Ï Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog

Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog

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Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog
Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog
Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog
Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog
Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog
Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog
Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog
Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog
Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog
Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog
Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog
Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog
Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog
Heads of international missions note the role of Turkmenistan in activation of political dialog
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a briefing dedicated to the adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution “2021 International Year of Peace and Trust” initiated by the President of Turkmenistan and to the release of the Final Statement of Caspian Economic Forum in official UN languages as an official document of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly.

Representatives of diplomatic corps accredited in our country, relative UN structures, foreign and local mass media have been invited to the meeting.

It was highlighted that multidimensional cooperation with the United Nations Organization is the main aspect of foreign policy of Turkmenistan, which is based on the principles of positive neutrality, peace-loving, goodwill and wide international cooperation.

Strengthening of universal peace, security and stability are the most important vectors. Constructive initiatives of the Head of the State, which have been approved and supported by the United Nations Organization, are aimed at this. Resolution of the UN General Assembly on declaration of 2021 as International Year of Peace and Trust, in favour of which all members of the UN have voted, is another evidence of this.

Practical implementation of this idea, which was proposed by Turkmen leader, is to give new impulse to international cooperation for development of certain measures for reduction of tension, peaceful, political and diplomatic regulation of disputes and confrontations, recovery after the crisis of trust and understanding, strengthening of peace on the planet.

The document highlights the necessity to develop and strengthen a preventive diplomacy based on multilateral political dialog and the role of the United Nations in this regard.

Video of the speech of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the session of the UN General Assembly in September last year, where specific initiatives of our country aimed at further expansion and intensification of fruitful cooperation, which meets the interests of prosperity and progress in global scale, has been demonstrated to the participants of the briefing.

It was followed by the speeches of the Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan in the United Nations Organization Aksoltan Atayeva, the UN Permanent Coordinator in Turkmenistan Elena Panova, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Central Asia, the Head of the UN Regional Centre of Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia Natalya Herman, the Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat Natalya Drozd, the Head of the Contact Bureau of the European Union in Turkmenistan Lubomir Frebort, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Turkmenistan Halid Bin Faysal Mustafa Al Sehli and other participants.

It was highlighted that adoption of the Resolution, according to which 2021 was declared as International Year of Peace and Trust, has become an important event in the life of the world community. This document reflects the position of the UN Secretary General, world leaders and common vision of protection and strengthening of peace and ways to improve this process.

Peace-making initiatives and proposals on topical issues of the present, which are steadily made by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on regional level as well as under the United Nations, has brought high authority to Turkmen leader.

Today, Turkmenistan is recognized as a state that make significant contribution to the strengthening of peace, support of good relations between the countries, formation of the climate of trust and understanding, improvement of equal partnership and beneficial cooperation in the world arena.

Having congratulated the country and all participants on remarkable event, the UN Permanent Representative in Turkmenistan Elena Panova highlighted the symbolism of the fact that this Resolution has been adopted on the threshold of the Independence Day, which is very important in historical, social and cultural aspect for Turkmen people. It is also symbolical on international level as it has happened on the threshold of the International Day of Peace, which is observed annually on September 21.

Turkmenistan confidently promotes humanitarian and political initiatives, which have historical significance, in the world arena in the context of support of peace on the planet, protection of environment, provision of economic, energy and food security and efficient combating against global threats, Mrs Panova said citing the words of Turkmen leader.

It was highlighted that while being full and initiative participant of the world politics, Turkmenistan makes significant contribution to the provision of stability and security in regional and global scale standing for strengthening of the partnership in disarmament, in combating against terrorism and drug trafficking as well as in other challenges and threats.

In this context, the United Nations Organization fully supports new initiative of the President of Turkmenistan on organization of International Conference on Peace, Security and Development Affairs in Ashgabat in December 2020 as well as on development of the UN regulations for efficient implementation of the principles of neutrality during regulations of international issues.

