Ï Commemorative medals to the 25th anniversary of neutrality and the 30th anniversary of independence to be instituted

Commemorative medals to the 25th anniversary of neutrality and the 30th anniversary of independence to be instituted

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25 years is observed from the day of Turkmenistan’s neutral and legal status in 2020. To dedicate this remarkable event, the Head of the State ordered to organize international conference as well as speeches of our ambassador to foreign countries, in the UN and other international structures.

Series of events will be prepared and organized on occasion of this anniversary date including round table sessions, conferences, meetings, music performances. Award ceremonies of deserved citizens with state awards will also take place.

Board Chairman of the Central Bank M. Annadurdiyev and R. Meredov were requested to design samples of commemorative medal dedicated to the celebration of the 25th anniversary of neutrality.

In 2021, the country will celebrate the 30th anniversary of independence. In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has requested M. Annadurdiyev and Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova to design samples of commemorative medal on occasion of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan Independence.