Ï New vectors of Turkmenistan’s development are outlined at the session of the People’s Council

New vectors of Turkmenistan’s development are outlined at the session of the People’s Council

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New vectors of Turkmenistan’s development are outlined at the session of the People’s Council
New vectors of Turkmenistan’s development are outlined at the session of the People’s Council
New vectors of Turkmenistan’s development are outlined at the session of the People’s Council
New vectors of Turkmenistan’s development are outlined at the session of the People’s Council
The capital hosted the session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan under the chairmanship of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The agenda of national forum included priority objectives of further development of the country, implementation of fundamental changes and reforms.

Atmosphere of special solemnity, total solidarity and inspiration reigned under the domes of the Ruhiyet Palace where delegates from all regions of the country have gathered.

The participants welcomed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with long-lasting applauses. The Head of the State went to the stage and warmly greeted the participants and guests of the Forum.

Addressing the participants, the President noted that members of the Government and State Security Council, deputies of the Mejlis, compatriots who made significant contribution to social and economic, spiritual and cultural development of the country as well as representatives of mass media, political parties and public organisations participate in current session of the People’s Council. Our ambassadors to foreign countries and other numerous guests have been invited to this representative forum.

Greeting the participants of the forum, the President highlighted that this is the second session of the highest representative authority of the country – the People’s Council, which agenda includes current objectives of further economic and social development of our independent state.

Having outlined strengthening of constitutional standards of the country and improvement of democratic principles of the government administration among the main subjects, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that important decisions would be made on these subjects as well as outcomes of work for implementation of the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025 would be summed up.

High levels and success has a good background, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having highlighted that this is our state independence.

Successfully implementing national programmes, Turkmenistan achieved recognition as economically developed state in regional level and in the world community based on democratic principles.

Our state has established and develops friendly relations with different countries of the world and competent organizations, the Head of Turkmenistan said. Speaking of valuable experience in development of new efficient ways and methods of international cooperation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that at present time, Turkmenistan chairs the Commonwealth of Independent States, International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea. At the same time, the country is a member of number of the United Nations commissions and actively participates in implementation of various programmes of this organization.

In this context, it was highlighted that Turkmen state, which has multidimensional cooperation with the countries of the world community, has made significant input tot eh formation of modern international system of global partnership for provision of security on the planet.

Having emphasized the subject of development of national economy, the Head of Turkmenistan brought number of macroeconomic indicators. It was mentioned that it is expected that total volume of the gross domestic product would be more than 110 billion manats with the growth rate of 6.3 percent for 9 months of the year.

The growth of the GDP in such volumes like in this year is also forecasted for the next year. Industrial sector, which share in total volume of the GDP is 32.6 percent, is also developed stably.

The investments are the main tools of diversification of the economy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, having stated with delight that volume of capital investment from all sources in the country would be 29 billion manats, which is 26.2 percent of the gross domestic product.

Implementation of strategic course aimed at industrial and innovative model of development is provided by directing of 66 – 68 percent of investments to production sphere.

Production and social facilities like factories, plants, schools, hospitals, kindergartens, settlements and living houses have been built and put into operation for the past period. Huge work has been carried out for development of Ashgabat.

Speaking of prospective plans, the President highlighted that new city with modern residential buildings, social facilities, innovative and high-technology establishment meeting the requirements for business or recreation infrastructure would be built in the northern part of the capital soon.

In this context, it was noted that foundation of new centre of Ahal Velayat has been laid on the territory of Gyoktepe etrap, Ahal Velayat. The centre will have regional administration buildings, residential complexes, schools, kindergartens, offices, the Ruhiyet Palace, drama theatre, library and museum. Such policy in social sphere will be continued in future, which can be confidently states following economic potential of the country.

Continuing, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that natural resources, favourable ecological and climate conditions, modern industrial production, agriculture, transport and communication sphere and service make good conditions for rapid development of the region of the country.

Big industrial facilities like the polypropylene film plant in Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex, carbamide petrochemical complex in Garabogaz, Balkan Velayat, petrochemical complex in Kiyanly, «Türkmen aýna önümleri» facility in Gyoktepe etrap, Ahal Velayat, the first in the world plant for production of eco-friendly gasoline from gas in Ovadandepe were named as bright examples.

