Ï The President of Turkmenistan congratulates personnel of Ahal Velayat on work achievement

The President of Turkmenistan congratulates personnel of Ahal Velayat on work achievement

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“Let me extend my congratulations on fulfilment of contractual obligations for production of the cotton! I wish you strong health, family happiness and further success in work!” – the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed to personnel of Ahal Velayat, who produced more than 270,000 tons of raw cotton, says.

Farmers of Ahal Velayat were the first who reported on successful fulfilment of contractual obligations. This success is the result of coordinated and selfless work of farmers, private cotton producers, machine operators who operate modern equipment skilfully, personnel of water management sphere, agrarian scientists, all of those who was involved in this work.

Cotton farms of the etraps and best personnel of this sphere made deserved contribution to the cotton production. Cotton producers of Gyoktepe, Ak bugday and Serakhs etraps are among the first.

“We steadily carry out large-scale changes aimed at provision of dynamic development of agricultural industry, rational use of water and land resources, wide involvement of private producers as well as modernization of production relations. in addition, we make big investments to for strengthening of equipment and facility base of the industry, wide implementation of advanced practice and modern work methods.

Increment of production volumes of agricultural goods, rational use of land and water resources, enhancement of farming culture by wide implementation of latest scientific achievements, strengthening of food safety and increment of export potential of the country are out main objectives”, - the message says.

“Today, when our country steadily moves forward to new heights of progress, we do a big work for development of agriculture, cultivation of different crops, timely collection of produced harvest. For this purpose, we regularly buy high-productive equipment from the leading manufacturers, provide farmers with quality seeds and mineral fertilizers, build new water reserves and watch the soil condition. This is a guarantee of our success.

We are pleased with high agricultural results, which were achieved owing to implementation of rich agricultural experience inherited from our ancestors in combination with the latest scientific achievements to production. Comprehensive reforms in the industry support dynamic development of agricultural production including the growing of cotton and enhancement of life level or rural population”, - the message of the President highlights.