Ï The address of the President of Turkmenistan to residents of Geoktepe Etrap that is recognized as the best region in the country in 2019

The address of the President of Turkmenistan to residents of Geoktepe Etrap that is recognized as the best region in the country in 2019

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“I congratulate you and the residents of the velayat on the monetary award amounted to 1,000,000.00 US dollars presented to the Geoktepe Etrap Khyakimlik of the Ahal Velayat that was demonstrated the best results in all social, economic and cultural indicators in 2019”, says the President of Turkmenistan in his congratulatory address.

“Along with all velayats and etraps of the country, we pay particular attention to the socio-economic development of the Geoktepe Etrap, improvement of the well-being of the Geoktepe Etrap residents, due to which the region achieves good results in all areas. Because of the agricultural reforms, implemented in the region, agricultural workers yield heavy crops of wheat, cotton, fruits and vegetables. High results are also achieved in the social and cultural sphere.

“The quality of life of the etrap residents improves with every passing year. New schools, kindergartens and social and cultural facilities are built there and put into operation. Villages are transformed and the social infrastructure necessary for the population is created. These days, a new secondary school, a hospital, a water purification plant and a modern village are being built at a high pace in the etrap. The roads are reconstructed. As a result, hundreds of new jobs are created.

“Erecting greenhouses for the production of various food products, a poultry farming complex and livestock farms, entrepreneurs significantly contribute to the development of the region.

“At present, the administrative centre of Ahal Velayat is being built on the territory of Geoktepe Etrap. It will be a new modern city with all infrastructure and optimal social conditions for work and rest.

“We have set ourselves high tasks, the solution of which will ensure the industrial development of the country and its integration with a number of the leading countries in the world, as well as significantly improve the living standards of the people. In order to successfully solve these tasks, we all need to work tirelessly. We must increase the authority of our independent neutral state in the international arena.

“I am confident that in the future the specialists in Geoktepe region will actively participate in addressing these important tasks, will continue to achieve high results and success in all areas, will make a significant contribution to the implementation of the Programme of Socio-Economic Development of the country for 2019-2025", emphasized the President of Turkmenistan in his address.