Ï With the transition to the two-chamber system, Mejlis is to be entitled as the National Council of Turkmenistan

With the transition to the two-chamber system, Mejlis is to be entitled as the National Council of Turkmenistan

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The draft of the Constitutional Law “On the Introduction of Amendments and Additions to the Constitution of Turkmenistan” was discussed during the meeting of the Constitutional commission under the chairmanship of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

“This project has been developed as part of measures to restructure the lawmaking body of the country, expand its powers and further improve the activities,” the President said.

This will lead to the greatest effectiveness of the Constitution, to the creation of conditions for the successful achievement of the goals of legislative provision for the comprehensive development of our society and state. The transformations are aimed at increasing the role and powers of the Parliament of the country, further democratizing all aspects of its life, strengthening and improving the constitutional order of the state. After the public discussion of the bill, it will be submitted to the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan for consideration.

The Turkmen leader expressed confidence that the adoption of this Law would be a historic event for the country and people, a new and very important stage in the constitutional construction of a sovereign state, marking the triumph of democratic principles in the public administration.

The President of Turkmenistan focused on the specific provisions to be introduced into the Constitution.

In connection with the inclusion of the Halk Maslahaty and Mejlis of Turkmenistan in a single two-chamber structure, which is a representative legislative body of the State power, the document under consideration proposes the deletion of article 61 from the Constitution.

It is also proposed to name the new body as the National Council (Milli Geňeş) of Turkmenistan, its legislative chamber - the Mejlis and the representative chamber - the Halk Maslahaty.