Ï New issue of Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Turkmenistan magazine is published

New issue of Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Turkmenistan magazine is published

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New issue of scientific and practical magazine Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Turkmenistan, which is published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, highlights meetings and talks held by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in high level in the third quarter of the year.

It includes the information about the stat visit of Turkmen leader to the Republic of Singapore and events timed to the visit. Working visit of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria to Turkmenistan on August 10 – 12, which outcomes are also reflected in quarter magazine, wrote new chapter to the history of bilateral working relations.

Material about the First Caspian Economic Forum and events timed to this including International exhibition of Innovative technologies and motor review “Turkmen sahrasy 2019 is also on the pages of the magazine.

The article highlights bilateral meeting of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with heads of the governments of Caspian states on the fields of Forum.

The attention of the readers will be attracted by the article about priority positions of our country in current issues of regional and global agenda at the 74th session of the United nations General Assembly. Chairing of Turkmenistan in the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2019 was reflected in the article of Chairman of the Executive Committee – the CIS Executive Secretary Sergey Lebedev.

Giving assessment to the events organized under the chairing of Turkmenistan in the CIS this year, the author paid special attention to the session of the Council of the Heads of the states as well as to documents developed by initiative of Turkmen leader. This is about the Programme for activation of the partnership between foreign departments of the Commonwealth countries and declaration on Strategic Economic Cooperation of the CIS countries.

Interesting and constructive approach of the Head of Turkmen State to fulfilment of the mission of chairing has made and continue making positive effect on joint efforts for achievements of short and long-term goals of the Commonwealth, S. Lebedev highlighted.

In addition, the magazine contains publications, which mention the importance of foreign strategy of our state and international initiative proposed by Turkmen leader, which are aimed at provision of global security as an integral factor of sustainable development.

Several articles of the magazine are dedicated to expansion of Turkmen – Afghan humanitarian contacts, factors of formation of international image in conditions of globalization of the world economic processes, role of water diplomacy and science in sustainable management of water resources in Central Asia, legal aspects of state and private partnership.

Traditional section Chronicles of Diplomatic Life is dedicated to conferences, briefings political consultations between foreign departments, sessions of intergovernmental commissions, bilateral talks with representatives of foreign delegations and international organizations held in the country and abroad.