Ï The work on preparation of the draft Constitutional Law is analyzed

The work on preparation of the draft Constitutional Law is analyzed

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“Since the establishment of the Constitutional Commission of Turkmenistan, specific work has been done to study and summarize the proposals on amendments and additions to the Constitution”, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said at a meeting of the Constitutional Commission.

The head of state noted that while working on this project, the Mejlis of Turkmenistan had been closely cooperating with the Cabinet of Ministers, relevant ministries and departments. The proposals and ideas put forward by ordinary citizens, political parties, public associations and local authorities were analyzed. As a result of these activities, a draft Constitutional Law on amendments and additions to the Constitution of Turkmenistan has been prepared and submitted to the Commission for consideration.

Members of the Constitutional Commission made reports on the preparation of this project at the meeting. Among them are Kasymguly Babaev, Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan and Chairman of the Working Group on studying and summarizing the proposals submitted to the Constitutional Commission, Tangryguly Atahalliyev, Lebap Velayat Khyakim, Yagmyr Nuriyev, Director of the Institute of State, Law and Democracy, Gylychmyrat Halliyev, Chairman of the Supreme Court, and Gulshat Mamedova, Chairman of the Mejlis.