Ï President of Turkmenistan presents the economic potential of Turkmenistan

President of Turkmenistan presents the economic potential of Turkmenistan

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had a breakfast meeting with the leading businessmen in Itlay at the Rome Cavalieri Hotel. Heads of a number of ministries, major companies and financial institutions participated in the meeting.

Among them are the heads of the companies - Danieli, ENI, Leonardo S.p.A, Maire Tecnimont, Valvitalia, Thales Alenia Space, Bonatti, SACE, Pietro Fiorentini, Salcef.

Greeting the Turkmen leader, each of them introduced himself and briefly talked about their companies and possibilities in various areas.

During the business breakfast, the President of Turkmenistan and his guests exchanged views on the prospects of mutual cooperation.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that our country expressed the interest in establishing wide, multifaceted, mutually beneficial trade, economic and investment relations with Italy on a long-term basis.

The President of Turkmenistan told about the large-scale transformations taken place in Turkmenistan, first of all, on the economic reforms. This factor, as well as the availability of rich natural resources, the favorable geographical location, as well as the foreign economic policy of "open doors" determine the investment attractiveness of the country. This policy is aimed at offering new incentives and dynamics to the development of the national economy with a long-term view, and therefore attracting foreign investment to the country is of paramount importance.

According to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the priority objective of the economic strategy of Turkmenistan is the creation of an industrial society, the reorientation of the national economy from a raw material model to an industrial one. This involves the introduction of high-tech industries, the construction of modern enterprises to manufacture products with of high added value.

Speaking about the prospects for further expansion of bilateral cooperation in the textile industry, the President of Turkmenistan emphasized that today many enterprises in Turkmenistan were supplied with equipment of Italian companies - such as Mazolli, Savio.

The President noted that Turkmenistan, as a producer of raw cotton focused on cotton processing inside the country for the production of world-class textile products and invited Italian companies to organize joint production of high-quality products.

The creation of a modern transport and logistics infrastructure, the transformation of our country into one of the centers of transport links along the East-West and North-South lines is the third strategic goal that is being consistently implemented. Turkmenistan enters new foreign markets, developing cooperation with partners in Europe and Asia.

Touching upon the energy issue, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that having enormous hydrocarbon reserves, our country created a full-fledged national industry for gas processing and the production of high-quality products oriented to foreign markets. Diversification of energy flows from Turkmenistan, the construction of trunk pipelines, including in the western direction, stands as a priority for our country.