The Head of the State highlighted that it is planned to build petrochemical plants for production of various commodities from gas in Lebap, Mary, Dashoguz and Balkan Velayats. Construction of big production and social facilities is continued, the Head of the State said, having stated with delight that it is expected to put 55 facilities into operation by the outcomes of 9 months.

National rural programme, under which it is planned to develop 1.8 billion manats of investments, which is 93.3 percent of annual target, is successfully implemented. Construction of water treatment and drainage communications, roads, gas lines, telephone lines is carried out. National entrepreneurs continue construction of high-speed road Ashgabat – Turkmenabat.

Speaking of the achievements in agricultural complex, the President of Turkmenistan noted that this year wheat harvest has been completed. More than 1,651,100 tons of wheat, more than 2,000 tons of silk cocoons have been produced this year in the country. Contractual obligations have been fulfilled by 111.5 percent.

Work for improvement of cotton production, improvement of its quality and cultivations of new varieties is continued. It is planned to produce more than 1,050,000 tons of cotton.

Privatization of the state owned property is carried out at dynamic rates.

It is expected that volumes of foreign trade will be 11 billion US dollars for nine months of this year. Comparing with the same period of 2018, this is 3.8 percent more, the Head of the State said.

It is expected that revenue of the State budget of Turkmenistan will be significantly increased, the GDP will be 1.2 percent, which makes around 16 billion manats, for nine months.

Our objectives become more complicated in modern period. This is effected by numerous financial and economic situations in the world, which are related with new opportunities in development of scientific and technical thought and achievements in technology sphere on high level. Speaking of this, the President noted that it is necessary to use our huge resources and available potential efficiently in order to keep up with time and developed states.

Great attention has to be paid to integration of national banking and financial sphere to the world financial system, the Head of Turkmenistan noted, having focused on the necessity to pay special attention to exclusion and reduction of impact of economic crises on the economy, to take all measures for stability of budget system, fulfilment expenditure obligations of the state, enhance of rationality and efficiency of expenses.

Speaking of importance of achievements of dynamic rates of social and economic development of all velayats of the country in modern period, the Head of the State outlined opening of high-technology production facilities in the regions among current objectives as the main material base for provision of internal market with consumers goods and export of this production, fundamental improvement and bringing of social and living conditions of the citizens in accordance with international standards.

This activity will be another important step in achievement of the main goal – bringing life of the population to the level of developed countries of the world, the President of Turkmenistan said.

It is required to pay attention to making of conditions for successful management of work resources, positive solution of issues related to labour market, implementation of constitutional rights of our citizens for work in the government policy, the Head of the State continued, having focused on the necessity to hold construction of production and technological facilities, which provide new work places and high level of work occupancy of the population, under strict control.

Going over the subject of social provision, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that care of people in Turkmenistan would remain as the main target of the government policy.

Every year, we increase salary wages, pensions, allowances and student scholarships, which is aimed at improvement of social and living conditions of the population of the country and indicates successful implementation of the policy in this field.

Having focused the attention of the participants of the session on practical implementation of decisions made at the last session of the People’s Council, the Head of Turkmenistan noted that works for fundamental reformation of agriculture are continued together with modernization of important branches of the economy.

Internal market is provided with wide variety of high-quality food production, which is a visual evidence of successful implementation of the government policy in agricultural sphere. This year, rich production of cotton is expected, the Head of Turkmenistan said, having stated that cotton harvest campaign is going on at high rates.

At the same time, there are many unused resources and capabilities in this field, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, having focused on the importance of understanding of the firmness of national economy and the fact that power of the state mainly depends on hard work, solidarity and creative potential by every official and every farmer.

Speaking of ecological aspect of the government strategy, the President noted integrated work for solution of the main objectives of protection of environment, flora and fauna, careful and rational use of natural resources, provision of ecological safety of social and industrial facilities. We consolidate our efforts with the UNDP, the UN Environmental Programme, the World Ecological Fund and other competent international organizations on national and regional levels in this area.

