Ï The President of Turkmenistan launches autumn tree planting campaign

The President of Turkmenistan launches autumn tree planting campaign

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The President of Turkmenistan launches autumn tree planting campaign
The President of Turkmenistan launches autumn tree planting campaign
The President of Turkmenistan launches autumn tree planting campaign
The President of Turkmenistan launches autumn tree planting campaign
The President of Turkmenistan launches autumn tree planting campaign
The President of Turkmenistan launches autumn tree planting campaign
Autumn tree planting campaign has been launched in Turkmenistan with participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Early in the morning, numerous participants of the event have gathered in the southern part of Ashgabat.

Vehicle of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov came to place of tree planting event.

The Head of the State was greeted by the Speaker of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, hyakims of Ahal Velayat and the capital, representatives of public organizations, universities and mass media. Everybody were ready to join work on allocated big plot where trees seedlings have been brought.

Representatives of diplomatic corps accredited in Turkmenistan including structural divisions of the UN were among the guests invited to the event. During the conversation, the President expressed gratitude to them for active participation in all remarkable events organized in our country, significant contribution to development of relations with the states and international organizations, which they represent in Turkmenistan.

Continuing the subject, the President noted that our country pays close attention to ecology as an important aspect of the UN 2030 Global Agenda. Initiatives of Turkmenistan in environment protection sphere, which were made at the world forums including the sessions of the UN General Assembly, are aimed at this. Having received wide support of international community, they are good base for joint international ecological projects and programmes.

Heads of embassies, representative offices of international organizations accredited in our country expressed gratitude to the Head of Turkmenistan for making of favourable conditions for fruitful work, having highlighted that they are happy to take part in the events, which are very important in life of the state and society.

It was mentioned that current nationwide tree planting campaign is an example of large-scale work expanded in the country in the context of achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, support of ecological wealth in Central Asian region.

Environment protection, careful attitude to the nature are priority directions of the Government policy of Turkmenistan. The country implements long-term tree planting programme, which provides creation of green belts around cities and villages.

As is known according to the Resolution of the Head of the State, 1.5 million trees will be planted on the territory of Baherden and Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal Velayat and the same number of seedlings of deciduous, evergreen and fruits trees and vines will be planted in the regions in 2019. Organization of these works is given to the ministries and profile departments, administrations of the capital and velayats.

Today, our country makes significant input to solution of current ecological issues, which are very important for entire humankind. First, this is related to careful use of land and water resources, combating against desertification, protection of marine environment and biological diversity of Caspian Sea and many other aspects.

National Strategy of Turkmenistan for Climate Change, which was adopted this year in new edition, as well as number of legal acts adopted previously including the Forest and Water Code, laws on flora and fauna, special protected natural territories, protection of atmospheric air, ecological safety and other, are aimed at integrated solution of objectives in this sphere.

Manmade oases of young forests, gardens and parks have spread for thousands hectares in all event remoted parts of Turkmenistan. They become a bright detail of the landscape raising delight of guests of the country. banks of rivers and channels, eco-friendly coast of Caspian Sea where Avaza National tourist zone is located, outskirts of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake built in the centre of the Karakum Desert are dressed in ‘green’clothers.

Thick tree plantations in the north of the country in Dashoguz Velayat is another example. Grandiose massif of forest plantations is formed up at the territory of 20,000 hectares around Botendag Uphill on the bank of Sarykamysh Lake for prevention of soil degradation and desertification of Aral region.

Large-scale tree planting work in our country under the patronage of Turkmen leader is also a significant input to the worldwide efforts in combating negative impacts of the climate change. Appearing around every city and settlement, the forest belts make comfortable microclimate protecting from hot breath of the Karakums in summer and from chilly wind in winter.

Current action for planting of future garden and parks is to dress Turkmen land with beautiful green attire.

… President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the place prepared for plantation works. The Head of the State planted young juniper tree, having launched mass tree planting action. Following Turkmen leader, representatives of almost all branches of national economy as well as diplomatic corps accredited in our country took part in tree planting.

Start of current campaign was forestalled by big preparation work. All necessary agrotechnical requirements like timely clean up and levelling of soil at the fields planned to planted with trees, detailed distribution of different trees, provision of sufficient fertilzers and water have been provided.

Thousands of mulberry and fruit trees have been planted in the Kopetdag Valley in previous years. So, very soon, magnificent groves and fruit gardens will raise in this place.

Performance of Turkmen artists – musicians, singers, folk collectives, were the adornment of current event.

After the event, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov address his gratitude to everyone who took part in tree planting campaign and left the place of event.


Tree planting activities accompanied by colourful celebration event took place all over the country. personnel of different ministries and departments, government and private facilities, cultural and art personnel, representatives of public organizations and mass media took part in the vents. Agricultural, food and textile, medicinal plant, craft and art exhibitions have been arranged all across the country.