Ï The UIET to coordinate the work of new tourist structure

The UIET to coordinate the work of new tourist structure

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Active work for efficient involvement of the capabilities of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs to tourism industry is carried out. As of today, profile structures in the velayats and capital have been privatized in set order and tourist company, which is supervised by the UIET, has been founded for coordinated management of their activity.

Functions of new structure include development of proposals for improvement of national tourist industry, organization of different events in this sphere, study and implementation of the best world practices.

Digitization of the branch covering all range of services is provided as one of targeted measures in this direction. It will make tourism business to be more flexible, adapted to the realities of modern day and competitive in digital world.

Modern informational environment will make travelling to Turkmenistan to be available as well as will improve the quality of services and attractiveness of many internal directions. At the same time, digitization of the sphere will allow using its recreational resources more efficiently and making business process easier. It will support the popularization of tourism sphere of the country in foreign market. New tourist company plans to enter into agreements with profile foreign companies and to open representative offices in foreign countries.