Ï The Head of the Foreign Minsitry of Turkmenistan participates in the session of the Council of the SCO heads of the governments

The Head of the Foreign Minsitry of Turkmenistan participates in the session of the Council of the SCO heads of the governments

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Vice-premier, Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov went on working visit to Tashkent where he took part in the session of the Council of the heads of the governments of Shanghai Cooperation Organization on November 2, - the website of the Foreign Ministry of the country informs.

Speaking at the SCO Summit, Rashid Meredov highlighted that Turkmenistan is ready for multidimensional dialog with the countries of Shanghai Cooperation Organizations. Provision of stable system of energy supplies, transport and investment spheres have been outlined among priority directions of cooperation.

During working visit to Tashkent, the Head of the Foreign Ministry was received by President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Exchange of the opinions on the main subjects of international agenda has taken place as well as potential for expansion of interstate cooperation in trade and economic, transport and communication, energy and agricultural spheres has been noted during the meeting. The sides have discussed aspects of activation of Turkmen – Uzbek humanitarian dialog and partnership relations between border regions of two countries.