Ï Realization of the strategy of social and economic development is reviewed at the session of the Government

Realization of the strategy of social and economic development is reviewed at the session of the Government

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference working session of the Cabinet of Ministers where actual issues of the state life have been reviewed.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on the situation in the structures under his supervision.

Integrated measures for activation of the transfer of the Government structures to electronic document management system are taken according to the Concept of development of digital economy in 2019 – 2025. In this regard, equipment and facility base of organizations is modernized, practical measures for development of special software are taken.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that digital economy is the main factor of promotion of innovations today. It requires new approach to solution of social and economic issues, Turkmen leader said, having noted that strict control of timely fulfilment of activities outlined in relative Concept is one of the utmost objectives of the Ministry of Finances and Economics.

It is necessary to continue work on digitization of the economy for provision of long-term stable growth of all sections of national economic complex, the Head of the State said, having noted the necessity to take measures for attraction of investments and enhancement of production potential.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on work for improvement of activity of oil and gas complex of the country, promotion of number of big investment projects.

In this regard, information about work for development of Turkmen part of Caspian Sea and current negotiations with number of big foreign oil and gas companies interested in cooperation has been presented.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that detail exploration and full-scale development of perspective oil and gas fields of Caspian Sea and coastal zone are priority aspects of energy strategy of the country.

Big reserves of hydrocarbon materials available in this region and their efficient use are able to give new impulse to dynamic development of national economy, to provide conditions for opening of new production facilities specialized in deep processing of oil and gas as well as expansion of export routes of Turkmen energy carriers.

It is necessary to pay the utmost attention to the complex of natural protection measures aimed at rational use of rich natural resources of Caspian Sea and protection of its ecological wealth during oil and gas works, the President highlighted.

Continuing the session, the Vice-premier informed that work for finding of mineral resources of the country, their study and development gives positive results. It was also reported that big reserves of iron ore have been discovered during geological survey works in Balkan Velayat.

Having accepted this news with satisfaction, the Head of the State called vice-premiers B. Ovezov and Ch. Purchekov. The President pointed out the necessity of efficient use of natural reserves of Turkmenistan.

The Head of the State noted that demand for construction material especially on iron production is growing in the country. in this regard, it is necessary to open new production operating on the base of latest scientific and technical achievements for productive development of discovered deposits.

It plays an important role for industrialization of the country, the Head of the State noted, having addressed relative leaders with assignments for construction of new metallurgic facility for industrial processing of discovered deposit of iron ore.

The President gave assignments to the Vice-premier for active study of advanced practice in the sphere of development of natural reserves, establishment of industrial production as well as development of relative proposals.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on the measures taken by the Administration of Ashgabat for procurement of special vehicles and equipment for provision of municipal services as well as about work for increment of export volumes electricity export to foreign countries.

It was mentioned that development of the capital, reconstruction of existing engineering and technical systems is continued, road and transport network is improved and tree planting in the city is carried out.

Reporting on solution of objectives set out by the Head of the State to strategic sector of national economy, the vice-premier informed that at present, electricity is exported by Serhetabat – Herat, Kerky – Andhoy and Rabatkashan – Kalaynau power lines in the volume of 793,980,000 KV/hours.

Having listened to the report, the President ordered the Vice-premier to implement strict control of the activity of the structures under his supervision. It was highlighted that significant funds are invested to modernization and expansion of the infrastructure of the capital and other cities of the country.

Having noted the importance of steadfast measures for fulfilment of all planned works for increment of export of electricity, Turkmen leader addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov reported on the preparation of XII International Exhibition of telecommunication, Telemetric and Information Technologies and TV and Radio Broadcasting Equipment “Turkmentel 2019” and scientific conference under its framework, which are planned to be held in Ashgabat on November 27 – 28, 2019. It is expected that more than 90 exhibitors – national communication divisions and foreign producers, will take part in the review.

