Ï Cotton picking campaign in the northern region of the country

Cotton picking campaign in the northern region of the country

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Agricultural workers in Dashoguz velayat launched the cotton picking campaign.

In the northern region of the country, cotton is sown on 140,000-hectare area. It is planned to produce 230,000 tons of ‘white gold’ this year. Agricultural workers in the region gave the preference to medium-fiber varieties, such as Dashoguz-120, Serdar, S-4727, Jeyhun, 149F, etc.

Modern agricultural equipment, including high-performance John Deere combines, cotton-picking machines MX-1.8 (produced in Uzbekistan), trucks and tractors with trailers ensure an interrupted rhythm of field work.

Cotton is delivered to 44 receiving points and 9 ginneries of the Daşoguzpagta production association.

Specialists of the Türkmenstandartlary General Public Service check the quality of cotton in the special laboratories supplied with modern equipment.

Heads of the velayat and etrap khyakimliks, peasant associations, as well as the representatives of public organizations, scientists, experienced agronomists, combine harvesters, drivers and cotton tenants attended the festivities on occasion of the start of cotton picking campaign.