Ï Working session: International Cooperation and priorities of development of national economy

Working session: International Cooperation and priorities of development of national economy

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held working session with participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and head of number of profile departments. Subjects related to successful solution of objectives outlined in the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2020 – 2025, provision of balanced development of all branches of the economy have been reviewed at the session.

In the beginning, the Head of the State congratulated personnel of the Foreign Ministry and ambassadors on the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan and wished the big success in their activity.

Having noted that good news have comes – final document of International Conference “Turkmenistan and International Organizations: Cooperation for Peace and Development”, which was held in Ashgabat on January 14, 2020, has been published in the UN official languages and distributed at the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly, the Head of the State congratulated diplomats and all Turkmen people on this remarkable event.

On behalf of all Turkmen diplomats, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov expressed gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for congratulations on occasion of the celebration.

The Vice-premier has also reported about work for activation of international cooperation in different spheres, provision of high organizational level of events planned on occasion of the 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State highlighted necessity to hold subjects related to implementation of priorities of the foreign strategy of the country under permanent control and gave number of instructions for efficient continuation of this work.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Mushshikov and Chairman of the Central Bank B. Annadurdiyev reported on fulfilment of assignments on improvement of financial and banking system and economic complex in general.

It was mentioned that integrated measures for implementation of latest technologies, enhancement of investment activity of the branches are taken.

Having pointed out necessity of responsible and integrated approach to the subjects related to investments, which is important factor of strengthening of the economy, as well as steadfast improvement of work of financial and economic structures based on implementation of advanced international practice, digital technologies, the President gave specific assignments to relative officials.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev reported on fulfilment of assignments related to industrialization of the country, improvement of activity of construction structures, development of new production and social projects.

The President of Turkmenistan has focused that measures for increment of rates of construction in the capital and regions, for modernization of relative structures have to have effective character. Therefore, work in this field has to be aimed at successful solution of objectives followed from adopted Programme of social and economic development of the country.

Developing the projects related to increment of potential of construction and energy industries, existing capabilities and long-term plans have to be taken into consideration, the Head of the State noted, having addressed the Vice-premier with specific assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on work for implementation of advanced technologies at the facilities of textile industry as well as on some directions of the Programme of social and economic development of the country.

The Head of the State has focused that increment of volumes of import substitutive production, strengthening of potential of the country are the main objectives of trade and services sphere and textile complex.

Having highlighted the subject of improvement of activity of facilities of textile industry and implementation of new projects in this sphere, the President ordered to take all necessary measures for this with relative structures.

Continuing the session, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov reported on large-scale measures for modernization of transport and logistic infrastructure, introduction of digital system as well as activation of international partnership in these fields.

Having noted important role of transport and logistics in economic development and expansion of foreign economic relations of the state, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out that work in this direction has to meet modern requirements.

Having highlighted importance of rapid industrialization and digitization of the country, the Head of the State requested to enhance the reforms in these spheres.

After, the President of Turkmenistan has listened to the report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov and Advisor of the President of Turkmenistan on Oil and Gas Affairs Ya. Kakayev, who reported on works in oil and gas complex under objectives of the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2020 – 2025.

The Head of the State noted utmost importance of the measures related to improvement of activity of fuel and energy complex, enhancement of efficiency of development of oil and gas deposits and the main thing – to the implementation of advanced practice and latest technologies to all structural divisions of the industry. it was highlighted that diversification of oil and gas industry is a current subject.

Continuing conversation on this matter, the President has focused on the necessity to hold construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India has line, successful solution of objectives followed from the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030 under permanent control and gave specific assignments to relative leaders.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on current work for improvement of activity of facilities of scientific and educational sphere, development of digital system and implementation of scientific and technical innovations to production.

Use of scientific achievements and digital system is one of the main directions of the state development, the Head of the State highlighted, having pointed out that it is necessary to implement technical innovations to all structures of national economy.

Having noted importance of scientific justification of objectives provided by the Programme of social and economic development of the country, the President addressed the Vice-premier with assignments to carry out relative scientific studies.

Addressing Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Amanov, who is in charge of military and law enforcement agencies of the country, the Head of the State has focused tat work in military and law enforcement structures and measures taken in relative directions have to be under permanent control. The President gave number assignments to the Vice-premier on this account.

Number of other subjects related to social and economic development of the country, activation of international cooperation as well as improvement of wellbeing of the population have been reviewed during the session.

Summing up the outcomes of the working session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in solution of set objectives to the participants.