Ï The Head of the State inspects construction of facilities and gives instructions for preparation to celebrations

The Head of the State inspects construction of facilities and gives instructions for preparation to celebrations

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspected projects of development of the capital infrastructure, situation at the construction sites of different facilities. During working trip, the Head of the state has visited International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex as well as his horses in the Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan.

Having went to the southwestern part of Ashgabat, the Head of the State studies the projects of new facilities planned to be built in this part of the city.

As is known, issues of integrated scale and economic reforms expanded in the capital and in the country in general, creation of favourable conditions for life of people, formation of all necessary infrastructure are always under attention of the Head of the State.

The Hyakim of Ashgabat informed the President about developed projects of facilities planned to be built and their special features including exterior and interior design and location. It was mentioned that special attention is paid to design and ecological characteristics of future facilities, their provision of latest digital technologies and especially to creation of comfort conditions for life of people.

Having studied the presented projects, the Head of the State made some recommendations about these projects. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it is necessary to approach solution of issues related to functionality, eco-friendliness and design of new facilities, development of surrounding territory on integrated basis.

Speaking of the necessity of attraction of the best world practices and developments into construction industry, the Head of the State highlighted that architectural image, exterior and interior design of facilities have to embody traditions of Turkmen architecture and national features.

Continuing the subject, Turkmen leader has noted again that provision of high quality of works, which require comprehensive approach and taking into account aesthetic and ecological components, as well as timely commissioning of the facilities are the main requirements for the constructors and customers.

It is necessary to follow the purpose of the buildings and facilities during construction, to think over social, engineering, technical, transport and communication infrastructure, take into account local natural landscape. It is necessary to create new park and green zones as important aspect of support of ecological wealth of the capital, the President said.

Beauty of Kopetdag foothills makes natural harmony with architectural image of the capital. Beautiful view of white-marble Ashgabat is opened from this part of the city. Magnificent buildings and original constructions, residential estates together with International Airport of the capital make impressive single ensemble.

Looking at the views of the city from this place, the President noted that such aspect as environment protection is very important in urban construction and addressed the Hyakim with number of assignments. All facilities built in Ashgabat have to meet high status of the capital of our state, which confidently moves along the way of peace and progress.

Speaking of this, the President has also highlighted the necessity to put maximum efforts for organization of events and international conference in the year of the 25th celebration of the status of permanent neutrality.

After, the Head of the State inspected works in this part of the city from the helicopter. Complex of modern buildings, which were erected in compliance with international standards and organically merged into architectural ensemble of Ashgabat, has been formed up in this part of the city.

Having expressed interest in the situation at construction sites, the Head of the State ordered to pay special attention to provision of high quality and compliance with ecological standards of work as well as timely completion of construction of facilities, which are built under the 16th phase of the capital development.

At the same time, special attention is paid to creation of optimum living conditions in residential buildings, proper provision of social facilities, which are erected on the territory of new residential complex, in the context of digitization, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

After, helicopter of the Head of the State made a turn above new administration centre of Ahal Velayat, which is built in Gyoktepe etrap. The Head of the State inspected the course and rates of construction works in this place from the helicopter.

It is worth to mention that having launched the construction of new administration centre of Ahal in April last year, the Head of the State hold the situation at this grandiose construction site under permanent personal control.

Wide attraction of local profile companies to construction of big social and production facilities, which has become a strong impulse for realization of capabilities of business structures of the country in different spheres, is an important factor.

The Head of the State looked around big construction site from the helicopter, having expressed keen interest in the course of construction and rates of works and highlighted the necessity of high quality.

Numerous different facilities including residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, health protection facilities, administrative and production buildings will be built. Modern engineering and technical, transport and communication infrastructure will be formed up under the first and second stage of the project realization.

Construction of cottage complex is also planned. It will significantly expand capabilities of the citizens in selection of living according to their requirements and needs. In other words, beautiful new city with all capabilities for comfort living and work, will raise in this place in a few years.

On the way, the Head of the State looked around the territory of International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex and modern settlement named after Aba Annayev. Making of all conditions for horse coaches, jockeys, profile specialists and their families is a visual evidence of active care of people who dedicated their life to horse breeding activity.

Helicopter of the President of Turkmenistan has landed at the monument dedicated to legendary Polatly. As is known, Polatly is one of glorious Ahalteke horses, which left an irreplaceable trace not only in national but also in the world horse breeding. Sculptural composition of the horse crowns high stela installed in the centre of a roundabout on Kopetdag Avenue.

Upon arrival, the Head of the State addressed Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev and Hyakim of Ashgabat with assignments for high-level organization of ceremonial events with participation of art masters and cultural personnel in honour of National Turkmen Horse Holiday in this beautiful place.

Having noted that this year is marked with the 25th anniversary of neutrality, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave instructions to the Hyakim of Ashgabat for development of the territory around the monument and for comprehensive preparation to celebration of remarkable date in general.

