Ï The Head of the state specifies main directions of activity of National Parliament

The Head of the state specifies main directions of activity of National Parliament

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Meeting of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with the deputy corps of the country where the main directions of activity of National Parliament this year have been specified took place in the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.

Members of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, political parties, public organizations and mass media have been invited to the meeting.

Addressing the participants with programme speech, the President noted that our country has wonderful national tradition to seek advice from people, to follow its opinion starting any responsible affair. Following this wise tradition, objectives of further comprehensive development of our independent neutral state in the year of Turkmenistan – Home of Neutrality would be discussed at the meeting.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that neutrality is our great heritage. Its value was recognized by the world community. This is a doctrine, which provides triumph of peace and friendship, humanity and goodwill, cooperation and progress.

Therefore, having this legal status, our main objectives is to provide comprehensive development of the Motherland, which selected an exemplary model of democratic, legal and temporal state, Turkmen leader said.

The Head of the state noted that subjects of economic situation and international affairs, which have been reviewed in details at the recent session of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the outcomes of the last year, would be highlighted at the meeting.

Last year, which has been held under slogan Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity, National Parliament carried out large-scale law-making activity closely working with the Cabinet of Ministers, relative ministries and profile departments. Expansion of works carried out by deputies in electoral districts is expanded together with further improvement of legal bases of our democratic state. It supports the formation of legal culture, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Big work for assertion and development of democratic initiatives in the country, fulfilment of international obligations of Turkmenistan in human rights sphere is also carried out.

Continuing his speech and focusing attention of the participants of the meeting on number of objectives, which have to be solved as soon as possible, the Head of the State noted that a lot of work has to be done this year for improvement of national legislation.

As is known, constitutional reforms have been announced at the second session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan on September 25, 2019 for improvement of role and expansion of authorities of the Parliament of the country.

Numerous proposals are coming to the Working Group established under the Constitutional Commission from different departments and organizations as well as citizens. Taking part in sessions, meetings, assemblies, people actively discuss these subjects, which visually indicates full support of the initiative on transfer to fundamentally new two-chamber system of representative legislative body of the state power by the nation, the President stated.

This is only permanent cooperation between the power and society, which allows building harmonically developing state from modern geopolitical point of view. Therefore, it is necessary to present the draft of all amendments and addendums, which would be introduced to the Main Law, to nation-wide discussion until July this year, having published it in media as soon as possible, and final Draft of Constitutional Law to the review of the next session of the People’s Council, the Head of the State said.

The President noted further that it is necessary to carry out proper work for improvement of the Law of Turkmenistan on the People’s Council of Turkmenistan, the Law of Turkmenistan on the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, relative amendments and addendums of the Law on Local Representative Authorities of the Government Power as well as Election Code of Turkmenistan in the context of development of this Law.

The Head of the State highlighted that protection of rights and freedoms of the citizens is one of the main directions of law-making activity of National Parliament. The Mejlis of Turkmenistan has adopted the Law on Administrative Procedures. It sets out legal bases, principles and regulations of activity carried out by administrative bodies of the country in regard with adoption, fulfilment or cancelation of administrative acts.

However, it is appropriate to develop the draft Administrative and procedural code for establishment of legal basis of revision of administrative case in courts as well as according to modern requirements and international standards.

In this context, the President noted that while following humanitarian policy in the country, in particular, in the sphere of criminal and legal relations, it seems to be necessary to remove legal offences, which do not present much threat for the state and society from the list of offences subject to criminal case and to transfer them into the rank of administrative violations. It is also necessary to continue working of development of the Criminal Code of Turkmenistan in new edition, the Head of the State said, having focused attention of the participants of the session on the necessity to improve this Code according to the Constitution of the country and universal standards of international law.

According to current international practice, it is necessary to provide increment of penalty volumes set out for such offences, having given humanitarian character to criminal and legal relations providing exemption from criminal responsibility, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted. It is necessary to develop and adopt Arbitrage and Procedural Code in new edition.

In addition, following modern requirements, it is necessary to continue work on development of Civil Code in new edition. In this regard, the Head of the State for the appropriateness to set out the Rules of international privacy law in this Code according to international practice.

At the same time, the necessity to develop and adopt draft Law of Turkmenistan on prevention of crimes in the current years has been highlighted for the regulation of public relations occurring in the sphere of prevention of public order violations. It is also necessary to improve and bring the Law of Turkmenistan on Prevention and response to emergency situations into compliance with modern requirements.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined development of national economy, reduction of complicated political, economic and financial situations in the world on it. Therefore, it is necessary to continue working on wide involvement of potential of provate entrepreneurship in all branches of the economy, on government support of private sector, stable development of financial and economic system. It is important to analyse and if it is necessary, to improve legal acts in this direction, the Head of the State highlighted.

