Ï Turkmen leader and the Head of Çalik Holding discuss priorities of dialog

Turkmen leader and the Head of Çalik Holding discuss priorities of dialog

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Turkmen leader and the Head of Çalik Holding discuss priorities of dialog
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Ahmet Çalik, the Board Chairman of Çalik Holding.

Having warmly greeted the Head of the State and expressed gratitude for time spared for the meeting, the businessman congratulated the Head of the state on the 28th anniversary of Turkmenistan Independence and award of the title of Honoured Elder of the Nation, having wished strong health and success in his versatile activity as well as prosperity to Turkmen nation.

Having highlighted an exclusive perceptiveness of Turkmen market, the Head of Çalik Holding noted that favourable investment climate in the country provides growing interest of international business circles inn Turkmenistan where major reformation programmes are implemented.

Turkish businessman noted the importance of initiatives of Turkmen leader in solution of current issues of the present and in this context, historical role of the first Caspian Economic Forum, which was held last August, in activation of interregional cooperation and productive business contacts.

Head of the State focused on improvement of efficiency of participation of the holding in implementation of big beneficial projects of construction of new industrial and social facilities, in transport sphere, energy and health protection.

Having noted that this is great honour for his company to continue old cooperation participating in implementation of major reformation programmes in our country, Turkish businessman reported on the course of joint projects.

Having listened to the information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused that high quality of construction works and timely commissioning of facilities according to the contract have always been and remain to be the main term of Turkmen side.

In the end of the meeting, Turkish businessman again expressed gratitude to Turkmen leader for spared time and assured that his company would continue approaching fulfilment of its partner’s obligations with full responsibility.