Ï 2021 – international Year of Peace and Trust

2021 – international Year of Peace and Trust

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Unanimous adoption of the Resolution on declaration of 2021 as International Year of Peace and Trust proposed by Turkmenistan by the member states at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly indicates big requirement of this initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Peace and trust, these are the things the humanity needs most of all as at present time, these two concepts become the main condition of cooperation and development. Universal security and prosperity of all nations of the planet, progress and humanity, spirituality and friendship, all of these were absorbed by the idea of Turkmen leader, who acted as the Head of independent state, which has recognized neutral foreign status.

Pursuing the policy of goodwill not only in the region but also with all interested states, Turkmenistan not only looks for the points of joint interests but also finds mind-like states among its partners, which aim at effective joint work for common sake. This is a guarantee of success of current and future international activity of our country.

The policy, which is successfully implemented by Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, is based on neutrality, which is a modelling principle of building of relations in the world arena, a principle, which was formed up in deep historical roots, national mentality and fundamental provisions of modern world outlook paradigm.

“Peace is not just an absence of conflicts but also a positive, dynamic process based on wide participation with encouragement of a dialog.”, - new Resolution of the UN General Assembly, which calls to activate the efforts and activity in promotion of culture and peace, notes.

Today, Turkmenistan focuses on economic aspect of neutrality in its international activity proposing and implementing big projects with participation of different states. However, peace-making mission is the main character feature of Turkmen neutrality, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlights.

After receiving neutrality in 1995, Turkmenistan steadily implements all provisions of relative UN Resolution taking specific measures for regulation of the situation in the region and becoming a messenger of ideas and principles of the United Nations in Central Asia.

Opening of the UN Regional Centre of Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in Ashgabat in 2017 was a new milestone of fruitfully developing cooperation between Turkmenistan and the UN. The work of the Centre supports the establishment of stability and strengthening of efficient relations in the region.

Partnership with the UN allows Turkmenistan implementing its neutral status as an important factor of regional stability and security while adoption of the Resolution on declaration of 2021 as International Year of Peace and Trust indicates the recognition of the practice of our country in this aspect as useful for wider implementation.

When Turkmenistan received its neutral status, this decision was accepted with the approval of the world community. However, there were opinions on possible self-isolation of the country but it is obvious that foreign course taken under positive neutrality under leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov refuted these pessimistic forecasts in practice.

In addition, it can be noted without exaggeration that Turkmenistan has become recognized negotiation ground for the most important problems of the present and in the most different formats. The First Caspian Economic Forum and session of the CIS Economic Council can be brought as an example of recent events.

Next month, Ashgabat will host the sessions of the CIS Council of the heads of the states and Council of the heads of the Governments. Being an associated member of the CIS, Turkmenistan considers cooperation under this organization as an important component, which is to enrich and give additional impulse to our relations with the Commonwealth countries and to fill the cooperation and historical traditional relations with new content.

Invariable principle of Turkmen state is to support the solution of disputable issues and confrontations in international affairs by diplomatic methods, establishment of fair and creative world order. This point of view seems to be more stabilizing in the age of globalization and crisis of trust on the background of confrontations occurring in one or another country.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov formulated the position of Turkmenistan in the context of joint efforts for provision of global security and sustainable development clearly and precisely: “Variety of interests is a unity of goals!”

Geographic and geopolitical location of Turkmenistan, its role as neutral peaceful state make the country to be a mediator between the East and the West. Today, Turkmenistan has multilateral dialog on the subject of political, humanitarian and economic cooperation and combating against terrorism as well as develops partnership under international structures.

Having enormous economic potential, rich history and culture as well as having strong political will of the leaders, Turkmenistan becomes the main player not only in the region but also in development of important international decisions, which have global significance.

New initiative proposed by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and supported by the UN at the 73rd session of the General Assembly also follows the main goals of the policy of positive neutrality of Turkmenistan. In particular, these are strengthening of regional stability and security, development of economic cooperation, energy partnership, scientific and cultural cooperation, making of favourable conditions for trade and investment activity.

Neutrality is a live and creative process including political, economic, historical and social aspects. Undoubtedly, the origination of universal tool of solution of acute problems in international relations supported to the formation of new conceptual foundations of the world order, improved approaches t solution of current issues and response to challenges that humanity faces in the third millennium.

On what basis the trust between the states can be formed up in modern period?

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that it is based on humanization of the relations in general, on development of spiritual, cultural and educational relations, on creation of such institutes and mechanisms of international system, which are able to reduce risks and uncertainty, to strengthen security and to achieve the balance of interests.

Initiating the process of the formation of similar instruments of international policy, either this is water or energy problems, transport or other spheres of cooperation, Turkmenistan suggests to take coordinated development of decisions and measures as a base. In other words, the countries have not to compete for resources, access to the markets, etc. but to distribute their capabilities fairly and transparently taking into account not only the needs of other states but future generations as well.

This urge is reflected in 2030 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN. The progress, which is demonstrated by Turkmenistan in implementation of the SDGs, puts it t leading positions in their achievements.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that foreign policy of any state is an integral part of home policy. The key to understand the meaning of announced goals and practical measures of any country in the world arena, philosophy of its foreign course is in this interrelation.

Proclaiming and implementing the principles of peace-loving, harmony, tolerance and humanity in society, Turkmen state projects these concepts to its relations with the world. In this aspect, the neutrality of Turkmenistan is based on solid moral carcass of internal government arrangement being its logical continuation and reflection of the best features of Turkmen nation.

For almost quarter of the century, neutral, peaceful foreign course of Turkmenistan has demonstrated its correspondence with national interests and long-term goals of the world community, criteria of constructive and balanced approach to provision of international stability and security, assertion of the principles of the UN Charter as the base of interstate relations.

Our country is willing to expand the cooperation with the UN in such important subjects as peaceful regulation of the situation in Afghanistan, support to regional disarmament processes and reduction of arms stockpiles. Turkmenistan is committed to uncompromised combat against international terrorism, extremism, transboundary organized crime, illegal drug trafficking.

Success in counteraction of these challenges can be achieved only from the positions of cooperation, mutual responsibility and joint activity strengthening the basis of stability existing safety structure.

The UN Resolution, which is co-authored by 73 states, highlights that International Year of Peace and Trust gives an opportunity to mobilize internatioanl community to strengthen peace and trust in the relations between the states based on political dialog, understanding and cooperation, in achievement of stable peace, solidarity and harmony.

Therefore, the phenomenon of neutrality, which recommended itself as efficient mechanism of multilateral diplomacy in practice of Turkmenistan, received its further development in new UN document, which was adopted by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.