Ï First kennel for breeding alabays is opened in the country

First kennel for breeding alabays is opened in the country

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First kennel for breeding alabays is opened in the country
First kennel for breeding alabays is opened in the country
First kennel for breeding alabays is opened in the country
First kennel for breeding alabays is opened in the country
First kennel for breeding alabays is opened in the country
First kennel for breeding alabays is opened in the country
First kennel for breeding alabays is opened in the country
First kennel for breeding alabays is opened in the country
First kennel for breeding alabays is opened in the country
First kennel for breeding alabays is opened in the country
Opening ceremony of the complex of facilities of «Türkmen alabaý itleri» business entity was held in Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal Velayat. Deputies of the Mejlis, heads of administration of Ahal Velayat, honoured elders, personnel of cultural sphere, students and local residents took part in the opening ceremony of the first in the country facility of this profile.

The participants of the event meet Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Serdar Berdimuhamedov who came for the ceremony. Having greeted the participants, the Head of the region spoke with the elders, expressed his interest in current changes and presented new book of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkman Alabay” to the participants of the ceremony.

The floor was given to Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Serdar Berdimuhamedov. The Head of the region congratulated the participants on coming Independence Day, on threshold of which current ceremony took place.

It is remarkable that opening of the kennel, which will carry out work for breeding of legendary Turkmen alabays, fell on recent release of the book of Turkmen leader, which narrates about the role and history of this unique dog breed in life of our people. This work, which is actually a scientific and popular book, gives an opportunity to feel national features of attitude to dogs, their training and breeding.

Being dedicated companions of Turkmens throughout the millenniums, not only assistants, guard and defenders but also friends, the alabays have always demonstrated courage and selfless devotion. Due to these features, these four-leg allies of human took deserved place in culture, art, literature and folklore of Turkmen national and its life.

It was in the years of independence when an end to illegal export of Turkmen alabays out of country was put on the background of the process of returning of spiritual and cultural heritage to the nation. New varieties of dogs can be bred out by methylation while the breed, which history counts thousands of years, is hard to find.

Opening of new complex indicates great attention that is paid to Turkmen alabays in our country. this is another good example of what importance is paid to breeding and correct training of the dogs, protection and development of their best outstanding pedigree features, further popularization of our national heritage in the world, Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Serdar Berdimuhamedov said at the opening ceremony of the kennel.

Honoured elder who made a speech at the event, expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on behalf of all compatriots for his contribution to revival of national traditions.

It was highlighted that book “Turkmen Alabay” has supplemented the cycle of works of the Head of the State about the pride of our nations, integral part of its historical, cultural and spiritual heritage.

It narrates not only about the origination and development of one of the oldest breeds in the world but also reveals the uniqueness of this achievement of Turkmen people, who managed to nurture such features as courage and nobility, boldness and loyalty in their dogs, having made a living monument of people’s love of the alabays.

Undoubtedly, the release of new book of the Head of the State in Turkmen, Russian and English languages will give an opportunity to the world community to receive full picture of the alabays, which occupy an important place in the history of Turkmen nation.

The interest in the alabay has significantly grown up in the world in the last several years. The alabays owe their growing popularity to their effective look – these are big and physically fit dogs, reliable in character and behaviour, kind and obeying. These dogs deservingly took leading positions among the watchdogs in many countries.

Both professional and amateurs dog breeders have an objective to protection and develop valuable features of the alabays. Following centuries-old traditions of breeding of this species will help to protect its outstanding features, which distinguish Turkmen alabay from other dogs. Therefore, it is very important to collect and sum up the practice of breeding of the alabays and share gained knowledge.

During the opening ceremony, the floor was given to young dog breeder. Having congratulated all participants on the opening of complex of facilities of «Türkmen alabaý itleri» business entity, he expressed gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov that young generation has all conditions and capabilities to do what they like to do.

The facility that was opened is a sign of big attention to those who breed and take care of the alabays, - young man said.

After, honoured guest cut symbolical ribbon, having marked the opening of the complex of facilities of «Türkmen alabaý itleri» business entity. The participants of the ceremony looked around new facility, having inspected the conditions made in the complex for section work and breeding of the alabays.

The construction of the complex was carried out by joint efforts of «Bary» business entity who was general constructor as well as the main and subcontractor, which performed all works according to the requirements.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov writes in his book “Turkmen Alabay”:”at one of the sessions of the Cabinet of Ministers, which was held in the beginning of the year “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity”, I have made a proposal to open specialized veterinary centre under sponsorship of the Government near Ashgabat. At the same time, the Government of Turkmenistan assumes full responsibility for expenses on construction of this veterinary centre for the pets. The veterinary centre will be provided with advanced equipment and will meet all modern international standards”.

The construction of this veterinary centre will be completed soon but today, specialized kennel for Turkmen alabays, which occupies 1 hectare, was opened. Its infrastructure has all necessary as big dog need a space and zoning. The kennel is designated for 40 big dogs and 30 puppies.

The territory of the kennel has administration building, block for personnel, security checkpoint, recreation place for workers. The laboratory of new centre is provided with necessary modern equipment. The complex has auxiliary premises for feeding and washing dogs, storage and chilling rooms; 5 buildings are allocated for veterinary services.

In addition, indoor training ground was built for training of dogs and special ground with visitors stands was made for demonstration performances. It has two garage for vehicles, technical and other auxiliary facilities.

The territory of the complex is developed and has green zones. New road leading to the kennel has been built. Having looked around the conditions of the centre, the participants of the ceremony ensured that all requirement for pedigree breeding of the alabays, finding and improvement of character features in their offspring as well as comfortable and fruitful work of selectionists, breeders, pet doctors and other specialists have been taken into account during construction.

In his new book, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov writes that careful attitude to protection and breeding of the alabays is our common duty to leave it as a heritage to future generations as our ancestor did in the best state.

Opening of the complex of facilities of «Türkmen alabaý itleri» business entity has become deserved response to the call of the Head of the State, who is a bright example of selfless service to the Motherland and restless activity for the glory of Turkmen nation, its national values and cultural heritage.

Turkmen alabay has stood life exams lasting for several thousand years with excellence owing to its unique features. Today, accompanying Turkmens in their life, it also enters new age and ancient traditions of its breeding are continued in new format.

True supporters of this breed are confident that it is necessary to be bred on professional level in order not to lose its outstanding features as our responsibility to the history involves this, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov nots bearing this thought through his new book “Turkmen Alabay”.