After, the Head of the State has visited International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex, having expressed detailed interest in its provision. Ahalteke horses have important place among national heritages created by Turkmen people and that made significant input to development of the world culture.

In the complex, the Head of the State spoke of centuries-old history of glorious sky horses, which are invariable adornment of national celebrations, wings of soul and dedicated friends of Turkmens, subject of true pride and inspiration of our nation from old days until now.

Speaking of special features of national horse riding school, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that coaching sport horses to competitions is not a training but patient education. Rich practice of our ancestors, who created unique methods of breeding and training of Ahalteke horses based on trustful relations between man and horse, is used in our days.

In this regard, it is worth to mention that owing to tireless supportive activity of the Head of the State, who is an expert and connoisseur of ahalteke horses, active promoter of equestrian sports, national horse breeding experiences high development and its ancient traditions receive deserved continuation.

Targeted measures for further development of equestrian industry, modernization of its infrastructure, increment of livestock of thoroughbred ahalteke horses, activation of international cooperation in this field, popularization of different equestrian sports and national riding traditions are realized in the country.

Excellent equestrian complexes as well as growing world glory of heaven horses and those who dedicated their lives to breeding and training – local equestrian personnel and horse coaches as well as master jockeys, are the result of this unique work.

Big merit in glorifying of ‘winged’ horses belongs to Galkynysh National Equestrian Games Group. This talented collective, which was established by initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and is famous far outside the country, is a numerous winner of international reviews and world festivals of circus art.

Having looked around the complex, the President gave instructions to relative leaders on its development and support of ideal cleanness for thorough preparation to National Turkmen Horse Holiday.

After, the Head of the State went to Ahalteke EqestrianComplex.

Upon arrival, the Head of the State held working session, during which Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev and General Director of Türkmen atlary State Association A. Berdiyev reported on work carried out at present time.

Having focused on preparation to National Turkmen Horse Holiday, which is traditionally observed in our country in April, the Head of the State ordered to start works in this direction immediately.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused on two anniversary dates of this year – 10 year of foundation of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association and 25the anniversary of permanent neutral status of the country.

Having given assignments for provision of high organizational level of all international events timed to these dates, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity to continue taking steadfast measures for improvement of the world glory of sky horses.

It was mentioned that events organized on occasion of National Turkmen Horse Celebration have to be special in the year of the 25th anniversary of neutrality of Turkmenistan and 10th anniversary of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that big work is carried out in the country for development of equestrian sport; ahalteke horse participate in international competitions in all parts of the planet.

During the session, Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev made proposal on organization of presentation exhibition of books of the President of Turkmenistan dedicated to ahalteke horses, which were translated to foreign languages, under National Turkmen Horse Celebration.

Having approved this proposal in general, Turkmen leader noted that it would make sense to organize this event taking into account the level of its attractiveness for foreign guests and participants of the exhibition and gave number of specific assignments on this regard to the Vice-premier.

The Head of the State noted that celebration events organized in homeland of ahalteke horses have to be a deserved song about the world famous ‘winged’ horses. Large-scale cultural events dedicated to remarkable dates have to be organized in the form of artistic readings, meetings and sessions. Therefore, theatres and art personnel of the country will have to make new art compositions dedicated to ahalteke horses.

After, the Head of the state has paid a visit to Galmaz, one of ahalteke horses. Having saddled the horse and taken it out of the stable, Turkmen leader rode several circles around special outdoor arena, having demonstrated outstanding riding skills.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has come to the southern part of the capital where Neutrality Monument, which makes architectural ensemble together with facilities built in this place, is located. Having focused on development and support of ideal cleanness of this place, Turkmen leader gave relative assignments.

The Neutrality Monument, which is one of the main attractions of the capital, was installed at the foothill of Kopetdag Mountains at big green territory and is seen from the distance. This visual symbol of peace-loving of Turkmen state and invariable commitment of our people to advices of the ancestors.

Having noted that the year under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Neutrality” would be full of remarkable events, the President ordered to provide high organizational level of works for development and decoration of this part of the city and capital in general where the main events on occasion of anniversary date would take place.

After, Hyakim of Ashgabat presented number of projects reflecting architectural trends of the capital development to the Head of the State for review. Having studies the projects, the President made some remarks and recommendations, having focused that all works in the part of the capital where its new business centre in is formed have to meet modern requirements.

In this context, it is necessary to pay special attention to opening of new parks, planting of trees and flowers along roads on surrounding territories. It would support the formation of favourable environment, the Head of the State noted. Therefore, all subjects related to making the city green have to be under control.

The President highlighted that priority has to be given to comfort, ecology and original design in modern concept of development of Ashgabat, which is very important not only in provision of the best conditions for life and rest of people but also in ability of Turkmen capital compete successfully by beauty and comfort with the world cities.

At the same time, important place is given to development, creation of green zones, modernization of social and urban infrastructure in general, the Head of the State said, having addressed the Hyakim of Ashgabat with specific instructions.

Having finished working trip and wished success in solution of set objectives, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place of event.