Ï Objectives of steadfast development of Turkmenistan are specified at the session of the Government

Objectives of steadfast development of Turkmenistan are specified at the session of the Government

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session of the Cabinet of Ministers where outcomes of work of the branches of national economy for the past ten months, drafts State budget and number of other documents have been reviewed.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of Turkmenistan gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on macroeconomic indices for January – October 2019, which indicate stable development of all branches.

The growth rate of the GDP has been provided on 6.3 percent level for ten months of the year. Comparing with the same period of the last year, the production has increased by 6.9 percent in general.

In January – October, the volume of retail trade has grown by 19.1 percent while foreign trade by 4.2 percent comparing with the same period of 2018.

Revenue of the State budget has been fulfilled to the amount of 15.7 billion manats while expenditure part to the amount of 15.6 billion manats for the period under review.

Average salary wages in big and small enterprises is 9.6 percent higher comparing with the same period of 2018. Salary wages, pensions, state allowances and student scholarships has been paid on time.

Construction of 92 social facilities, 218,900 square meters of living as well as 35 water treatment and other engineering facilities has been carried out under the realization of new edition of National rural programme.

In his report, the Vice-premier informed about the drafts of the State budget for 2020, the main directions of social and economic development of the country and Investment programme of Turkmenistan.

The main financial plan of the country in the next year provides 75 percent for development of social sphere as well as increment of salary wages, pensions, state allowance and student scholarships by 10 percent.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted positive dynamics of economic indicators for ten months. More details analysis will be given by the results of working visit of the expert of International Monetary Fund.

Speaking of the utmost objectives of the enterprises under supervision of the Vice-premier, the Head of Turkmenistan ordered to take integrated measures for provision of efficient work of the braches of national economy and realization of existing potential.

The President of the country outlined training of management and personnel of economic and financial sections among priority vectors, having given specific assignments. In this context, the focus has been made on the necessity of participation of youth in seminars and exchange of practice in profile institutions of foreign states.

Addressing Vice-premiers G. Myradov and P. Agamyradov, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted the importance of expansion of international cooperation in the sphere of exchange of specialists.

Continuing the subject, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to elaborate on the subjects of sending of groups of economists and financiers for study of the basis of digital economy or to invite profile specialists from foreign countries for training of managers and personnel to Turkmenistan.

The Head of Turkmenistan outline the construction of latest technological Centre next to Ashgabat among current objectives. Acceleration of development of the Programme of economic development of the country for the next year, which has to have solid investment base, was named as one of important directions.

The President has focused on the necessity to pay special attention to the plan of construction and keeping of the growth rates of the GDP on high level. Finally, the Programme will be reviewed and adopted at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers by the outcomes of this year, the Head of Turkmenistan said, having addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments.

Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber G. Mushshikov, who was invited to the session, reported on the results of analysis held on implementation of cashback service implemented by the banks of the country.

Implementation of the cashback system to work of local banks is to support the improvement of competitive advantages, active attraction of users of payment cards, the Head of the State said, having addressed relative leaders with number of assignments for provision of legal regulation of relations appearing during the provision of this service.

After, the Head of the Supreme Control Chamber has informed about the results of inspection of fulfilment of the Programme of improvement of labour occupancy sphere and opening of new work places in Turkmenistan in 2015 – 2020, provision of the population of the country with work and organization of the state control of fulfilment of labour legislation.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State noted that practical measures in this sphere are aimed at creation of necessary guarantees for realization of constitutional rights of citizens for work, selection of profession and place of work, performance of any activity, provision of safe work conditions, development of social partnership between the sides of working relations.

Having focused in priority of this subject, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Vice-premiers to study in details the results of inspection carried out by the Supreme Control Chamber and to take proper measures to eliminate deficiencies as well as to present relative report about work that has been done at the next session of the Government.

Prosecutor General B. Atdayev, who was invited to the session, was ordered to implement strict prosecution control for solution of important objectives for improvement of wellbeing of the people.