At the same time, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that big close-circle production facilities based on the principles of ‘green economy’ are opened. This complexes are the first steps toward further development of national economy, the President said, having focused on the necessity to continue work in this direction.

Having stopped at the subjects of development of oil, gas and energy industries of the country, the Head of the State highlighted that it is necessary to pay great attention to its diversification, construction of new modern complexes, which specialize in processing of oil and gas.

Increment of volumes of processing of raw materials, rapid industrial development of new fields including Turkmen section of Caspian Sea and Galkynysh deposits, expansion of entire spectrum of digital technologies used in these works, in particular by implementation of 3D modelling were outlined among the main targets in this sphere.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov named acceleration of construction works of Afghan part of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line, Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan power and fibre optic lines among important subjects.

Solution of objectives for implementation of digital system to the branches of national economy has also be one of priority directions of the government policy, the President noted, having highlighted that it is impossible to develop the country without digital economy. In this context, the President of Turkmenistan outlined current directions of coming work.

First, it is necessary to consider the implementation of digital system to national economy as an important foundation of stable development of the state and to treat it as the main factor of development of the system of the government administration, economy and society.

Second, the fourth industrial revolution, which defines the combination of technologies of physical, digital and biological character in the world, already starts making impact on political, economic and social systems of the country. in this regard, development of new programme of development of the branches of national economy, which has to provide the opening of the Centre of Information Technologies of Turkmenistan, has to be considere as priority objective.

We have foreseen the requirements in such specialists as programme developers, engineers and technicians for solution of the objectives during the transition to digital economy, the Head of the State continued, having highlighted that study of new directions, training of personnel in qualifications meeting time requirements have been included to the programmes of high education institutes of the country as well as the Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies of Turkmenistan has been founded for this purpose.

At the same time, scientific and research institutes, high educational universities of the country have to be at the beginning of all changes made for transition to digital economy, President Berdimuhamedov said.

The President has also focused on the necessity to enforce the work for education of younger generation.

Having highlighted humanitarian development, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that further improvement of this sphere, wide implementation of latest technologies to electronic and printing media, are the main and important objectives for near-term perspective.

Having focused on the main aspects of foreign course, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that following the understanding that complicated issues of the present can be solved only by joint efforts, relations based on faithful approach and transparency are established with the world community. Following such permanent principles of humanity in its foreign policy, Turkmenistan supports international relations from the positions of equal rights and respect.

Addressing the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Head of Turkmenistan focused on the necessity to discuss another subject, which is very important for life of the state and society.

Further development of legislation system in the country requires modernization of legal-making activity, the Head of the State said, having focused that in this regard, work for improvement of legal status of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan is required.

Taking into account changes in the world and practice of many countries, it makes sense to change to two-chamber system and to attach the People’s Council of Turkmenistan and the Mejlis of Turkmenistan to the system of authorities, which implements objectives of representative legal power, the President continued.

Change over to new two-chamber system will give opportunity to represent the interest of all levels of Turkmen society, will make conditions for implementation of control functions in legal practice, will add impulse to the deputies for establishment of closer contacts with electorate, to enforcement of control for abidance to the law and fulfilment of national programmes.

President noted that the Order on establishment of Constitutional Commission for amendment and addendum of the Constitution of Turkmenistan would be signed for development of scientifically grounded proposals on amendment and addendum of the Constitution of Turkmenistan. In this regard, the Mejlis of Turkmenistan was ordered to form special working group under this Commission.

The Head of the State suggested the Constitutional Committee to present proposals to the People’s Council of Turkmenistan in 2020 for improvement of the structure of government authority, which implements the objectives in law-making sphere, regarding to coming objectives of this structure having government authorities and consists of two chambers.

Our long-term objectives of significant importance and foreign course would remain the same, the President said.

Programme speech of the President of Turkmenistan has been listened with great attention and met with long-lasting applauses.

After, the Head of the state suggested to start the discussion of the subjects of the agenda of national forum, having given floor to the participants.