Latest development will be presented in such sections as telecommunication, telemetry and measuring equipment, wireless and wide band communication, equipment for professional audio and video recording, cable production and accessories, services in communication sphere, special equipment, logistics and other.

Leading specialists, heads of profile communication systems and transport sphere will make their proposals at scientific conference. The participants of the forum will receive information about the condition, perspectives of development of the main directions of communication complex but also will exchange opinions about the aspects of cooperation and to determine investment capabilities.

In this regard, the Head of the State highlighted that international exhibition is to demonstrate achievements of national industry of information technologies and telecommunications, tendencies and perspectives of development of this sphere, to support activation of beneficial partnership.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision as well as on the measures for improvement of quality of services in trade sphere.

It was informed that according to the provisions of the Laws of Turkmenistan on Trade Activity and on Protection of Consumers’ Rights, the regulation of organization of trade activity and provision of trade services has been developed. This document is aimed at improvement of rules of services of the population and activity of the facilities of this sphere according to time requirements.

Having listened to the report, the President noted that trade sector is among leading branches of national economy in the conditions of transit to market relations. In this regard, increment of trade volume and commodity abundance are the utmost objectives.

Having pointed out the importance to pay attention to quality, increment of variety and improvement of trade appearance of products, further development of service sphere and marketing, the President addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments.

Continuing the session, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers reported on preparation to Turkmen – Bahraini business forum in Manama, the Kingdom of Bahrain on November 27. Representatives of the government structures and companies specialized in oil refining, chemical, textile and food industries, in production of industrial materials, ship building as well as in such directions as communication, tourism, trade, investment and banking sphere will take part in the meeting.

It is planned to introduce the main aspects of the strategy of economic development of Turkmenistan, large-scale projects in leading branches to Bahraini side during the forum. The agenda will include the subjects of expansion of interstate cooperation. Bilateral meetings and visits to facilities of industrial zone are planned.

Development of cooperation with the countries of the Middle East including with the Kingdom of Bahrain is one of the priority directions of foreign policy of Turkmenistan. Our countries are dynamically developed, have rich natural resources and favourable geographic location, which opens huge capabilities for expansion of beneficial partnership, the Head of the State noted.

Coming Turkmen – Bahraini business forum has to be aimed at expansion of interstate cooperation, stimulation of investment activity, establishment of productive contacts between business structures of two countries, Turkmen leader highlighted, having ordered the Vice-premier to provide high level of event.

Having expressed the interest in preparation of the EXPO 2020, the Head of the State noted the importance of the World Exhibition where achievements of national economy would be demonstrated. Participation in such reviews supports the expansion of foreign relations with all interested sides, the President highlighted.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on work for intensification of international cooperation in the context of educational reforms.

It was highlighted that rich practice of fruitful partnership has been gained in education and science with different countries of the world as well as with competent international organizations including with the UN Children Fund, the UN Population Fund and European Union

Bilateral relations are actively developed in this direction. Regulatory and legal base of cooperation between high educational institutes of Turkmenistan and foreign universities, scientific and educational centres, which has been added with number of documents signed by the outcomes of foreign visits of Turkmen leader and visits of heads of other states to our country, is regularly improved.

Perspectives of cooperation in high education have been discussed during the meetings held during working visits of delegation of leading universities of the Republic of Korea and Singapore. In particular, subject of foundation of joint university has been reviewed with partners from Singapore.

Continuing the report, the Vice-premier informed about the preparation to organization of the draw of coming Asian Futsal Championship in Ashgabat in 2020 as well as on samples of official symbols of the championship, which have been demonstrated to the head of the State for review.

Taking into account the course of our country toward industrialization and digitization, subjects of education, training of qualified specialists knowing advanced technologies for all branches of national economy has special importance. Today, all conditions for mastering of modern knowledge, expansion of intellectual potential of the youth have been made in secondary and high educational institutes, the President said.

Close attention is paid to improvement of qualification of teachers and to introduction of progressive methods, stimulation of science. Speaking of this, the Head of the State pointed out the necessity to hold under control the course of reforms in this sphere and timely solution of all set objectives.