At the same time, it is necessary to continue taking measures for modernization of national legislation in such important directions as improvement of insurance services, support of manufacturers of import substitution products, opening of additional working places, the Head of Turkmenistan noted.

The President highlighted that we have such important objectives as improvement of information and communication services including the quality and stability of internet services, development of informational and communication system. In this aspect, improvement of legal base is an important objective for development of digital economy in the country.

First, it is necessary to improve legal acts creating relative legal, financial and other conditions for provision of favourable conditions for attraction of investments including foreign ones, the Head of the State noted. At the same time, it is necessary to bring the Law of Turkmenistan on Foreign Investments in compliance with modern requirements, having provided stimulation of opening of the facilities provided with advanced technologies and providing comeptetive production in this Law.

It is also necessary to carry out work for modernization and development of the infrastructure, which has been formed in certain regions and parts of the country and for attraction of entrepreneurs to this activity.

In addition, it is necessary to improve relative laws regulating these works for attraction of investments, implementation of modern technologies and equipment, opening of facilities for production of competitive goods and additional work places and activation of foreign economic activity,

It is appropriate to establish industrial, agricultural and other zones in the regions of the country by velayat and etrap administrations for stimulation of opening of new work places. At the same time, it is necessary to provide favourable legal conditions for their activity and to give opportunity to the population of velayats and etraps to work in these zones, the Head of the State noted.

In this aspect, it is necessary to elaborate on legal acts regulating allocation of lands for construction of production facilities, living and other facilities. Rapid construction of living houses affordable for the population is also very current, the President highlighted. It is necessary to provide the construction of multi-storey buildings in velayat and etrap centres. It is necessary to facilitate processes of allocation of land plots while reviewing these subjects, to create legal guarantees of realization, leasing or other forms of management of houses built by entrepreneurs.

In this context, the appropriateness to review the authorities of velayats administrations for adoption of resolutions on allocation of land plots for construction to individual and legal entities has been noted. It would also be correct to carry out relative work for analysis of the Code of Turkmenistan on Land, Laws on Shared Construction of Living and other Real Estate Property and on Local Executive Power Authorities.

Continuing the subject, the Head of the State highlighted that modernization of activity of government authorities, introduction of the system of electronic Government would support successful realization of the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025 and other programmes. The Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025 will support to its efficient implementation. Speaking of this, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused attention of deputies on the necessity of work for establishment of legal base for digitization of national economy.

The President stated that it is required to adopt another legal document on Electronic Document, electronic document management system and electronic services. Therefore, improvement of efficiency of management can be achieved by implementation of the electronic document management system.

The Head of the State noted that it is known that the Government pays special attention to development of the system of intellectual property. Relative Programmes has been adopted for 2015 – 2020, according to which the Laws on Trademarks and on Origin of Goods have ben adopted last year.

Government regulation of rights on intellectual property is an integral part of its normal use, in which regard it is necessary to continue working on development of the draft law provided by the Programme. In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also spoken for appropriateness of development of the draft Laws on Name of Companies and on Scientific Developments.

Having noted that reforms and programmes in Turkmenistan are aimed at improvement of wellbeing of the population, the President highlighted that special attention should be paid to the laws aimed at social and living protection of the population.

Any reform in the sphere of social protection has to be legally endorsed. In this regard, it is necessary to provide the amendments of the Code of Turkmenistan on social protection of the population, the President stated.

The Head of the State noted that special attention is paid in Turkmenistan to the development of mass physical training, Olympic movement and sports. Opening of new sport facilities and recognition of the country as the world sport power are out main success in this direction.

Speaking of this, the Head of the State ordered the deputies to carry out relative work for amendments and addendums of existing laws under the measures for development of physical training and sports, assertion of the principles of healthy life style.

At the same time, the attention of parliamentarians has been focused on another subject. Due to development of modern computer and information systems, children and teenagers as well as people of different age spend much time at computers, phone and tablets. Such life style causes problems with health. Solution of this issue is an urgent objective of the Government and society. In this regard, the President noted the necessity to increase the effectiveness of attraction of children and teenagers in different sports.

Addressing the deputies and members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Head of the State noted that they have to increase level of explanatory and educational work related to the formation and support of healthy life style, correct nutrition, sport exercises, instil love to national culture, language, literature and history.

This is not only the objective ministries, departments and complexes; it has an epoch significance and therefore, this work has to be carried out by all of us. It would be appropriate to study practice of other countries in the above-mentioned subject and if it is necessary, to introduce provisions related to national principles to national laws, the President highlighted.

The Head of the State noted that objectives outlined by National programme of realization of the Framework Convention of the World Health Organization on Control of Tobacco in 2017 – 2021 are successfully solved. The Law of Turkmenistan on Protection of Health of the Citizens from Tobacco Smoke and Results of Consumption of Tobacco Products has been adopted. Same as any other legal acts, it provides specific provisions aimed at control of tobacco smoking.