The Head of the State has reprimanded Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population, Board Chairman of the Pension Fund of Turkmenistan M. Sylapov for unsatisfactory fulfilment of his duties and failures admitted in work.

Next, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the outcomes f work of the branches under his supervision for nine months of the year.

Information about technical and economic indicators reached in oil and gas condensate, natural and associated gas production as well as export of gas and development of investment. The plan of oil refining has been fulfilled by 101.8 percent, gasoline production by 100.1 percent, diesel fuel by 103.5 percent for the period under review.

Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan outlined number of objectives for further improvement of activity fuel and energy complex. In particular, the Head of the State highlighted that it is obvious that production indicators are behind annual plan in oil and gas complex by the results of ten months.

It was noted that low rates of introduction of advanced technologies, passive works for placement of high-quality petroleum production and polypropylene film in the world market are the main reasons of this. The shortages are also admitted in placement of petroleum production in local market.

The President has demanded to activate the rates of implementation of advanced technologies in production, to improve the efficiency of overhaul maintenance of wells, to attract leading foreign companies for development of new fields, increment of oil production from hardly accessible and complicated layers.

At the same time, special focus has been made on the subjects of oil refining and production of the main petroleum products, placement of this production and polypropylene film in the world and local markets.

It is necessary to introduce modern technologies including by the attraction of foreign investments to production for achievement of planned indicators and growth rates comparing with the last year, the Head of the State highlighted. At the same time, it was noted that the sphere of joint activity with foreign companies has to be expanded and new directions of cooperation have to be defined.

The President of Turkmenistan pointed out that it is necessary to increase production of petrochemical production and to study logistic opportunities for entry to new markets, to arrange work of the plant producing eco-friendly gasoline from natural gas properly.

The Head of the State ordered to analyse the work of Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex, to determine perspective directions of its further multi-profile development using new forms of management.

The President ordered to take necessary measures for introduction of digital technologies to production process, expansion of variety and improvement of quality of petroleum production as well as to continue relative activity for their promotion in the world market. Having addressed the Vice-premier, Turkmen leader informed that meeting for discussion of these subjects would take place soon.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov made report on the outcomes of activity of ministries and departments of industrial and communication complexes of Turkmenistan in January – October. They have accomplished production plan by 120 percent.

The growth rate of production of the Ministry of textile Industry has reached 145.3 percetn.

This indicator of the facilities of Türkmenhimiýa State Concern for production of mineral fertilizers was 160.8 percent; the plan for production of technical iodine has been fulfilled by 113.1 percent.

The growth rate of production and services of the Ministry of Industry and Communication was equal to 108.2 percent.

This indicator of the Türkmensenagat Agency was 108.6 percent, Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency – 127.1 percent, Türkmendemirýollary Agency – 100 percent, Türkmenhowaýollary Agency – 103.5 percent, Türkmendeňizderýaýollary Agency – 194.4 percent, Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency – 106.2 percent.

The growth rate in cargo and passenger transportation by automobile, railway, air and sea transport was 103.2 and 100.5 percent respectively.

Addressing the Vice-premier, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that national industrial and communication complex is based on advanced technologies and this is the complex that mainly defines the development of the economy. However, some of the ministries and departments are not able to cope with set objectives including Türkmenhimiýa State Concern.

Focusing on the work of Türkmensenagat Agency, the Head of the State pointed out the importance of timely provision of construction sites with building materials such as cement and fittings, having demanded to pay more attention to the improvement of activity of the ministries and departments.

The branches have to work fruitfully and bring profit to the state. The industry has to be developed by wide attraction of entrepreneurs. In this context, the President noted that this is about diversification of competitive industrial branch, which is based on innovations, and its infrastructure. It will serve as a solid foundation for development of all branches of economy especially for making of import substitutive production.

It is necessary to study the matters related to cargo traffic and to elaborate on the programmes of digitization of national economy and training of relative specialists, the Head of the State said.

