Ï The Head of the State have a horse ride

The Head of the State have a horse ride

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Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has visited Ahalteke equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan, having spared his lunchtime break to see ‘sky’ horses.

Following his habit to have regular horse rides, Turkmen leader often visits and sees horses in equestrian centres, expressed interest in their breeding, training and preparation to sport competitions. This time, the Head of the State spent some time riding Yildyryrm.

This year, International Ahalteke Equestrian Association, which was founded by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, observes its tenth anniversary. The activity of the Association with the headquarter in Ashgabat makes new opportunities for activation of international cooperation in this field.

International exhibitions and conferences with participation of scientists, hippologists, horse breeders, selectionists, sportsmen, coaches from different states as well as horse beauty contests traditionally timed to the Turkmen Horse Celebration serve to these purposes.

Number of members of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association, which has become an open platform for dialog and professional cooperation of horse breeders from different countries, for improvement of this breed and development of its outstanding features, growth every year.

Coordinated activity of members of the Association expanded work for popularization of ahalteke horses, gave international character to it and attracted universal attention to significance of ahalteke breed as a unique occurrence of the world civilization. This is one of conceptual objectives of the organization, which has been outlined by President of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

It is hard to find any better breed than ahalteke horse in communication with people. Having proud nature, it can be very obeying if it is treated sincerely and kind and is easy to train. Therefore, ahalteke horses are outstanding in equestrian sports, they are starred in movies and perform in circus.

It is remarkable that wonderful relation between horse and man has not lost its importance in our age of scientific and technical progress. The Head of the State cares of ‘heaven horses’ with love, knows their habits excellently. He has studied the history and traditions of national horse breeding. Turkmen horses are special subject in literature activity of the President, who wrote excellent books about ahalteke horses, which are based on thorough study of archive and modern materials, scientific facts and sources.

Due to the efforts of the Head of the State, who pays tribute of respect to talent and experience of ancestors, national equestrian sphere received its new development in our days while its ancient traditions – deserved continuation. Work for careful protection of rich national historical and cultural heritage supports improvement of the world glory of Turkmen horses.

Programme activities are carried out in the country by initiative and under patronage of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for development of equestrian sphere, modernization of its structure, increment of livestock of purebred ahalteke horses, activation of international cooperation in this direction, popularization of different equestrian sports and national games.

Owing to its large-scale work, excellent equestrian complexes have been built in the capital and regions of Turkmenistan, the world glory of ‘winged horses’ as well as Turkmen horse breeders, coaches and jockeys is growing.

Big and targeted scientific and selection work for formation of new line of the breed of ‘heaven horses’, protection of gene pool and increment of livestock of thoroughbred ahalteke horses, which have been recognized as standards of beauty and perfection, is carried out in Turkmenistan today.

Special attention is paid to provision of the industry with qualified personnel. High and secondary educational institutes of the country also teach specialists of relative profile.

In addition, such honoured titles as “Honoured Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan”, “Master Jockey of Turkmenistan”, “national Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan”, which are conferred to national and foreign horse breeders, have been instituted for deserved appreciation of their work.

For activation of scientific and research work in this sphere, the Head of the State ordered to found Scientific Centre for Study of ahalteke horses under Turkmen Agricultural University as well as proposed an initiative for opening of the Academy of Ahalteke Horse Breeding in our country.

Being supporter of healthy life style, the President of Turkmenistan pays special attention to development of physical culture, different sports including equestrian sport.

Legendary ‘sky horses’ are the adornments of all national celebration in our country. The spectators are charmed with beauty and speed of true royal horses as well as with the stunts of Turkmen horse riders, which they performed at full gallop. Horse riders demonstrate an excellent skills of all tricks and stunts of fancy horse riding in captivating shows.

This is a hard work to bring up a real racer. This science of our skilful ancestors is mastered by the growing generation is keen interest. From the first steps in new endeavour, young horse riders are taught to understand the horse, to find common language in order to become true friends. Only after that, they start to learn how to ride. Competitions of young jockeys has become a tradition in our country.

Organization of horse races has become a good tradition together with large-scale cultural events dedicated to remarkable dates in Turkmenistan. Such challenges as horse races reveal all unsurpassed features of ahalteke horse, which add a huge power of expression such as impressive speed, power and will, committed and restless character, everything which is brought up in the horse by skilful breeders and jockeys to its aesthetic beauty.

It is worth to make special mention that deserved place is given to the races in the programme of cultural events and activities planned on occasion of remarkable dates of the year “Turkmenistan – Home of Neutrality”, which indicates the commitment to ancient traditions of our nation and development of national customs.

After a horse ride, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has brought Yildyrym back to the stable and left Ahalteke Equestrian Complex.