Ï President of Turkmenistan takes personnel decisions in authorities of the prosecutor's office

President of Turkmenistan takes personnel decisions in authorities of the prosecutor's office

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In accordance with the Resolution of President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov:

Junior Counselor of Justice Baymuhammedov Dovranmuhammet is appointed as the Mary Velayat Military Prosecutor and is released from the position as the Lebap Velayat Military Prosecutor;

Junior Counselor of Justice Myradov Shatlyk is appointed as the Lebap Velayat Military Prosecutor and is released from the position as the Prosecutor of the Babadaykhan Etrap, Ahal Velayat;

Ist class lawyer Atalakov Ovezmyrat is appointed as the Prosecutor of the Turkmenkala Etrap, Mary Velayat and is released from the position as the Prosecutor of the Magtymguly Etrap, Balkan Velayat;

Junior Counselor of Justice Annageldiyev Nurgeldy is appointed as the Prosecutor of the Halach Etrap, Lebap Velayat and is released from the position as the Prosecutor of the Turkmenkala Etrap, Mary Velayat;

Counselor of Justice Shyhmammedov Ovezmammet is appointed as the Prosecutor of the Bagtyyarlyk Etrap, Ashgabat;

IInd class lawyer Ovezov Yakup is appointed as the Prosecutor of the Babadaykhan Etrap, Ahal Velayat;

IInd class lawyer Nuryyev Aman is appointed as the Prosecutor of the Magtymguly Etrap, Balkan Velayat;

IInd class lawyer Annagurdov Kerven is appointed as the Prosecutor of the Murgab Etrap, Mary Velayat;

Junior Counselor of Justice Shihiyev Dovletnazar is released from the position as the Prosecutor of the Bagtyyarlyk Etrap, Ashgabat;

Junior Counselor of Justice Garagulov Charygeldy is released from the position as the Prosecutor of the Halach Etrap, Lebap Velayat;

upon the expiry of the terms of office, Junior Counselor of Justice Rahmedov Begench is released from the position as the Mary Velayat Military Prosecutor;

upon the expiry of the terms of office, Ist class lawyer Meredov Nurberdy is released from the position as the Prosecutor of the Murgab Etrap, Mary Velayat.