Elder of Vekilbazar etrap, Mary Velayat, tenant of Mekan Farming Association Atajan Chariyev highlighted that the elders comprehensively support the initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which were given in his speech and related to the main direction of social and economic development of the country.

After, the floor was given to machine operator of technical service facility of Serakhs etrap, Ahal Velayat Shatlyk Ovezberdiyev. It was highlighted that due to unremitting attention of the Head of the State, farmers are provided with high-quality seeds, mineral fertilizers, powerful high-production agricultural equipment is procured, scientific and technical achievements are introduced to production.

The Resolution of further improvement of reforms in agricultural industry, which made complete change in this sphere, has been adopted at the first session of the People’s Council last year. According to this historical document, some farmers already work in their own land, which was given to them for 99 years, Sh. Ovezberdiyev noted. Increment of the state procurement prices on wheat and cotton, granting of beneficial bank loans as well as other preferences were good stimulus for agricultural producers.

Turkmen agricultural equipment operators make significant contribution to production of high yields of agricultural crops, the spokesman noted. Strategy of digital economy of the Head of the State is implemented in agricultural complex, which allows diversifying agricultural production, increasing work production and accelerating the fulfilment of the programmes of import substitution and export orientation.

Sh. Ovezberdiyev highlighted that national agrarians fully support all initiatives of Turkmen leader, which are aimed at creation of food abundance, protection of the environment and rational water use, provision of ecological wealth and health protection of people. Farmers of Turkmenistan will make significant input to their practical realization.

After, the floor was given to teacher of Children Art School of Dashoguz Velayat, Sayat Nurmedova who noted great attention of the Head of the State to development of science, education and culture.

On behalf of personnel of educational facilities of the country, the teacher expressed full support of all proposals, which were given in programme speech of the Head of the State at current session of the People’s Council.

Entrepreneur, founder of Ter önüm business entity Dovlet Balliyev warmly congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all participants of national forum on the 28th anniversary of independence of the country on behalf of members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.

Having focused on activity of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, which was founded 11 years ago by the initiative of the Head of Turkmenistan, the businessman noted that this decision has marked new stage in economic development of the country.

It was mentioned that decisions taken at the first session of the People’s Council on improvement of agricultural sphere, in particular on provision of land in long-term lease, beneficial credits, exemption of entrepreneurs dealing with agricultural production from taxation, are supported by representatives of private sector of agricultural complex who express deep gratitude to the Head of the State for integrated measures in this direction.

On behalf of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, D. Balliyev expressed support to proposals of the Head of the State on the main directions of development of the country and their legal provision.

After, the floor was given to Head of Magtumguly Fragi Cultural Association of Afghanistan Branch of Humanitarian Association of Turkmens of the World Abdulrahman Ahmed.

Addressing the Head of the State, Abdulrahman Ahmed conveyed warm greetings from the compatriots in foreign country and expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for support of Turkmen diasporas, construction of hospitals, schools and kindergartens for them, for huge contribution to social and economic development of Afghanistan and humanitarian cargo.

On behalf of military personnel, staff member of the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defence of Turkmenistan Kerim Myradov congratulated the Head of the State as well as all participants on Independence Day and expressed support to all initiatives of the Head of the State in his programme speech.

It was mentioned that equipment and facility base of national Army is strengthened, level of professional training of the Motherland defenders is increased and life and service conditions of military personnel and their families are improved owing to integrated military reform, which has defensive character. Big work for patriotic and physical education, improvement of professional level of young warriors is carried out.

The officer assured President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov that Turkmen soldiers would serve to the Motherland with honour and would deservingly perform at Military parade in honour of the 28th anniversary of independence.

Student of Turkmen Agricultural University Ruslan Jumayev and student of the Institute of Engineering, Technical and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan Gulnar Tatova spoke on behalf of younger generation.

They have congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all participants on the 28th anniversary of independence and expressed full support to proposals of Turkmen leader, which outline priority directions of home and foreign policy of the country as well as on constitutional reforms and improvement of national education system.

Summing up the outcomes of discussion, the President of Turkmenistan expressed the gratitude to all speakers and participants of the session.

