Ï Top level Turkmen-Italian talks in Rome on November 7

Top level Turkmen-Italian talks in Rome on November 7

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The President of Turkmenistan arrived in the Republic of Italy on an official visit. High-ranking officials of the friendly country as well as the members of the governmental delegation of Turkmenistan welcomed the President of Turkmenistan in Rome–Fiumicino International Airport.

From the airport, the motor cortege of the President of Turkmenistan headed to the residence at the Rome Cavalieri Hotel.

The talks between President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Italy Sergio Mattarella and Prime-Minister of the Republic of Italy Giuseppe Conte will take place on November 7. The priority aspects of bilateral relations will be discussed during the top-level talks.

The visit testifies to the enhancement of the Turkmen-Italian dialogue, the dynamics of which proves the commitment of the two states to full-scale cooperation.

As is known, one of the key vectors of the foreign-policy strategy of Turkmenistan is European sphere. In this regard, it should be noted the interest of European partners in developing efficient cooperation with our country at the interstate level as well as in frames of the dialogue – Turkmenistan – the European Union.

Today, businessmen of the two countries has accumulated positive experience in implementing joint investment projects in the oil and gas sector, construction, textile industry and other areas. That is vividly proved by the long-term fruitful cooperation with the world-famous Italian company ENI, which has successfully operated on the Turkmen market since 2008, developing hydrocarbon resources on the Nebitdag contractual territory under the Production Sharing Agreement. Large industrial and infrastructural facilities in our country are supplied with the most-advanced Italian equipment.

Speaking during a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan on November 1, the President of Turkmenistan underlined that wide opportunities for the diversification of the Turkmen-Italian cooperation had opened up today.

The impressive economic and resource potential of our country, the innovative vector of development, large-scale reformatory programmes and infrastructure projects, and the favorable investment climate created in the Turkmen market open up wide opportunities for enhancing cooperation.

Turkmenistan and Italy successfully interact on the international arena, supporting the constructive initiatives and proposals, initiated by our countries in frames of the United Nations Organization and other authoritative international structures. Our countries have close positions on such key topics as strengthening peace and security, transport and energy diplomacy, and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Turkmenistan and Italy pay particular attention to humanitarian cooperation, in particular in the fields of education and science, tourism and sports is seen as promising.

During the upcoming high-level talks in Rome, it is planned to sign a package of bilateral documents, aimed at strengthening the legal framework of bilateral partnership.