It is necessary to pay special attention to further development of television and communication.

Immediate measures are required for repair of railways, the President highlighted, having ordered the Vice-premier to analyse the work of the ministries and departments and to take proper measures for its further improvement.

“We will come back to these subjects at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on the outcomes of the year”, - the Head of the State summed up. Having noted the importance of the set objectives for realization of the State Programme of industrialization of the country until 2030, the President informed that the session, where these subjects would be reviewed in details, would take place shortly.

During the session, the President of Turkmenistan reprimanded Chairman of the Türkmensenagat Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Communication of Turkmenistan R. Ovezov for unsatisfactory fulfilment of duties and non-fulfilment of the objectives set to the Agency.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported to the President about the results of activity of construction and energy complex, structures of municipal service and capital administration in January – October this year.

Production and service plan of the Administration of Ashgabat was fulfilled by 105.3 percent with the growth rate of 118.9 percent.

The same indicators of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture for nine months of the year were 100.3 and 105.5 percent respectively.

Production, work and service plan of the Ministry of Energy was executed on 95.5 percent level.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Vice-premier and Minister of Construction and Architecture S. Selimov to enhance the rates of reforms in construction complex, having focused on the preparation of specialists of this profile, opening of new construction and technological companies as well as on activation of relative activity overseas and receiving income in foreign currency.

Having expressed discontent with work carried out by the Vice-premier and Minister of Energy M. Artykov, the Head of the State pointed out that the Ministry of Energy has not fulfilled planned objectives and despite all available capabilities, the volumes of export of energy to foreign countries are very low.

In this regard, the President demanded to make thorough analysis of existing situation and to take immediate measures for its correction.

Big money are spent for development of energy sphere, which means that it has to show an income, the President highlighted, having ordered the Vice-premier to report on work in this direction at the next session of the Cabinet of Ministers.

During the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also signed the Resolution on approval of duties and responsibilities of the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers for construction, energy and municipal service.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the outcomes of work for development of trade sphere and private section of the economy in January – October 2019.

Growth rate of total volume of trade of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations was 28.5 percent for ten months comparing with the same period of the last year. At the same time, retail trade has increased by 12.8 percent while the wholesale trade by 40.7 percent. The growth rate of production was equal to 12.3 percent.

The State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange has conducted 209 exchange trade session and registered 25,448 contracts. The growth rate of overall income has made 41 percent.

The growth rate of services of the Trade and Industrial Chamber was on 54.8 percent level. 17 exhibitions and 23 conferences have been held in January – October.

Companies of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs have made 10.2 percent more of industrial and 16.1 percent more of agricultural and food production.

Having focused on the importance of elaboration of the increment of volumes of international trade, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that special attention has to be paid to the increment of export oriented production.

Speaking of coming winter, the Head of the State pointed out the necessity to hold under control filling of the markets and shops with various goods, having addressed the Vice-premier and Minister of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations O. Gurbannazarov, who was invited to the session, with specific assignments.

It is necessary to enhance the work of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the President continued, having noted that the Government would continue rendering comprehensive support to private sector.

In his turn, Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported to the Head of the State about the results of work of branches under his supervision for ten months of the year, seasonal agricultural works in the velayats.

In general, the growth rate of production volumes, works and services in agricultural complex was 107. 1 percent. The indicator of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Production has reached 106.4 percent, the State Fishery Committee – 114.2 percent, the State Association of Türkmen atlary – 106.6 percent. The plan of investment development has been executed by 108.3 percent.

Draft Resolution on allocation of land plots for construction and production purposes to the Government organizations, which has been development by the members of velayat, Ashgabat and the State Commission for Land Affairs, to the President of Turkmenistan for review. In addition, land plots are planned to be given to the members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs for cultivation of agricultural crops and construction of production facilities.

Summing up the report, the President noted that despite the fact that objectives for production of wheat and cotton have been fulfilled completely, the officials of agricultural complex have important objectives, which solution has to be aaccelerated.