The Head of the State noted that important subjects of state, social and political life of the country, provision of steadfast development have been discussed at the session. Having stated with delight that speakers supported the initiatives proposed at current national forum, the President highlighted that all proposals would be reviewed.

Continuing the subject, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted that as he has already noted in his speech it seemed to be reasonable to change legal status of the People’s Council for further modernization of legislation system of the country, bringing the activity of National Parliament into correspondence with requirements of modern society, provision of gradual development of social and political relations as well as for improvement of work of the government judicial authorities.

It is also necessary to review the authorities of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan. In this context, it would be correct to transform representative legislation body into two-chamber authority.

Speaking of this, the President signed the Order on establishment of Constitutional Commission for development and summarization of proposals on amendments and addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan and on approval of its composition.

Following good tradition, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed relative documents on conferring of the state awards to distinguished citizens and on award of honoured titles to them.

The Head of the State noted that recognizing personal merits and taking into account big contribution to strengthening and development of international cooperation, implementation of foreign course of our neutral state as well as old service in diplomatic sphere and as a sign of respect and gratitude, it was decided to confer the highest state award, the Hero of Turkmenistan to Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan to the UN Aksoltan Atayeva.

Having wished string health, prosperity and new success in her responsible activity for further prosperity of the Motherland, Turkmen leader signed relative Order.

After, addressing the participants, the President noted that there is a glorious son of Turkmenistan, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko is among those who are conferred with the highest state award. He was awarded with high title of the Hero of Russia and with other numerous awards and orders.

His way to open space, cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko has started from Turkmenistan, namely from Turkmenabat where was born, grew up, worked and went in for sport. We watch with great interest big success of our countryman, which he achieves in development of space, the President said. Turkmen citizens are sincerely proud of achievements of famous countryman who has been four times in the space and has for open space entry.

It is pleasant to note, the Head of the State continued, that as for today, Oleg Kononenko was longer than any of modern spacemen at International Space Station. He spent 737 days on the orbit of the Earth for his four flights. Nobody has achieved such result until now.

Therefore, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, it is great pleasure for him to announce the decision to award Oleg Kononenko with the highest state award of the Hero Of Turkmenistan for personal heroism displayed in development of space for peaceful purpose, high professionalism and achieved success as well as for outstanding merits for the country and people.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Order on award of Oleg Kononenko with high title of the Hero of Turkmenistan.

After, addressing the participants of the forum, the President proposed to hold next session of the people’s Council in Ashgabat in 2020, having signed relative Resolution.

The Head of the State has also signed the Resolution of the People’s Council on approval of the main directions of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in 2020.

After, the session of the People’s Council was continued with the award ceremony of state awards and conferring of the title of Honoured Elder of the Nation.

After, Speaker of National Parliament read out the Resolution of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on award of the title of Turkmenistan of the Honoured Elder of the Nation to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Hormatly il ýaşulusy title was awarded to the Head of the State for his huge personal contribution to strengthening of independence and permanent neutrality of the country, outstanding merits for the state and society, exemplary and selfless work as well as taking into account numerous proposals and requests from public organizations and citizens working in different branches and on occasion of the 28th anniversary of independence.

In ceremonial atmosphere under load applauses of the participants of the forum, the Head of the State put on traditional Turkmen ‘don’ and white ‘telpek’. Relative badge has also been handed over to Turkmen leader.

Having highlighted that award of the title of the Honoured Elder of the Nation makes him more responsible, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that he would not spare his strength, knowledge and experience for prosperity of the country, provision of peaceful and happy life of Turkmen citizens.

Addressing the participants with final words, the Head of the State noted that current forum reflected the confirmation to invariable will and intents of Turkmenistan people to implement in practice scientifically grounded programmes of economic and social development of the country.

Current session has demonstrated that we would solve all set objectives with honour and would achieve great success on the way to achieve the goals for provision of happy life of people, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

At this point, the President of Turkmenistan announced the end of the session of the People’s Council. After the end of the session of the People’s Council, the Head of the State said warm goodbye with the participants and left the Ruhiyet Palace.