Continuing the subject of international cooperation, the President noted the presence of big perspectives for intensification of productive contacts with different countries. In this context, the Vice-premier received assignments for expansion of relations with leading foreign universities and scientific centres, realization of reached agreements.

Speaking of the preparation to the Asian Futsal Championship, which Ashgabat to host next year, the Head of the State noted that Turkmenistan confidently improves its positions as a sport power.

Having ordered to provide high organizational level of coming tournament, the President approved samples of official symbols of the Championship, which would be an important event in sport life of Asian region.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the results of seasonal archaeological excavations carried out at historical and cultural sites of the country in 2019 and handover of discovered items to museums.

It was mentioned that that this work was carried out according to the State programme of scientific and research works and excavations at historical and cultural sites located in Turkmenistan along the Silk Road, study and popularization of cultural heritage in 2018 – 2021.

Specialists of National department for protection, study and restoration of historical and cultural monuments, Institute of history and archaeology of the Academy of Sciences have discovered artefacts, which are studied at present time. The works for reconstruction of certain historical and architectural monuments, their further inclusion to tourist routes is continued.

Having demonstrated historical and cultural values that have big scientific significance discovered during the excavations on slides, the Vice-premier informed that they would be handed over to Ak Bugday National Museum in Ahal Velayat, historical museums of Lebap and Mary Velayats. The events on this occasion are planned to be carried out on the threshold of International Neutrality Day.

Results of archaeological studies as well as works of national restoration personnel will be presented at the conference “Importance of study of historical and cultural monuments along the Silk Road: Restoration and Preservation work and scientific analysis”. Publishing of book dedicated to these artefacts is also planned.

Having expressed gratitude to Turkmen archaeologists for their work, the Head of the State ordered to hand over all discovered artefacts to museums of the country, having provided conditions for their storage, study and demonstration.

The Head of the State ordered to use capabilities of cooperation with foreign scientific and research centres in archaeology, ethnography, history and gave relative assignments on this account.

In his turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the course of agricultural reforms and seasonal agricultural works in the regions.

Having highlighted the importance of integrated approach to reforms in agrarian sector, increment of volumes agricultural production in the country, the President of Turkmenistan gave number of assignments to the Vice-premier.

It is necessary to implement strict control for care of winter crops according to agro technical standards and to collect without loss produced cotton.

During the session, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution, having approved the composition of Joint Turkmen – Uzbek Commission for trade and economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation from Turkmen side and, having sent it by electronic document management system, gave number of relative assignments for its fulfilment.

Chairperson of the Mejlis informed about current activity of National Parliament, measures for realization of objectives set by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the deputies.

It was informed that development of new legal acts based on proposals from the ministries and departments is carried out, legal acts requiring amendments and addendums are analysed.

The Parliament works on amendments and addendums of the Constitution of the country for improvement of efficiency of work of the Mejlis and Government administration authorities.

At the same time, the deputies of the Mejlis study international law-making practice and participate in the events organized by relative branches together with the UN and OSCE representative offices in Turkmenistan.

Having listened to the information, the President highlighted the importance of activation of the Mejlis activity for improvement of national legislation, strengthening of legal base of international relations.

After, the Head of the State has drawn the attention of the participants of video conference session on provision of high organizational level of events timed to International Neutrality Day. It was mentioned that celebration events have to reflect the achievements of the country, constructive international cooperation based on goodwill relations, principles of peace-loving, positive neutrality.

It is necessary to pay attention to improvement of activity of all branches of national economy, introduction of advanced world practice, acceleration of the process of transfer to digital system, to activate contacts with business circles of foreign countries.

The Head of the State has also ordered the Vice-premiers who supervise velayats of the country and Ashgabat to hold under control uninterrupted operation of heating systems of kindergartens, schools and living houses.

Finishing the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished big success in work to all participants.