First, it was decided to reduce the fields under wheat and to increase the area of cotton fields. The second subject is a creation of favourable conditions in agricultural complex for business and reduction of the Government sector. The third, it is necessary to provide rational use of natural resources. Special attention has to be natural protection.

The fourth subject is related to the transfer of agricultural sphere to digital system, the Head of the State continued, having noted that it is necessary to develop profile education and science, to expand spectrum of information and consulting services.

Having highlighted again that it is necessary to accelerate work in these directions, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to present relative report at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on the outcomes of this year.

Having addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific orders, the Head of the State signed the Resolution on allocation of land plots to the Government organizations and members of the UIET.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdieyva reported on the outcomes of work of the spheres under her supervision for ten months of the year.

Various cultural events provided by the Programme of development of cultural sphere of Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025 have been organized since the beginning of the year.

The Days of Culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have been held in Turkmen capital and Mary. The Days of Turkmen Culture have been organized in Iran, turkey, Belarus and the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation.

Ashgabat hosted XIV Forum of Scientific and Cultural Personnel of the CIS members in the second half of May and IV Vienna Ball and the concert of Turkmen – Austrian Galkynysh Orchestra in October.

Presented information about financial and business activity of Turkmen Publishing Service, the Vice-premier informed that the plan has been fulfilled by 132.1 percent.

National mass media has been highlighting the achievements of the country in different spheres, carried out activity for explanation of the meaning and importance of reforms. Work for various movie production has been continued at Oguzkhan Turkmenfilm Association. Number of movies has been released.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity to hold under strict control the activity of cultural sphere, to improve such activity taking into account modern requirements and innovations.

Number of assignments has been given to Minister of Culture A. Shamyradov, who was invited to the session of the Government.

The Head of the State noted that protection and study of historical and cultural heritage, its wide popularization in the world are the main objectives of the personnel of the above-mentioned sphere.

Speaking of this, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out the importance to give new impulse and innovative character to this work, to activate measures for protection, study and enhancement of national heritage, creation of all conditions for comprehensive artistic activity.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the outcomes of activity of the branches under his supervision in January – October 2019 and noted that the reforms in education, science and health protection spheres are continued.

Having successfully performed at international project and discipline contests, school students won 140 medals including 37 gold, 31 silver and 72 bronze medals. University students representing Turkmenistan in international discipline contests have won 36 medals (9 gold, 11 silver and 16 bronze medals).

Continuing the report, the Vice-premier informed about fulfilment of scientific works in scientific and research institutes and high educational institutes of the country. reforms in the sphere of national health protection sphere are continued. Active work under cooperation with international organizations in this direction is carried out.

Big work for development of physical culture and sports, Olympic movement, expansion of fruitful partnership in this sphere is carried out. Preparation of the World Sambo Championship, World Track Cycling and Asian Futsal Championship in Turkmenistan is continued.

National team continues training in the context of preparation to XXXII Summer Olympic Games, which are to be held in Tokyo in 2020.

136 local competition and 87 mass sport events have been held in the country for the period under review. Our sportsmen took part in 161 international competitions specifically in 28 World Championships, 35 Asian Championships, 98 other tournaments, having won totally 258 medals (85 gold, 85 silver and 88 bronze medals).

Summing up the information, the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed his discontent with low level of involvement of infrastructure of sport sphere and use of experience of conducting of Asian Games.

Having focused on low rates of digitization process in the structures of the Vice-premier’s supervision, the Head of the State ordered to continue work on modernization of equipment and facility, scientific and methodological base of all level of education, health protection and sports.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the results of activity of the Ministry for ten months of the year in the context of realization of foreign strategy of independent neutral Turkmenistan and fulfilment of assignments give by the Head of the State.

It was highlighted that our country led by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov develops relations of friendship, goodwill and beneficial cooperation in interstate format as well as constructive dialog under competent international and regional organizations.

