Ï Session of the State Security Council: institution of the post of profile vice-premier and priorities of work

Session of the State Security Council: institution of the post of profile vice-premier and priorities of work

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President, Supreme Commander of the Armed forces of Turkmenistan, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held session of the State Security Council where measures for improvement of activity of military and law enforcement agencies, modernization of their equipment and facility base, priority objectives of these structures in 2020 have been discussed. New composition of the State Security Council has also been approved and personnel and number of other issues have been reviewed.

Coming over to discussion of the subjects of the agenda, the Head of the State addressed the participants and noted that duties of the Secretary of the State Security Council was performed by one of the heads of military and law enforcement agencies. The Mejlis of Turkmenistan has adopted new Law on the State Security Council recently for coordinated organization of activity of security forces and taking timely decision and preparation of relative documents.

According to the Law, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers for security, military and legal affairs is a Secretary of the State Security Council. In this regard, the post of the Vice-premier on this affairs has been instituted and relative departments of the Cabinet of Ministers has been established, the President highlighted.

Having announced on his decision to appoint competent Police Lieutenant General, Director of the Institute of Interior Affairs Ch. Amanova who has sufficient experience in different positions in law enforcement and military structures as a secretary of the State Security Council releasing him from the previous occupancy, Turkmen leader signed relative Decrees.

Addressing the Vice-premier, the Secretary of the State Security Council, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has ordered to take relative measures for successful fulfilment of objectives following from the Law of Turkmenistan on the State Security Council of Turkmenistan as well as coordinated organization of activity of military and law enforcement agencies of the country. the President requested to prepare the Provisions about new departments of the Cabinet of Ministers in set order.

Continuing the session, the Head of the State has listened to the reports of the heads of security forces on work, realization of military reforms, measures for implementation of modern technologies.

Summing up the reports, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country highlighted that objectives of military and law enforcement agencies require responsible approach to assigned tasks from each leader, having ordered to hold under control further improvement of equipment and facility base of their structures as well as solution of objectives related to creation of favourable conditions for service and life of military personnel.

At the same time, the attention of the heads of security forces was focused on priority objectives set to them for this year. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined integrated measures for improvement of the system of training of personnel among priority vectors of coming work.

In this context, having noted that physical training is important and essential part of military training, the Head of the State gave relative assignments.

During the session, the Head of Turkmenistan signed the Decree on appointment of N. Kovusov as the Director of the Institute of Interior Affairs, having released him from the post of the Deputy Director on drill and education work.

Other subjects, on which relative decisions have been made, were also reviewed at the session of the State Security Council.

In the end of the meeting, President, Supreme Commande of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in responsible work to the participants.