Ï Turkmenistan – Italy: similarity of approaches, dialog of interests

Turkmenistan – Italy: similarity of approaches, dialog of interests

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Turkmenistan – Italy: similarity of approaches, dialog of interests
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov who arrived on official visit to the Republic of Italy had a talks with Prime Minister of Italy Giuseppe Conte and President of the country Sergio Matterella.

In the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov met with representative of Italian business in the Rome Cavalieri Hotel where the residence of Turkmen leader was hosted during the visit. Heads of the world famous companies like Danieli, ENI, Leonardo S.p.A, Maire Tecnimont, Valvitalia, Thales Alenia Space, Bonatti, SACE, Pietro Fiorentini took part in the meeting, which was held in the format of working breakfast.

The Head of the State outlined the meaning of major changes, which took place in the last years in Turkmenistan, for reformation of the economy providing stable high rates of development to the country.

Speaking of the cooperation with Italy, the Head of the state stated with delight that Turkmen – Italian trade and economic relation are steadily developed at modern stage resting on positive experience and traditions of the partnership.

Having noted high level of understanding and mutual trust achieved with representatives of business circles of Italy, the Head of the State assured businessmen that they will continue receiving necessary support.

The Head of the state made special mention of energy and transport as strategic spheres of Turkmen – Italian economic cooperation. At present time, Turkmenistan and its partners create ramified network of transport, transit and logistic infrastructure. It opens big perspectives for development of combined and multi-optional system of transport and transit connection from Asia to Europe, where corridor connecting Caspian and Mediterranean seas is to be an important link.

In general, current meeting is to strengthen dynamics of cooperation, to open its new directions and perspective, Turkmen leader noted, having expressed confidence that there are all prepositions for this – political will of the heads of two states, economic potential, rust and understanding.

In the end of the meeting, confidence that economic partnership of two countries would be strengthen and developed has been expressed.

In the morning, the President of Turkmenistan went to the Chigi Palace – the official residence of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Italy. Upon arrival, the Head of the State was warmly welcomed by the Head of the Government of Italy at the square where the giard of Honour has been lined up in honour of high-rank guest.

Having exchanged friendly handshakes, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte went to special place.

National anthems of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Italy were played. The Head of Turkmen state and the Head of the Government of the Republic of Italy walked along the line of the Guard of Honour.

After traditional photographing ceremony, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov introduced members of official delegation of both countries to each other.

High-level Turkmen – Italian talks took place on the Chigi Palace afterward.

Greeting President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and having expressed gratitudefor accepting the invitation to come to Italy on official visit, Prime Minsiter Giuseppe Conte confirmed invariable interest of his country in expansion of beneficial cooperation with Turkmenistan.

It was mentioned that current meeting gives good opportunity for exchange of opinions on key subjects of partnership in different directions including in activity of business communities. Speaking of this, the Head of the Government of Italy expressed confidence that talks in Rome would support further development of bilateral cooperation, outlining of priorities taking into account long-term perspective.

Having expressed sincere gratitude to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte for cordial welcome, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that in his foreign policy, Turkmenistan pays special attention to activation and strengthening of cooperation with the countries of European Union, in particular with the Republic of Italy.

Having stated with delight positive dynamics of Turkmen – Italian dialog, the Head of the State noted that regular contacts on different levels, especially on consolidation of efforts for provision of peace, security and stability on global and regional levels, counteraction against modern challenges and threats, play big role in support of high level of successfully developing bilateral relations.

Bilateral trade and economic relations have positive indicators. Number of projects in fuel and energy sector with participation of Italian companies are successfully implemented in our country, Turkmen leader said.

Regarding the cooperation in transport section, as is known our country made number of proposals in this direction including on restoration of the Silk Road in modern conditions, which opens colossal opportunities fr development and progress in regional and global scales.

Fundamentally new direction – the transport diplomacy, one of initiators of which is neutral Turkmenistan standing for multilateral dialog on this issue under the UN and other international organization, is asserted stronger in global cooperation.

This, our country, which was historically located in the heart of the Silk Road, makes big contribution to the development of beneficial cooperation in transport and communication sector, which is one of the main segment of the world economy making direct influence on stability and balance of the world economic relations and always open for cooperation with all interested foreign partners.

Regarding the opportunities of Turkmen – Italian cooperation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, these opportunities can be used wider taking into account diversification of the economy of Turkmenistan, opening of high technology production facilities, implementation of big national and international projects in fuel and energy complex, transport, agricultural, textile and tourism spheres.

Speaking of importance of cooperation in humanitarian and cultural sphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also noted the input of Italian scientists and archaeologists, who carry out archaeological excavation of historical places and centres of development of the world civilizations in our country for many years.

Having focused that next year, our people would observe the 25th anniversary of international recognition of neutrality of Turkmenistan, the Head of the State invited the Head of the government of Italy to take part in the work of International Conference dedicated to this event and in celebrations, which would be held in Ashgabat in December 2020.

Having expressed confidence that Italian partners share the interest and willingness of Turkmen side for further intensification and promotion of beneficial interstate relations, the President wished health and big success in his responsible activity for the sake of friendly people of Italy to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

Signing ceremony of bilateral documents took place under participation of the President of Turkmenistan and the Prime Minister of Italy after the talks.

The following documents have been signed: the Agreement between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Italy on Air Connection, Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of Health Protection of the Republic of Italy on Cooperation in the sphere of Health Protection and Medical Sciences, Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of Environment and Land Protection of the Republic of Italy on Cooperation in the Sphere of Risk Assessment, Adaptation and Reduction of the Impact of climate Change, Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of education of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of Education, Universities and Researches of the Republic of Italy on cooperation in Educational Sphere.

