Ï Message of delegates of the forum dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of Turkmenistan published in the UN official languages

Message of delegates of the forum dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of Turkmenistan published in the UN official languages

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The United Nations General Assembly has adopted the Message of participants of International Conference “Turkmenistan and International Organizations: Cooperation for Peace and Development”, which was held under the chairmanship of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on January 2020, to the UN Secretary General has been adopted as a documents of the 74th session.

The message of delegates of the forum, which was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan, has been published in official languages of the United Nations.

This good news, which came from the UN Headquarter in New York, has become another evidence of growing role of neutrality as an expression of culture of peace and peacebuilding in modern relations between countries and nations, especially in such complicated time when hotbeds of tension and confrontation exist in different parts of the world.

“Today, Turkmen neutrality is an important factor of regional security. Basic principles of neutrality comply with strategic directives of the UN in Central Asia, which are aimed at turning of the region into the zone of peace and cooperation, strong link of continental stability”, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said speaking at the above-mentioned conference.

The message addressed the Head of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, which was adopted by the outcomes of the forum, contains the call up for closer multilateral cooperation for realization of principles and goals implemented in the UN Chapter, strengthening of global peace and security, provision of economic, ecological, social and humanitarian development.

It is remarkable that 2020, when Turkmenistan observes the 25th anniversary of its foreign neutral status on international level and the UN – the 75th anniversary of its foundation, is a beginning of decade of resolute activities aimed at the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by all countries by 2030.

Turkmen practice of positive neutrality acquired for quarter of the century has demonstrated the effectiveness of this model in many sides of life of the state and can be spread as successful form of dialog on global level. Its most essential provision relies on preventive diplomacy and inn this regard, effective activity of the UN Regional Office of Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia is worth to be mentioned.

Having recognized the Message of participants of the above-mentioned conference on neutrality as its document, the UN also welcomed the initiative of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about foundation of the Group of friends of neutrality for peace and security and on development of the Code of Conduct for application of neutrality principles during regulation of international issues.

According to Turkmen leader, “such document could be used by international community as effective level for prevention of possible confrontations, non-admission of their escalation in force stage, for diversion of conflict process into peaceful negotiation stream”.

It is worth reminding that proposal made by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on conduct of International Year of Peace and Trust has also been approved by the United Nations General Assembly, which announced 2021 under this slogan as a way to consolidate the efforts for achievement of stable peace, solidarity and harmony.

This year, our country convenes high-level international conference “Policy of Neutrality and its Significance in Provision of International Peace, Security and Sustainable Development” on December 12, which would be dedicated to celebration of International Neutrality Day and the 25th anniversary of the status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan.

This representative forum has to become a prelude to International year of Peace and Trust, which unites the states in their resolution to build respectful relations based on equal rights and constructiveness.

The Message to the UN Secretary General contains the urge to support active involvement of the United Nations agencies to the process of development and organization of the Ashgabat Conference in December as well as more active participation of the UN members in work of the coming forum.

This process gains momentum every day. Turkmenistan welcomes the anniversary of its neutrality with its numerous friends, partners and supporters in the atmosphere of creation, good neighbourliness and mutual understanding.

“We clearly see our perspectives, confidently make plans of development of the state and society. calibrated course toward wide, multidimensional international cooperation allows us looking to the future with optimism”, - Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says highlighting that neutral Turkmenistan is willing to cooperate actively with international organizations for achievement of common creative goals.