Ï The main peculiarity of the reforms initiated by President of Turkmenistan is their innovative character

The main peculiarity of the reforms initiated by President of Turkmenistan is their innovative character

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Three years have passed since President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was re-elected to the highest state post on February 12.

Millions of citizens of Turkmenistan took part in such an important political event in the modern history of the country, giving their votes for the head of state and expressing their support to the large-scale reforms and transformations, initiaed by the Turkmen leader.

Over the past years, significant changes have taken place in many areas of our life, especially in public administration and economy, and fundamental foundations have been laid for achieving great goals defined for the future.

Under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan, comprehensive national programmes have been implemented, and digitalization processes have been launched that significantly accelerate the socio-economic development.

Major projects are implemented in various industries, gas and chemical complex, transport and communication sectors among others with the aim to increase the export potential of the country and the well-being of the people.

The large-scale transformations, initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, has brought Turkmenistan up to the level of dynamically developing countries and raised its status at the world arena. There is no doubt that Turkmenistan's international authority depends on how effectively the democratic processes in the country are carried out.

Building a democratic state requires political will and foresight, as well as the outstanding organizational skills and energy that the Turkmen leader demonstrates, taking social benchmarks as the basis for reforms and promoting the development of civil institutions, multiparty democracy and entrepreneurship in the country.

An important step in this direction is the transition to a bicameral structure of the national Parliament and the drafting of a new Constitutional Law in this regard.

It was the organic combination of deep national foundations with innovation, continuity with reformation that determined the characteristic feature of the modern Turkmen political culture. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made the national historical heritage one of the important resources of modernization of the country and development of the society, building the strategy and tactics of mastering new opportunities for growth based on the centuries-old experience of the people, their original worldview benchmarks.

Last year will go down in the modern history of the country as the year of implementation of innovative projects and programmes, including the most important Programme of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan for 2019-2025.

Among the key events of the first year of its implementation are the opening of a natural gasoline plant in Ahal region, the start of construction of the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat highway, the start of reforms at the Academy of Sciences with the aim to enhance its role in the economy of Turkmenistan.

The First Caspian Economic Forum held in Avaza on the initiative and with participation of the President of Turkmenistan is also of great importance.

The construction of the modern administrative center of Ahal velayat and implementation of the grandiose project "Ashgabat-City" were started, the construction of large residential areas and administrative complexes, new villages continue in the country. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the ceremony of laying the foundation of the large-scale social and production cluster of a new model in the area of the "Altyn Asyr" Turkmen lake.

The bold in design and scope, but balanced and far-sighted initiatives, put forward by the President of Turkmenistan, laid the foundation for conceptually new projects and directions of the country's development, focused on the most advanced international experience and further successful integration of Turkmenistan into the world political and economic space as a worthy and serious partner able to influence the global geopolitical processes.

The grandiose plans of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov have been implemented before our eyes and the entire world community. Stable GDP growth, diversification of industry, import substitution industries, created practically from scratch, as well as new export opportunities testify to the success of all reforms, initiated by the President of Turkmenistan.

Mutually beneficial international cooperation, attraction of foreign investments, deep restructuring of the whole mechanism of the management of the national economy, development of market relations and private sector.

The main feature of all reforms and transformation programmes, initiated by the President of Turkmenistan is their innovative nature, aimed at ensuring the prosperous life of the people.

There is no doubt that all the new goals set by the President of Turkmenistan will be achieved, because as practice has shown, we are able to implement the most ambitious plans. It is the significant achievements and great successes of Turkmenistan that have affected the life of each of us that have determined the highest level of confidence of the citizens of the country in their President - Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.