Ï Responsible stewardship of the environment – the way of sustainable development

Responsible stewardship of the environment – the way of sustainable development

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has approved new edition of National strategy for climate change, by thus having started next stage of steadfast work for planning and response to climate impacts in our country.

Today, the understanding of the fact that it is only stable social and economic development, which is able to reduce the exposure to climate change and to provide adaptation of the economy and society to this, is growing. Being in the stream of global processes consolidating international efforts in solution of common humankind problems, Turkmenistan approaches its contribution to this matter with full responsibility as joint work and consolidation of potentials are the only right way to protect our planet and life on the Earth.

In this context, our country develops active cooperation with the United Nations Organization and its agencies including in the ecology proposing international initiatives and taking part in big projects and programmes in this direction, development of consolidated measures for climate changes.

It was highlighted at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers that Turkmenistan is one of the first UN members, which adopted National Strategy for climate change. This document, which sets out the main principles, specific goals and measures for reduction of emissions, was adopted on the threshold of RIO+30 Summit on June 15 , 2012 and has been efficiently implemented practically within seven years. At first, this is related to stage transition of all main measures of production activity to the parameters of ecological safety.

Speaking at the 70th session of the General Assembly in the UN Headquarter in September 2015 when the 2030 Global Agenda was adopted, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that social and economic development of the states and nations of the planet is impossible without care of the environment. At the same time, the President said about the readiness of our country to join International treaty at the Climate Summit, which was held several months after in Paris.

Signing of the Paris Treaty by Turkmenistan, which later has been ratified by the Mejlis of the country, took place in the UN Headquarter in New York after one year in September 2016.

The Paris Treat, aimed at prevention of global climate change, is a big international agreement, which has entered into force on November 4, 2016. All sides, which have signed new agreement of the UN Framework Convention on climate change, undertook voluntary obligation to reduce gas emission and informed the Secretariat of the Convention about selection of law carbon development.

Draft of new edition of the climate strategy of Turkmenistan, which provides implementation of systematic measures for solution of set objectives in this sphere, has been developed taking into account the obligations followed from the SDGS and Paris Treaty.

In the beginning of this week on September 23, the day when the Summit on Measures for Climate Change held by the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres took place in New York, the Head of the State approved new edition of National Strategy for Climate Change on Ashgabat. It was another evidence of the country’s commitment to international ecological conventions and has become logical continuation of active natural protection policy of Turkmen leader.

It is worth reminding that Turkmenistan has also proposed initiative on opening of the Regional Centre for technologies related with climate change under the UN aegis in Ashgabat. At the same time, our country offers its huge potential for use for common interests, its vision of global goals and its capability for achievement of these goals.

Regarding home policy in these objectives, it implies priority of high-technology branches, making of conditions for development of green economy as the basic element of operation of entire infrastructure of life support of the country. This is related entirely to fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan as leading oil and gas power of the world, big producer and international exporter of hydrocarbons.

Such responsible approach leads to position of Turkmenistan, which lies in the necessity of development of international consensus in energy security where ecological aspect is the most important factor.

It is worth mentioning that methods of hydrocarbon resources production in our country meet the highest ecological standard. The country has established relative regulatory and legal framework.

This is visually indicated by natural protection conventions of the UN on biological diversity, combating desertification, climate change, protection of ozone layer, protection and use of transboundary water flows and international lakes, which have been ratified by Turkmenistan. Together with such international structures as the UN Development Programme, the UN Environment Programme, Global Ecological Fund and other, Turkmenistan implements dozens of ecological programmes and projects on national and regional levels.

Protection of biodiversity and ecological balance of Caspian Sea taking into account that this region is rapidly turning into one of the biggest world centres of production and shipment of hydrocarbons is among the most important subjects, which go beyond national boundaries.

In this context, adoption of the Presidency Statement by the outcomes of the I Caspian Economic Forum, which was held in Avaza National tourist zone on August 11 – 12, 2019, as a document of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly and publishing of this document in official UN languages are remarkable.

Therefore, historical significance of the final statement of the I CEF and conceptual proposals of the President of Turkmenistan, who sees Caspian range of issues in the context of global modern objectives including in environment protection sphere, has been highlighted.