Special Representative for Central Asia of the UN Secretary General, Head of the UN Centre of Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia Natalya Herman noted that timely and important Resolution of the UN General Assembly 2021 International Year of Peace and Trust has become the embodiment of the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan, which he proposed at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly. It matches the words of the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who repeatedly highlighted that modern world suffers from acute form of the ‘deficiency of trust syndrome’.

This Resolution is also a reflection of the status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan recognized by the UN and foreign policy of Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which promotes the support of peace, security and sustainable development in regional and global scales.

The UN Regional Centre of Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in Ashgabat, which work is carried out in many directions, has a big potential in this sphere. The core of this work is composed of the efforts for reduction of tension, peaceful solution of disputes and confrontations through the encouragement of dialog, making of weighted, responsible and coordinated solutions.

Taking an opportunity, N. German expressed the gratitude to Turkmen side for permanent support rendered to the Regional Centre and active participation in joint work.

Issues of the climate change, environment protection and rational use of water resources take an important place in priorities of Turkmenistan at the session of the UN General Assembly. In this regard, the appropriateness of the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on development of the UN Special Programme for Aral Sea basin and putting of Aral problem into separate direction of the United Nations activity have been highlighted.

It was mentioned that efficient management of water and energy resources and rational use of nature are very important for Central Asia countries in the context of the consequences of the climate change, melting of glaciers, which are the main source of water, as well as desiccation of the Aral Sea.

The initiative of Turkmen leader on water diplomacy has good future to turn into new form of multilateral communication for consolidation of efforts in equal, beneficial and fair water, energy and natural protection dialog, Nataly German said, having assured that the Regional Centre would provide comprehensive support from its side for promotion of international consensus and constructive beneficial dialog in this sphere.

Transport and communications sector is one of the main segments of the world economy, which plays an important role in solution of objectives for provision of sustainable development. Making specific proposals for formation of multimodal transit and transport and logistic infrastructure, neutral Turkmenistan, which is located at the intersection of interregional routes of Eurasian continent in the heart of new Silk Road, successfully implements big projects in this sphere together with foreign partners.

Relative UN Resolutions adopted by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as well as outcomes of the first UN global Conference on Sustainable Transport in Ashgabat in the end of 2016 gave new impulse to international cooperation in this segment.

We support the expansion of the efforts of Central Asia and Caspian countries in this direction for sustainable development and stimulation of economic growth and social development, N. German said.

The Head of the RCPDCA has also stated that the 75th anniversary of the United Nations and 100th anniversary of the League of Nations would be observed in 2020. The UN intends to use this remarkable dates as another reason to look for renovation ways of global cooperation through the dialog all over the world, especially with young generation. Therefore, next session of the UN General Assembly will be held under the colours of youth and under slogan “The Future We Want, the UN System We Need”, N. German said.

Following this slogan, the Regional Centre in Ashgabat has included entirely new direction – the Preventive Academy youth project, into its programme this year. The Head of the RCPDCA noted again the similarity of Turkmen priorities at coming session of the General Assembly with the plans of the UN on reformation and improvement of efficiency of the Organization in the context on new challenges, which the world community faces, and on their recovery.

In her turn, Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat Natalya Drozd has also highlighted that having initiated the resolution of declaration of 2021 as International Year of Peace and Trust, Turkmen leader again confirmed his commitment to the obligation to use neutral status for support of global efforts aimed at provision of peace and security.

Getting the status of neutrality in 1995, Turkmenistan proved in practice repeatedly the efficiency of this high status based on the dominant of peace and political dialog and its important role in improvement of trust and cooperation between states as well as in solution of problems related to regional security. Due to this, our country has unique potential for development of peaceful cooperation and active use of political and diplomatic methods of solving of conflicts and disputes.

The adopted Resolution declares that International Year of Peace and Trust will give new opportunities for attraction of the world community to take active measures for strengthening of peace and trust in relations between the states based on equal political dialog., understanding and cooperation. Undoubtedly, it will support not only sustainable development and strengthening of security but also the respect of human rights, which is the main principles of provision of peace.

