in its foreign policy.

As is known, in his speech at the Forum, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused on global importance of Caspian region, which resources are able to bring big benefits to humanity. At the same time, Turkmen leader has paid special attention to ecological problems, protection of unique ecosystem of the sea, which has no analogues on the planet.

Speaking for development of new Caspian ecological programme as a complex of natural protection measures aimed at protection and rational use of rich natural reserves of the sea, the President of Turkmenistan proposed to establish efficient channels of ‘green’ diplomacy for Caspian Sea with attraction of the states, international agencies, ecological centres and mass media to this activity.

Noting the significance of new format of international partnership, which is formed up at the ground of Caspian Forum, the President of Turkmenistan outlined the main thing, without which not a single project, not any best and good beginning are bale to start. These are peace, security, friendship and understanding between coastal states and nations living in these countries.

The vision of Caspian Sea as one of directions of the UN strategy until 2030 both in geographic and social and economic aspect by Turkmen leader is very important.

“Stability of the economy, energy security, ecological balance are the main pillars of our Caspian home”, - these words of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov are able to serve as the concept of comprehensive cooperation, which implementation will help Caspian region to take leading positions in the world economic system.

It is generally recognized that big perspectives for the partnership in Caspian Sea are opened in energy sphere, which in its turn, will support the decision of many social issues like opening of new work places, improvement of quality and level of life on people, development of social infrastructure.

Geopolitical resources of this direction, according to the Head of the State, which is able to change economic landscape of entire region completely, is in the strengthening of its role and impact in the world market.

In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov reminded about the idea to establish Caspian regional logistic centre. The Head of the State has also highlighted the necessity to establish efficient trade relations between Caspian region and foreign markets. The need in activation of cooperation with profile international structures including with the UN specialized commissions has been noted.

In this regard, we would like to remind that proposal of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on opening of Caspian Innovative City as the base ground for technological and innovative breakthrough of the countries of the region has raised keen interest and wide support of the delegates of the IN CEF as well as business communities of not only Caspian by dozens of other countries.

The President of Turkmenistan has also proposed the countries participants of the CEF 2019 to initiate wide multilateral dialog on integrated development of Caspian region in the United Nations. This initiative was approved as the inclusion of the UN mechanisms would give additional impulse and enforce the importance of the region in the world arena.

Decision to hold Caspian Economic Forum on regular basis in the coastal cities of Caspian states was one of the main outcomes.

“We want to see Caspian Sea as a space of cooperation, development and prosperity, free of conflicts and confrontations, a place uniting the energy of the states, international organizations, business, scientific and technical potentials”, - this was the way Turkmen leader outlined strategic perspective and model of future for Caspian region.

Recognition of the Presidency Statement by the outcomes of the First Caspian Forum by the UN General Assembly is the best evidence that innovative strategy of the President of Turkmenistan is supported by the world community.