After document signing ceremony, the President of Turkmenistan and the Prime Minister of Italy said warm goodbye to each other, having expressed confidence in successful development of interstate relation.

After, Turkmen leader went to official residence of the President of the Republic of Italy - The Quirinal Palace, on which square the Guard of Honour has been lined up in honour of arrival of high-rank guest.

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was greeted by the President of Italy Sergio Mattarella at the central entrance. National anthems of two countries were played.

The heads of the states have entered the Palace and went to the place of the meeting where President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov introduced members of official delegation of Turkmenistan to his Italian colleagues. In his turn, President Sergio Mattarella introduced members of official delegation of Italy to high-rank guest.

After joint photographing on the background of the State flag of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Italy, high-level bilateral meeting took place in extended format in the Arazzi di Lilla Hall.

Greeting high rank guest and members of Turkmen delegations, President Sergio Mattarella expressed confidence that this visit and current talks would give new stimulus to development of traditional Turkmen – Italian relations, which hav constructive, friendly and respectful character.

It was noted that Italy and Turkmenistan have old positive experience of political dialog, big potential for cooperation in trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres, which provides favourable opportunities for further effective cooperation in all spectrum.

Fruitful partnership in the world arena where the sides demonstrate high level of understanding in current modern problems is also an actual factor of successful development of interstate relations.

Having confirmed commitment of Italy to wide cooperation with Turkmenistan, President Sergio Mattarella expressed gratitude to Turkmen leader for the attention and imitative approach to bilateral cooperation and bringing of it to new levels.

Having expressed gratitude to his Italian colleagues for cordiality and warm reception, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that Turkmen side consider this visit to Italy as important stage in development of interstate relations.

Turkmenistan and Italy has good experience of cooperation in subject of regional and world development. Having same or similar positions in provision of peace, stability and security, our countries support peaceful, political solution of international problems, the Head of Turkmenistan said.

This is indicated by understanding between two states in big international organizations. Turkmenistan appreciates the approach of the Republic of Italy to number of regional problem, in particular to the situation in Afghanistan. Our country stands for close international cooperation in regulation of the situation in neighbouring state by peaceful political methods, for economic support to the state and integration of Afghanistan to the world economic relations through the participation in big infrastructural projects, Turkmen leader highlighted.

Turkmenistan is willing to combat such threats as international terrorism, extremisms, drug trafficking and transnational organized crime together with Italy and world community, the Head of the State said. In general, our country see the Republic of Italy as its important partner in the world political arena.

Energy and transport are strategic directions of Turkmen – Italian partnership. Support of initiatives of Turkmen side in the sphere of stable energy by Italy speaks of similarity of approaches of both countries to this global problem. The President continued that we put diversification of energy routes to the meaning of energy security. In this context, Turkmenistan considers opportunities of delivery of its energy carriers to western direction and works together with European Commission on legal and technical aspects. We hope that Italy as competent members of the European Union would continue rendering necessary active support to this proves, the Head of the state said.

Speaking in general of productivity of using of mutual capabilities under energy dialog between Turkmenistan and Europe, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov spoke for using of bilateral relations, available understanding in the context of activation of European vector of energy policy of our country. At the same time, the President noted that long-term goals of Turkmenistan and Italy are matching.

The Head of Turkmenistan stated that wide opportunities are opened for cooperation in transport sphere. Geographic locations of both countries allow them playing big role in development of transport and transit corridors between Asia and Europe across the regions of Central Asia and Caspian basin to Black and Mediterranean seas and states of South Europe. Therefore, strategic regional and continental systems of economic integration form up. In this case, Turkmenistan sees Italy as one of important partners not only under bilateral relations but also in the context of cooperation with European Union.

Historically, Italy played big role in relations between the East and West from old times; it served as a bridge of civilized communication between the nations of the continent. As a neutral and peace-loving state, Turkmenistan is willing to support positive processes in Eurasia together with Italy, to strive that all issues of international politics were solved at negotiation table based on the standards of international law and the UN Chapter, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

Speaking of cooperation in humanitarian sphere, the Head of the State said with delight that significant part of documents signed during current visit is agreements in sphere of science, education, culture, health protection and ecology.

Speaking of importance of inter-parliamentary cooperation, Turkmen leader noted that taking into account coming reformation of national legislative body, gradual assertion of democratic principles and practices in the country, Turkmenistan is interested in relative experience of Italy.

The Head of the State highlighted that current meeting has confirmed that Italy is reliable and perspective partner of Turkmenistan. In its turn, Turkmenistan builds its relations with Italy for long-term and strategic perspective. Our country appreciates the level of understanding and trust and is ready to do all necessary for consolidation of Turkmen – Italian friendship and interstate cooperation, which meets common interests.

Having noted that condition and perspectives of cooperation in trade and economic sphere have been discussed at the talks with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed confidence that big joint business forum, which was held in Milano on November 6 and resulted in signing of dozens of contracts and agreements, would give strong impulse to bilateral partnership.

Having expressed gratitude to President Sergio Mattarella for constructive meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov invited his Italian colleague to visit Turkmenistan at any convenient time and wished him strong health and success in responsible government activity and prosperity to the people of Italy.

In the afternoon, the Head of the state went to the Altare della Patria Monument. This monumental complex, which is located on Venice Square on the slope of Capitol Hill, was built to mark unification of Italy. In the solemn atmosphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov put the wreath to the tomb of Unknown Soldier, having paid tribute to the memory of national heroes of the Republic of Italy.

Having completed the programme of official visit, Turkmen leader went to Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport from where left for Turkmenistan.

Thus, high-level Turkmen – Italian talks in Rome, business meeting of the Head of the State with representative of big Italian business as well as joint business forum in Milano visually demonstrated the willingness of the sides for full-scale cooperation.