The Head of the OSCE Centre has also noted that the Resolution highlights the role of international, regional and sub-regional organizations in encouragement and protection of peace and urges to join the efforts for International Year of Peace and Trust and implementation of educational, informational and awareness activity in the key role of peace and trust for provision of security.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe high appreciates the position of neutral Turkmenistan under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about the strengthening of peace and trust as well as regulation of all disputes between states by peaceful talks based on the principles of equal responsibility for peace and security, Natalya Drozd highlighted.

As is known, the OSCE is the biggest in the world regional forum for political dialog in wide range of issues of peace, security, democracy and human rights and the platform for joint activity for improvement of life of people and their communities.

Due to comprehensive approach to security, which covers military and political, economic and ecological, human measurements and to the principle of making of decisions based on consensus, the OSCE efficiently supports the recovery of differences and formation of trust between states by cooperation in prevention of conflicts, regulation of crisis and post-conflict restoration.

The OSCE Centre in Ashgabat, which observed its 20th anniversary this year, has established constructive cooperation with Turkmen side, - the representative of this competent organization noted. For the last several years, in close cooperation with the Government of Turkmenistan, the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat has organized number of events in such current issues of security as combating against extremism, counteracting against using of the Internet in terroristic purposes, role of woman in provision of security and development process.

High-level OSCE Conference on combating against financial support of the terrorism and organized crime has been held in Ashgabat in April this year. Such events are bright evidence of mutual interest in intensification of the partnership between the OSCE and Turkmenistan in such important subjects of modern development, - N. Drozd said.

The Head of the OSCE Centre congratulated President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Turkmenistan citizens on unanimous adoption of the Resolution of the UN General Assembly on declaration of 2021 as International Year of Peace and Trust, having expressed the confidence that this document will give new impulse to the efforts of the United Nations aimed at development of new political and diplomatic methods of provision of peace and will support the strengthening of bridges of trust as well as spirit of unity and cooperation between the members of the world community.

Head of the Contact Bureau of the European Union in Turkmenistan Lubomir Frebort highlighted in his speech that the Resolution adopted by the UN indicates general recognition of neutral, peace-loving foreign course of Turkmenistan and its compliance with criteria of constructive and balanced approach to provision of international stability and security as a base of interstate relations.

The European Union welcomes the expansion of the partnership between Turkmenistan and the UN in such important issues as peaceful regulation of the situation in Afghanistan, support of regional process of disarmament and reduction of weapon stockpiles, its uncompromising combating against terrorism, extremism, transboundary organized crime, illegal drug trafficking , the representative of the EU said.

It was also noted that support of peace, stability and trust cuts through the Global Strategy of foreign and security policy of the European Union. At present time, the European Union works on two new regional programmes aimed at combating against terrorism and extremism in Central Asia.

New strategy of the UN for Central Asia, which includes three main components – activation of political dialog in sustainable development, counteracting against external threats and modern challenges and support of economic modernization, which was adopted several months ago, is to support the solution of these objectives.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Turkmenistan Halid Bin Faysal Mustafa Al Sehli has also noted the importance of the UN Resolution “2021 International Year of Peace and Trust adopted by the initiative of Turkmen leader.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia highly appreciates and supports peaceful policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which led to rapid progress of neutral Turkmenistan and growth of its international authority, Mr Al Sehli said, having addressed congratulations to Turkmen leader and people of the country on occasion of coming 28th anniversary of independence.

Release of the Final Statement of Caspian Economic Forum in official languages of the UN was another subject of the comments. The participants highlighted that this Forum in Avaza National tourist zone in August this year was a bright evidence of important role of neutral Turkmenistan in improvement of international and regional cooperation.

By the outcomes of the speeches, the participants of the briefing have come to single opinion that taking an active position in development of balanced solutions of global problems, Turkmenistan takes specific measures in this directions trying to put its peace-making and creative potential for service to humanity, to support comprehensively to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals declared by the UN.