In this aspect, the main role is given to visits and high-level talks. Thus, visits of turkemn leader to the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation, the Republic of Singapore, Japan, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Italy as well as visits of the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the King of Bahrein, the President of Korean Republic, the Prime Minister of Malaysia to Turkmenistan have been held this year.

Important agreements reached by the outcomes of the visits and signed documents gave new impulse to development of effective partnership, which meets the interests of common progress and wellbeing.

Under the chairing of Turkmenistan in the Commonwealth of Independent States this year, Ashgabat hosted the sessions of the Heads of Governments of the CIS and Heads of the CIS states. Consultations between foreign departments of our and other countries are held on regular base.

14 sessions of joint Intergovernmental Commissions have been held since the beginning of the year for further realization of fruitful trade and economic, humanitarian and cultural cooperation. At the same time, 13 bilateral business forums have been organized in January – October this year.

Information related to International Conference of Transport Ministers of developing countries, which have no sea access, in 2020 has been presented within the report. As is known, relative proposal has been made by Turkmen side at the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Having listened to the report and speaking of International Conference of Transport Ministers of developing countries, which have no sea access, in 2020, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted the importance of expansion of effective cooperation in strategic transport and communication section, which is the main segment of the world economy in modern conditions, which makes direct effect on stability and balance of the world economic relations.

Speaking of this, the President ordered to provide high organizational level of preparation to coming forum, which is to be one of the main stages of development of the Ashgabat process, which was put during the first Global UN Conference on Sustainable Transport.

The Head of the State has also ordered to start preparation of the plan of international activities for the next year, foreign visits of delegation of our countries and foreign delegations to Turkmenistan as well as international conferences and meetings, having noted that this subject would be reviewed in the end of the year.

Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about activity of National Parliament for the past ten months.

It was mentioned that 50 Laws of Turkmenistan and 30 Resolutions of the Mejlis, which support further legal provision of intensive development of the economy, realization of social policy, large-scale reforms in all spheres, strengthening of democratic and legal bases of the State, have been adopted.

Working trips have been organized for expansion of international cooperation and inter-parliamentary relations and study of legal activity.

Deputies of the Mejlis were taking part in the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe, the CIS Inter-parliamentary Assembly, Inter-parliamentary Union as well as in the events held in number of foreign countries and dedicated to subjects of gender equality, changes of climate, health protection, administrative production and other fields.

Measures for improvement of parliamentary system and legal status of the People’s Council are taken. Deputies actively work on explanation of meaning and importance of foreign and home policy of the country and adopted legal documents.

Having listened to the information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of further steadfast activity of the Mejlis for strengthening of legal base of the country, implementation of decisions made at the session of the People’s Council.

Session of the Constitutional Commission for development and summarization of proposals related to the amendments and addendums of the Main Law would take place shortly, the Head of the State said, having given instruction to the Speaker of the Parliament to stratr preparation of relative documents.

Summing up the session and addressing the members of the Cabinet of Ministers , the President of Turkmenistan noted that result of work of branches of national economy for ten months indicate that home and foreign policy of the country is implemented in strict compliance with the principles of neutrality goodwill and beneficial cooperation.

As before, we achieve high rates of development in the economy, the Head of the State noted. The growth of production indicators meets planned objectives almost in all branches.

Today, the time requires us to take immediate measures for provision of dynamic economic development, acceleration of its rates, achievement of all set objectives despite the changes in the world economy.

We have an objective to keep achieved positive indicators until the end of the year and to improve them in the next year. One and half month are left until the end of the year. We have to solve many issues for its successful completion and confident entry to new 2020, the President of the country highlighted.

Having ordered the members of the Cabinet of Ministers to review the Draft State budget for the next year, the Head of Turkmenistan pointed out that it is necessary to elaborate on the subjects related to steadfast improvement of wellbeing of the nation.

Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished strong health, family wellbeing and great success in work to all participants.