National programme of prevention of harmful impact of alcohol in 2018 – 2024 and its Implementation Plan have also been adopted. Existing legal acts aimed at prevention of harmful impact of alcohol drinks on health of people, assertion of principles of healthy life style have been supplemented with the Law of Turkmenistan on Prevention of harmful impact of alcohol. In this context, it was mentioned that the above-mentioned laws and works in the country for their implementation are considered by international experts as examples for other states.

Continuing the subject, the President made special emphasis on the necessity of adoption of special law on prevention of different infectious diseases. In this regard, the Head of Turkmenistan pointed out the importance of creation of social and legal conditions and their guarantees of prevention of spread of different infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Having noted that Labour Code of Turkmenistan has been adopted in 2009, the Head of the State said that fundamental changes have been made in the structure of the economy. In this regard, it is necessary to start developing new edition of Labour Code for provision of integrity of this legal act and creation of favourable conditions for its application.

Having highlighted that deserving education of young generation is a guarantee of our success, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity to pay special attention to family values.

This is a family where the bases of our national pride, respect of other nations, success of our state and society are laid. In this regard, the President spoke of the necessity to introduce relative amendments meeting time requirements to Family Code of Turkmenistan.

At present time, the country has educational system, which is able to give modern education to the citizens and to provide the economy with qualified specialists in different directions, the Head of the State said. Strategy of social and economic development of the country and global changes in the world require us to make amendments and addendums of educational policy and national legislation, improvement of processes of financing, management of the structure of this system and other aspects.

In this regard, the President noted that large-scale programmes of infrastructural changes in rural areas are planned. Equipment and facility base of rural educational facilities has been significantly improved. Now, it is necessary to solve the issue of provision of rural schools and kindergartens with qualified specialists.

At the same time, it is necessary to improve quality and expand services of educational services in the country. having improved work of secondary educational facilities, it is necessary to open schools with technical orientation, to make special classes for talented children together with schools with deep study of foreign languages. In this context, deputies of the Mejlis have to work on modernization of relative legislation, the President said.

Addressing parliamentarians and members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Head of Turkmenistan has also noted that first, it is necessary to take all measures for protection, restoration, study and development of our rich cultural heritage.

We have to popularize our rich history, culture, art, literature, which keep up pace with time, by foreign languages mastered by the youth, the President said.

Effective work has been carried out in 2019f or development of national culture, protection and popularization of national heritage. Entering of Turkmen national carpet art into the UNESCO World Intangible Heritage List is a visual evidence of our successful activity in this direction. We have to continue paying special attention to development of national culture as it is our spiritual wealth, the Head of the State noted.

In this aspect, improvement of legislation in this field has to be under permanent attention of the Mejlis for careful protection of national heritage for future generations, development of spiritual and language culture of the nation, the President highlighted.

We pay special attention to modernization of agricultural complex as it supports turning of the country into developed industrial state with advanced technologies. Continuing the subject, the President noted that application of new organizational and legal forms in agricultural production according to international practice and time requirements, national features gains special significance. Therefore, agricultural complex has to be an important platform, which opens wide opportunities for development of small and medium business.

Private investments have to become the basis for opening of modern agricultural production facilities and new working places. Following these objectives, the Mejlis of Turkmenistan has to provide the amendments of legal acts related to provision of benefits to agricultural producers, the Head of the State highlighted.

Improvement and bringing of standards regulating land relations in agricultural complex to modern level are the main directions of development of the economy in the period of transit of national economy of the country to market relations. Following this, the President stated, it is necessary to continue work on development of projects of new edition of the Code of Turkmenistan on Land.

Our independent state is known as a country, which advocates ecological wealth in the region and world and implementing the policy for its provision. Speaking of this, the President requested to carry out relative work for adoption of the Law of Turkmenistan on Ecological Data.

The Law has to regulate the order of provision of date on condition of water resources, atmosphere, soil, fauna and ecology, on important indicators for mandatory assessment of factors, which are able to make negative impact of environment and health of people as well as on the measures aimed at protection and rational use of environment. In this regard, the Head of the State has noted appropriateness to pay attention to the subjects related to collection, use, dissemination of ecological data by digital systems during development of the bill.

The President highlighted that dynamic development of the economy requires steadfast increment of the output of energy industry of the country. It is necessary to adopt the Law of Turkmenistan on Renewable Sources of Energy for provision of stable development of power energy as one of the spheres of national economy.

It was also mentioned that proposing international initiatives of universal significance, our neutral state attracts attention of the world community. Legal relations appearing in the result of active integration of Turkmenistan into international relations also require improvement of national legislation in this direction. Timely legal support of our international initiatives and their popularization are the main objectives in this case.

