Ï President of Turkmenistan specifies prospects of cooperation with Italy

President of Turkmenistan specifies prospects of cooperation with Italy

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Speaking during the meeting with Italian businessmen at the Rome Cavalieri Hotel, the President of Turkmenistan emphasized that at present, the Turkmen-Italian trade and economic relations steadily developed, based on the accumulated positive experience of partnership.

Today, Italian companies implement projects in the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan, in the field of communications, hotel business, and agricultural sector. In addition, Italian companies provide services to enterprises in the fuel and energy sector of Turkmenistan.

Underling the high level of mutual understanding and mutual trust achieved with representatives of Italian business circles, the President of Turkmenistan assured businessmen that our country would continue providing the necessary support to them.

The President of Turkmenistan specified energy and transport among the strategic areas of Turkmen-Italian economic cooperation. At present, Turkmenistan, together with partners, is creating an extensive network of transport, transit and logistics infrastructure that opens up wide opportunities for the development of a combined and multivariate system of transport and transit links from Asia to Europe.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that Turkmenistan considered Italy as one of the key partners in this area. The joint work seems particularly relevant in connection with the implementation of large national projects in our country in the transport and communications sectors, including the modernization of the infrastructure on the Caspian Sea coast.

Along with the development of coastal infrastructure, our country regularly replenishes its merchant marine fleet. Given the experience of Italy in shipbuilding, there are opportunities for building up cooperation in this area as well.

Today, Turkmenistan actively develops high-tech areas, including communications, telecommunications, computer science, which are among the promising sectors for mutually beneficial and effective partnership.

Cooperation in the tourism sector also ranks among the areas of joint cooperation. Italy is one of the world leaders in the tourism industry and Turkmenistan is interested in attracting Italian specialists to establish a modern tourism industry in our country on a long-term basis.

The President of Turkmenistan emphasized the efficiency of the Turkmen-Italian business forum held in Milan. On the outcomes of the forum, more than 20 documents were signed in various sectors of the economy. In this regard, further development of business relations, organization of business trips of entrepreneurs to study the possibilities of projects are of particular importance.