Ï Aspects of diversification of Turkmen-Tajik dialogue are discussed in Ashgabat

Aspects of diversification of Turkmen-Tajik dialogue are discussed in Ashgabat

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The Intergovernmental Turkmen-Tajik Commission on trade and economy, scientific and technological cooperation held the 9th meeting in Ashgabat. The meeting brought together the heads and specialists of ministries and departments of friendly states.

The meeting agenda focused on the issues of bilateral meetings, including the progress in implementing earlier achieved agreements and enhancing mutually beneficial relations in various spheres.

Opening the meeting, co-chairpersons of the Commission expressed satisfaction with the high level of the interstate dialogue and reaffirmed the aspiration of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan to widen efficient partnership.

Underlining the mutual interest in enhancing fruitful ties, the participants discussed a number of specific measures to diversify them. Among the priority areas are the fuel and energy sector, industry and electricity, agriculture and water industry, health care, education, science, sports and tourism. Particular emphasis was placed on strengthening cooperation in the transport and communications sector.

In order to further increase trade and economic partnership, the meeting participants underlined the importance to increase the range and volumes of goods and services supplied to each other, establishing direct contacts between business entities.

Given the historical and cultural relations, connecting the peoples of two neighbouring countries for centuries, great importance is also placed to humanitarian cooperation.

Emphasizing the efficiency of the talks, the meeting participants expressed confidence that all the steps discussed and planned for implementation would directly contribute to the intensification of multifaceted interstate partnership.

On the outcomes of the meeting, the relevant protocol was signed.