Ï Head of State Focuses Attention on Comprehensive Development of the Capital

Head of State Focuses Attention on Comprehensive Development of the Capital

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has visited the site of the large construction project ongoing in the Turkmen capital to check on the progress of works, the city’s redevelopment and social infrastructure improvement.

Upon arrival at the site of the project being carried out as part of the 16th stage of the Ashgabat Redevelopment Program, the head of state asked about the construction progress.

Ashgabat Khyakim Sh. Durdylyev and Vice-Chairman of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs D. Khudaiberdiev presented status reports and informed the head of state about distinctive features of the buildings’ exterior.

As noted, the project envisages construction of a number of residential buildings along Magtymguly Avenue. Under the Master Plan, ten 12-story buildings (78 apartments) and six 12-story buildings (48 apartments) will be constructed between Taslama and Teheran Streets.

In accordance with the Presidential Order, the project is being implemented by members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. This is yet another testimony to the private sector’s ever-increasing potential.

Checking the current rates of progress on the apartment buildings, which are being constructed by order of relevant ministries and departments, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused attention on key elements of their design, while also addressing the efficient placement of bus stops.

During the tour, a representative of Bouygues, the French construction company, which is our country’s long-term partner, fully briefed the Turkmen leader on the progress of the projects being implemented by his company, design solutions, and building materials.

The head of state highlighted that alongside with maintaining top-quality standards for the administrative buildings under construction in the capital’s southern part, the environmental aspect and creation of green areas should receive special emphasis as well.

Then, the head of state became acquainted with designs of proposed projects due to be completed in 2020 to mark the 25th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s neutrality, as well as a number of other structures, including a sculpture of a Turkmen alabay dog.

After close inspection of the dog sculpture model, the President of Turkmenistan instructed that it should feature the well-known breed’s unique characteristics.

Having examined the project designs and location maps of the new buildings, the Turkmen leader made some amendments and suggestions on how to make them better. Landscaping and improvements to the adjacent areas are seen as an integral part of the projects with a glance to ecology of the urban environment.

Building modern road infrastructure and utility systems should also be at the heart of the projects.

Stressing the significance of planning green spaces as part of the construction projects ongoing in the capital, the head of state gave some issue-related instructions to the officials concerned. As highlighted, promoting the ecological well-being in the city is one of the core requirements.

Summing up the working tour, the Turkmen leader pointed out the importance of accelerating the implementation of the comprehensive Ashgabat Redevelopment Program, aimed to turn capital into one of the most beautiful and livable cities in the world.

Then, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished everyone success in their work and departed from the venue.