Speaking for development of new Caspian ecological programme as a complex of natural protection measures aimed at protection and rational use of rich natural reserves of Caspian Sea, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said: “We are confident that ecology cannot be a hostage of economic or commercial benefits” and proposed to establish efficient channels of ‘green diplomacy’ for Caspian Sea with attraction of the states, international agencies, ecological centres and mass media to this activity.

Besides, our region has other problems related to natural and ecological disasters, which require joint approach. It includes the problem of Aral Sea. Turkmenistan makes significant contribution to activity of International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea, takes active part in search for the ways of mitigation of serious consequences of this ecological crisis and suggests to elaborate the UN Special Programme for Aral Sea.

In April 2018, the UN General Assembly has adopted the Resolution on Cooperation between the United Nations Organization and International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea, which is directly related to creation of full-format international mechanism of cooperation in ecological sphere in particular to joint work for mitigation of impacts of Aral crisis.

Collaboration with the United Nations will help to develop and take more comprehensive measures for solution of relative water, energy and ecological objectives. This subject was highlighted at the meeting of Turkmen leader with the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres in Ashgabat in June 2017.

Together with the Resolution on cooperation between the UN and IFAS, the United Nations Organization has adopted another document related to the ecology – the Resolution on declaration of June 3 as the World Bicycle Day. Therefore, the United Nations welcomed and supported huge work, which is held in Turkmenistan for development of physical training and health improving movement, formation of ecological culture of the society, cooperation between the states and nations in this field.

Ecological policy of Turkmenistan is not limited by technocratic approach but absorbs harmonization of the society, its spiritual and moral education and assertion of civic responsibility, high culture and responsible care of the nature.

Approving ecological diplomacy as one of the main priorities of foreign policy of the country, the Head of the State makes emphasis on importance of humanization and cleaner production of the system of international relations.

Special place is occupied by the projects, which are to protect the diversity and beauty of unique nature of the country, to provide rational use of natural reserves. This includes creation of Turkmen Lake in Karakum Desert initiated by the Head of the State, which already makes positive effect on the environment including on the increment of biodiversity.

This unprecedented by scale project is very important both for Turkmenistan as well as for entire Central Asia. Its implementation not only opens fundamentally new capabilities and horizons for development of agriculture of our country but also will make positive effect on ecology of the region.

The green programme, which overs entire country from the Kopetdag foothills to Caspian coast, is also tremendous by the scale. New forests, which have spread around Ashgabat and other regions of the country, not only please the eye and soul but also become a habitat for many representatives of fauna. These artificial forest stop soil erosion, keep moisture and improve microclimate.

The country of deserts and hot sun already receives the results of many years of work; the most modern technologies of formation of forest sector receive new directions in the country. Big perspective are related to the implementation of scientific achievements in the sphere of alternative energy.

Ecological concept of growth is aimed at improvement of life quality of people in harmony with beautiful Turkmen nature, improvement of environment and prosperity of the country.

Report of Intergovernmental Expert Group on climate change notes that climate change is inevitable and it is reflected in increment of temperature level of atmospheric and oceanic air, melting of glaciers, raise of ocean level and number of natural disasters. Probability of climate changes due to increment of concentration of greenhouse gas in atmosphere as the result of human activity is very high.

Even if the concentration of greenhouse gases will be stabilized, warming and raise of the ocean level will be continued for several centuries. By the way, the ocean level has risen by 17 centimetres for the last 100 years while for 3 millimetres for the last 10 – 15 years.

New edition of National Strategy of Turkmenistan on climate change initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is aimed at development of efficient measures supporting low carbon development of the country, adaptation of priority branches to climate changes and provision of economic stability including food, water and ecological security.

This strategy is also aimed at timely fulfilment of obligations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Paris Treaty and relative Sustainable Development Goals.

The document also sets forth specific measures for modernization of the system of hydrometeorological monitoring, promotion of energy saving, energy efficient and resource saving technologies, improvement of level of scientific provision and international cooperation in this sphere.

Responsible stewardship of the nature is the only way of sustainable development of the countries and nations. Promoting ecological initiatives on the world level, Turkmenistan creates reliable platform for international collaboration gaining its own practice, which will be an input to solution of global problems.