Ï Aspects of social and political development of the country in articles of profile magazine

Aspects of social and political development of the country in articles of profile magazine

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Regular issue of quarterly scientific and applied magazine Democracy and Law, which was prepared for publishing by the Institute of State, Law and Democracy, is opened by programme speech of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the second session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan.

Article Turkmenistan – UNFPA: Strategic Partnership, which underlines the importance of successful realization of the policy of gender equality, which is one of the terms for achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, by Turkmenistan is among topical materials, which are offered to readers.

The articles brings specific examples of activities carried out in our country in cooperation with the UNFPA in these directions and works planned under new Country Programme signed between the Government of Turkmenistan and the UN Population Fund in 2015 – 2020.

Article Reformation of Educational System in the Age of Might and Happiness, which reviews programme activity in this sphere in the context of solution of objectives of progressive development of the country and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, is dedicated to improvement in educational sphere.

It is highlighted that national educational strategy, which is a part of the programme of integrated modernization of the country, takes into account external factors. As it was mentioned the XXI century is an age of transit of all spheres of life to digital system, rapid development of information technologies, products and services, robotics.

In this regard, training of specialists in innovative technologies receive special importance. Opening of the Institute of Telecommunications and Informational Technology of Turkmenistan has become an important step in this direction.

Article of the magazine about activity of National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan highlights the development of international humanitarian dialog. In particular, active role of National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan in realization of important priorities of the government policy for assertion of healthy life style principles and health protection of the citizens is noted.

Importance of knowledge and implementation of international humanitarian law as well as fundamental principles of International Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent into national legislation is revealed on certain examples.

The subject of humanitarian cooperation is reflected in the next article of the periodic magazine, which is dedicated to activation of dialog between Turkmenistan and other international structures.

It highlights that multidimensional fruitful cooperation of our country with competent organizations and structures in intensification of democratic processes, further development of civic society, improvement of national legislation provide significant input to strengthening of trust ad constructive cooperation in the sphere of human rights, achievement of national and global goals of sustainable development.

Article Perspective of Investments to Oil and Gas Industry reviews the capabilities of modernization of strategic sphere of national economy and mentions the conditions including legal guarantees for investors.

Regarding the growth of investment activity, in particular in realization of such big projects as construction of the TAPI gas line, industrial facilities for processing of natural gas and other, the article highlights that integrated and ecologically safe development of branch development by attraction of advanced technologies from leading foreign companies is a priority in investment of oil and gas complex.

Potential of Caspian Sea is a subject of article Caspian Sea: Ways of Cooperation and Development, which focuses on its [lace and role as important geopolitical and geo-economic space.

Transport and logistic capabilities of development of international partnership are discussed in publication, which author states that development of transport system on high level becomes time requirements and serves as a term for achievement of priority Goals of Sustainable Development with globalization of the world economic relations and activation of integration processes.

Transport corridor Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey, which is based on Lapis Lazuli transport corridor, Kazakhstan – Turkmenistan – Iran railway, project of Caspian – Black Sea transport corridor via Turkmenbashy International Port and other are brought as examples.

Magazine, which is published in Turkmen, English and Russian languages, is finished with traditional Chronicles, which highlights the events in the country with participation of competent organizations.