Modernization of laws regulating the activity of consulate and migration services and determining the order of provision of international assistance in emergency situations as well as making legal definition of standards of migration work related to development of tourism according to modern requirements is required.

The Head of the State noted that in particular, it is necessary to review the Law on Consulate Offices of Turkmenistan Abroad. It is necessary to develop the draft of new Law on Provision of International Assistance in Emergency Situations.

In addition, having studied proposals of ministries and departments on improvement of national legislation, it is necessary to develop the bills on amendments and addendums of the Laws of Turkmenistan on Migration and On Migration Service.

At the same time, the Mejlis has to continue working on provision of contractual and legal base of international relations of the country. In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined implementation of measures for development of relations with parliaments of various countries, adding of systematic character to them, cooperation with international organizations, first with the UN structures, among the main objectives. It is necessary to take proper measures in this direction in line with the Concept of foreign course of Turkmenistan in 2017 – 2023.

The President has also outlined achievement of the efficiency of activity of local administration authorities among the main objectives. From this point of view, it would be appropriate to carry out relevant works for development of draft Law of Turkmenistan on Local Administration Authorities. It has to provide provisions related to improvement of activity of Gengeshys and improvement of quality of services rendered to the population.

Addressing the participants of the meeting, the Head of the State highlighted the plans of further development of the country, first for provision of solid social protection of the nation. Number of social and economic programmes has been taken for strengthening of economic power of the country and bringing of it to the level of developed countries of the world. the Mejlis and Government of Turkmenistan as well as entire community have to work hard for their full realization.

Establishment of legal base of all reforms in this direction, adoption of new legal acts and steadfast improvement of existing laws are required, the President continued.

Targeting of this legal acts to improvement of efficiency of branches in the conditions of market economy, support of entrepreneurship initiatives, transit to digital system, stimulation of investment activity, privatization of the State-owned property and opening of joint stock ventures are also the utmost objectives.

We also have to work effectively for improvement of social and living conditions of the population, development of industrial branches of the economy, science, education and culture, the Head of the State noted. It is necessary to take specific measures for improvement of management of agricultural complex and conduct of structural reforms, rational use of land and water resources, natural protection, assertion of principles of healthy life style,

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it is necessary to carry out proper works for active cooperation in the sphere of international relations, democratization of social and political life. It is also necessary to pay special attention to activity for organization and conducting of elections, development of local government administrative authorities as well as local self-governing authorities, democratic institutes, to approach the achievement of efficiency of our works wiser.

Improvement of legislation is an important direction in these subjects. Important place in their solution is given to deputies, who are being elected by the nation, have to make deserving contribution to strengthening of the bases of civic society by development of perfect legal acts, the Head of the State highlighted.

Summing up what was said above, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that adoption of the laws meeting modern requirements and development of important solutions make wide prepositions for improvement and strengthening of legal system of independent Turkmen state.

As you see we have big and responsible tasks, the Head of the State noted, having expressed confidence that they would be successfully solved. The speech of Turkmen leader has been listened with enthusiasm and welcomed by loud applauses.

After, the floor was given to Speaker of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan G. Mammedova who expressed gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for support provided to the activity of National Parliament and noted historical significance of the current meeting.

Speaking of special character of the current meeting, the Head of the Mejlis has noted that objectives outlined in the speech of the Head of the State are aimed at protection of right, freedoms and legal interests of the citizens, support of unity and solidarity of the society, creation of conditions for improvement of prosperity of the population, strengthening of legal base. In this context, it was highlighted that activity of the deputy corps would be aimed at legal provision of social and economic development of the country, implementation of digital technologies into the economy.

Special emphasis has been laid upon the fact that work for amendments and addendums of the Constitution related to transit to new two-chamber system of the Parliament would be implemented taking into account the recommendations of the Head of the State and time requirements.

The Head of the Mejlis assured President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov that deputies would continue making deserving contribution to expanded reforms together with the Cabinet of Ministers, relative ministries and departments.

Finishing the session, the Head of the State has wished big success in work to all participants and left the place of event.

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The session of deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan was continued in working format. The agenda included priority subjects of further law-making activity in the light of new important objectives set by the President of the country to the deputy corps.

The 25th anniversary of the status of permanent neutrality of the country as well as session of the People’s Council, which agenda would include the Draft Constitutional Law of Turkmenistan on Amendments and Addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan, are among important events of 2020.

In this regard, the utmost attention would be paid to preparation of transit of national legislative system to two-chamber, analysis and compilation of proposal coming to Constitutional Commission, educational work and explanation of meaning and importance of constitutional reforms in the country to wide public.

In the end, the deputies assured the Head of the State that they would put all efforts and experience for successful solution of all set objectives.