Ï President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov – politician of new formation

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov – politician of new formation

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February is a remarkable month in the modern history of Turkmenistan. In February 2007, Turkmen people elected politician of new formation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the highest government post during nation-wide democratic elections held on wide alternative base.

Another election took place in February 2012 when people expressed their will in the atmosphere of high civic responsibility, transparency and openness, having convincingly demonstrated determination to continue following the way of progress under the leadership of re-elected President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Unanimous re-election of the head of the State in February 2017 was an expression of people’s solidarity and support of all beginnings of Turkmen leader. Three years ago on February 2017, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said at the official inauguration ceremony: “We set high goal for ourselves to turn our country into advanced industrially developed state!” Today, we see specific significant results in solution of this major objectives, on which huge economic potential of the country is directed.

We will perform deep processing of hydrocarbon resources based on modern technologies and make high quality production which is on high demand in the world, for example gasoline, polypropylene, polyethylene and liquefied gas, the President said back then.

For the past period, industrial infrastructure of the country has been supplemented by such petrochemical giants as polymeric plant in seaside Kiyanly and carbamide plant in Garaboz, Balkan Velayat, first in the world plant for production of gasoline from natural gas in Ahal Velayat. Deep processing of natural gas and making of production, which meets the world quality standards, are carried out at these innovative facilities based on modern technologies.

According to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, opening of similar facilities is one of the main factors of further development of the economy of the country, improvement of its technological safety, expansion and diversification of sales markets of production with high added value, stimulation of development of all branches of national economy.

At the same time, the Head of the State said in his inauguration speech that Turkmenistan would continue working close with neighbouring and other states in fuel and energy complex. In this context, big importance of the project of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line, which in addition to attraction of big dividends to the country would bring the light and warmth to homes of neighbouring nations, has been noted.

Today, the works for implementation of the project of this transnational corridor are actively carried out according to the schedule. Together with beginning of construction of Afghan part of TAPI in February 2018, laying of power and fibre optic lines along Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan (TAP) route has been held. At the same time, Serhetabat – Turgundy railroad, which was built at request of the Head of the State, has been put into operation.

Implementation of the project of TAPI gas line, which starts from the Galkynysh Deposit, which is the first in world inland gas reserves, will support strengthening of peace and sustainable development in addition to solution of current social issues in the region. Opportunity to open 5,000 new working places will appear.

Turkmenistan has not only rich reserves of hydrocarbon resources. The subsoils of the country have ore deposits of almost all metals of periodic table. Their development, production and processing are the main directions of economic policy of the President.

“We will continue work on successful realization of huge economic and natural potential for the sake of current and future generations of our people”, - the Head of the state said at the inauguration ceremony.

Large-scale construction expanded all over the country under realization of integrated social and economic programmes provided growing demands in quality construction materials, having given impetus to rapid development of their production from local resources. Glass production facility Türkmen aýna önümleri, which was put into operation with participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the middle of February 2018, has become an example of wise approach to solution of objective of expansion of export.

Work for establishment of electronic industry of Turkmenistan is continued according to the adopted programmes. National manufacturers develop production of new devices and hardware starting from household equipment and appliances to computers.

In his inauguration speech, the President of the country has also highlighted that he see support of entrepreneurship and market relations in different branches of the economy as one of his main objectives.

Today, private companies are untrusted with big and responsible projects. it includes the construction of Ashgabat – Turkmenabat highway, villages and living estates, entire city, which will become a new administrative centre of Ahal Velayat.

Recently, Head of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution on allocation of 1.5 billion US dollars from the State budget for procurement of foreign production necessary for construction and engineering and technical provision of buildings and other facilities of future city.

“it is impossible to merge into current rapid development and keep the pace with time without paying proper attention to development of education and science, training of qualified specialists who perfectly know complex technologies”, - Turkmen leader repeatedly highlighted.

In this aspect, the concept of development of digital education system is implemented in the country, the Centre of Innovative Information of the Ministry of education, which objectives will include integrated development of methods of electronic education, including e-books, e-manuals, video and audio materials, interactive and multimedia software, is established. It will also study the world achievements in science and education, will make a catalogue of encyclopaedia and dictionaries.

The list of required professions, which are trained in Turkmenistan, is expanded. Last June, the Institute of Telecommunications and Informational Science of Turkmenistan has been founded at the Order of the Head of the State.

Together with social spheres, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays special attention to development of culture and art, popularization of national heritage.

The country implements the State Programme of scientific and research works and archaeological excavations for study of historical and cultural monuments located in Turkmenistan along the Silk Road in 2018 – 2021. This is aimed at study of historical and cultural heritage of Turkmen nation based on archaeological, ethnographic, historical and literature data.

Inclusion of traditions of Turkmen carpet making art into the UNESCO Representative List of Human Intangible Heritage in the end of 2019 has become a stimulus of new rise of interest to this occurrence.

Recently, the Head of the State made a decision according to which the Türkmenhaly Production Association received a status of the State Association and was removed from the structure of the Ministry of Textile Industry and given under the Government supervision. This measure will stimulate organizational work in production of carpet items and to influence export growth.

“Following the principle “Heath of the Nation – Wealth of the Country” and according to the State Health Programme, we guarantee medical service on the level of modern requirements to the citizens”, - this is a promise that President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave to people and provided its fulfilment.

New preventive and treatment measures are implemented into practical medicine, construction of specialized facilities, which will expand the health protection network of the country, carried out. It includes International Burn Centre, International Treatment and Aesthetic Centre, sanatorium in Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal Velayat as well as hospitals in Ahal, Dashoguz and Turkmenbashy.

It is impossible to list all what was done for these three years. The main thing is obvious – each objective outlined by the President of Turkmenistan in his political strategy and in national programmes finds steadfast solution turning into successful projects, fundamental reforms and glorious achievements of the country and strengthening of its world authority.

Pursuing international policy taking into account neutral status of our independent state, Turkmen leader make special emphasis that we are open for beneficial partnership and constructive dialog with all interested countries on equal base.

Large-scale events, which were held under chairing of our country in the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2019, dozens of meetings and talks of the President of Turkmenistan with heads of foreign states and governments, competent organizations, prominent politicians and representatives of business circles are the evidence of practical implementation of these words.

The words of the Head of Turkmen state are always implemented in practice in intenratioanl relations as well. Initiatives on cooperation in globally and regionally important directions proposed by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov have opened new stage in development of international relations and beneficial economic partnership between Turkmenistan with close and remote neighbours, European Union and other countries of the planet.

Successful implementation of large-scale ideas and plans by Turkmen leader, convincing results of fundamental changes, which touched the bases of the state arrangements and all spheres of life, serves as the best evidence of proper way of development of the country.

In his government activity, the President of Turkmenistan organically combines wisdom, pragmatism and vision with spiritual and value targets urging and inspiring compatriots to new achievements. Therefore, all beginnings of the head of the State receive strong support of the nation.

“People of Turkmenistan is my main support”, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says. And people see their support in the President of the country.